以下にJavaのメソッドを示します。Java$ ===は、線と平面の交差点を検出します。含まれていないベクトルメソッドはありますが、その機能は自明です。
* Determines the point of intersection between a plane defined by a point and a normal vector and a line defined by a point and a direction vector.
* @param planePoint A point on the plane.
* @param planeNormal The normal vector of the plane.
* @param linePoint A point on the line.
* @param lineDirection The direction vector of the line.
* @return The point of intersection between the line and the plane, null if the line is parallel to the plane.
public static Vector lineIntersection(Vector planePoint, Vector planeNormal, Vector linePoint, Vector lineDirection) {
if (planeNormal.dot(lineDirection.normalize()) == 0) {
return null;
double t = (planeNormal.dot(planePoint) - planeNormal.dot(linePoint)) / planeNormal.dot(lineDirection.normalize());
return linePoint.plus(lineDirection.normalize().scale(t));
Heres a Pythonの例では、直線と平面の交差点を見つけます。
平面が点と法線、または4dベクトル(法線)の場合、以下の例では(両方のコードが提供されます) 。
と呼ばれます)。 0から1までの値がラインセグメントと交差するため、これも返す必要があります。これは呼び出し側にとって便利な場合があります。
注:この例では、他の言語に簡単に移動できるように、依存関係のない純粋な関数を使用しています。 Vector
_# intersection function
def isect_line_plane_v3(p0, p1, p_co, p_no, epsilon=1e-6):
p0, p1: define the line
p_co, p_no: define the plane:
p_co is a point on the plane (plane coordinate).
p_no is a normal vector defining the plane direction;
(does not need to be normalized).
return a Vector or None (when the intersection can't be found).
u = sub_v3v3(p1, p0)
dot = dot_v3v3(p_no, u)
if abs(dot) > epsilon:
# the factor of the point between p0 -> p1 (0 - 1)
# if 'fac' is between (0 - 1) the point intersects with the segment.
# otherwise:
# < 0.0: behind p0.
# > 1.0: infront of p1.
w = sub_v3v3(p0, p_co)
fac = -dot_v3v3(p_no, w) / dot
u = mul_v3_fl(u, fac)
return add_v3v3(p0, u)
# The segment is parallel to plane
return None
# ----------------------
# generic math functions
def add_v3v3(v0, v1):
return (
v0[0] + v1[0],
v0[1] + v1[1],
v0[2] + v1[2],
def sub_v3v3(v0, v1):
return (
v0[0] - v1[0],
v0[1] - v1[1],
v0[2] - v1[2],
def dot_v3v3(v0, v1):
return (
(v0[0] * v1[0]) +
(v0[1] * v1[1]) +
(v0[2] * v1[2])
def len_squared_v3(v0):
return dot_v3v3(v0, v0)
def mul_v3_fl(v0, f):
return (
v0[0] * f,
v0[1] * f,
v0[2] * f,
_def isect_line_plane_v3_4d(p0, p1, plane, epsilon=1e-6):
u = sub_v3v3(p1, p0)
dot = dot_v3v3(plane, u)
if abs(dot) > epsilon:
# calculate a point on the plane
# (divide can be omitted for unit hessian-normal form).
p_co = mul_v3_fl(plane, -plane[3] / len_squared_v3(plane))
w = sub_v3v3(p0, p_co)
fac = -dot_v3v3(plane, w) / dot
u = mul_v3_fl(u, fac)
return add_v3v3(p0, u)
return None
さらに参照するために、これはBlenderから取得され、Pythonに適合しました。 isect_line_plane_v3()
in math_geom.c
わかりやすくするために、ここでは mathutils API(演算子のオーバーロードを使用して他の数学ライブラリ用に変更可能)を使用するバージョンを示します。
_# point-normal plane
def isect_line_plane_v3(p0, p1, p_co, p_no, epsilon=1e-6):
u = p1 - p0
dot = p_no * u
if abs(dot) > epsilon:
w = p0 - p_co
fac = -(plane * w) / dot
return p0 + (u * fac)
return None
# normal-form plane
def isect_line_plane_v3_4d(p0, p1, plane, epsilon=1e-6):
u = p1 - p0
dot = plane.xyz * u
if abs(dot) > epsilon:
p_co = plane.xyz * (-plane[3] / plane.xyz.length_squared)
w = p0 - p_co
fac = -(plane * w) / dot
return p0 + (u * fac)
return None
x = 5 - 13t
y = 5 - 11t
z = 5 - 8t
は何でもかまいません。すべての(無限)セット(x, y, z)
x + 2y + 2z = 5
( here から取得)上記のx
のみ。 t
#Based on http://geomalgorithms.com/a05-_intersect-1.html
from __future__ import print_function
import numpy as np
#Define plane
planeNormal = np.array([0, 0, 1])
planePoint = np.array([0, 0, 5]) #Any point on the plane
#Define ray
rayDirection = np.array([0, -1, -1])
rayPoint = np.array([0, 0, 10]) #Any point along the ray
ndotu = planeNormal.dot(rayDirection)
if abs(ndotu) < epsilon:
print ("no intersection or line is within plane")
w = rayPoint - planePoint
si = -planeNormal.dot(w) / ndotu
Psi = w + si * rayDirection + planePoint
print ("intersection at", Psi)
Pythonの this Matlabコード(交差のチェックを除く)に基づく
# n: normal vector of the Plane
# V0: any point that belongs to the Plane
# P0: end point 1 of the segment P0P1
# P1: end point 2 of the segment P0P1
n = np.array([1., 1., 1.])
V0 = np.array([1., 1., -5.])
P0 = np.array([-5., 1., -1.])
P1 = np.array([1., 2., 3.])
w = P0 - V0;
u = P1-P0;
N = -np.dot(n,w);
D = np.dot(n,u)
sI = N / D
I = P0+ sI*u
print I
[-3.90909091 1.18181818 -0.27272727]
これは、共有リンクのより堅牢な実装だと思います before
直線を定義する2つの点pとqがあり、一般的なデカルト形式の平面ax + by + cz + d = 0がある場合、パラメトリック法を使用できます。
* findLinePlaneIntersectionCoords (to avoid requiring unnecessary instantiation)
* Given points p with px py pz and q that define a line, and the plane
* of formula ax+by+cz+d = 0, returns the intersection point or null if none.
function findLinePlaneIntersectionCoords(px, py, pz, qx, qy, qz, a, b, c, d) {
var tDenom = a*(qx-px) + b*(qy-py) + c*(qz-pz);
if (tDenom == 0) return null;
var t = - ( a*px + b*py + c*pz + d ) / tDenom;
return {
x: (px+t*(qx-px)),
y: (py+t*(qy-py)),
z: (pz+t*(qz-pz))
// Example (plane at y = 10 and perpendicular line from the Origin)
// Example (no intersection, plane and line are parallel)
平面上の任意の同質点に対してp ^ T * x = 0となるような平面を記述するベクトル4x1 pがあります。次に、ラインL = ab ^ T-ba ^ Tのプラッカー座標を計算します。ここで、a = {point_1; 1}、b = {point_2; 1}、両方ともライン上の4x1
計算:x = L * p = {x0、x1、x2、x3}
x_intersect =({x0、x1、x2}/x3)ここで、x3がゼロの場合、ユークリッドの意味での交点はありません。
ZGorlock's answerを展開するために、3Dベクトルのドット積、およびスカルスを行いました。これらの計算の参照は、 ドット積 、 2つの3Dベクトルの追加 、および スケーリング です。注:Vec3Dは、x、y、zのポイントを持つカスタムクラスにすぎません。
* Determines the point of intersection between a plane defined by a point and a normal vector and a line defined by a point and a direction vector.
* @param planePoint A point on the plane.
* @param planeNormal The normal vector of the plane.
* @param linePoint A point on the line.
* @param lineDirection The direction vector of the line.
* @return The point of intersection between the line and the plane, null if the line is parallel to the plane.
public static Vec3D lineIntersection(Vec3D planePoint, Vec3D planeNormal, Vec3D linePoint, Vec3D lineDirection) {
//ax × bx + ay × by
int dot = (int) (planeNormal.x * lineDirection.x + planeNormal.y * lineDirection.y);
if (dot == 0) {
return null;
// Ref for dot product calculation: https://www.mathsisfun.com/algebra/vectors-dot-product.html
int dot2 = (int) (planeNormal.x * planePoint.x + planeNormal.y * planePoint.y);
int dot3 = (int) (planeNormal.x * linePoint.x + planeNormal.y * linePoint.y);
int dot4 = (int) (planeNormal.x * lineDirection.x + planeNormal.y * lineDirection.y);
double t = (dot2 - dot3) / dot4;
float xs = (float) (lineDirection.x * t);
float ys = (float) (lineDirection.y * t);
float zs = (float) (lineDirection.z * t);
Vec3D lineDirectionScale = new Vec3D( xs, ys, zs);
float xa = (linePoint.x + lineDirectionScale.x);
float ya = (linePoint.y + lineDirectionScale.y);
float za = (linePoint.z + lineDirectionScale.z);
return new Vec3D(xa, ya, za);