StatFs.getAvailableBlocks を試してください。 getBlockSizeを使用して、ブロック数をKBに変換する必要があります。
例:1 Gbのような人間が読めるサイズを取得する
文字列メモリ= bytesToHuman(totalMemory())
Returns size in bytes.
If you need calculate external memory, change this:
StatFs statFs = new StatFs(Environment.getRootDirectory().getAbsolutePath());
to this:
StatFs statFs = new StatFs(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getAbsolutePath());
public long totalMemory()
StatFs statFs = new StatFs(Environment.getRootDirectory().getAbsolutePath());
long total = (statFs.getBlockCount() * statFs.getBlockSize());
return total;
public long freeMemory()
StatFs statFs = new StatFs(Environment.getRootDirectory().getAbsolutePath());
long free = (statFs.getAvailableBlocks() * statFs.getBlockSize());
return free;
public long busyMemory()
StatFs statFs = new StatFs(Environment.getRootDirectory().getAbsolutePath());
long total = (statFs.getBlockCount() * statFs.getBlockSize());
long free = (statFs.getAvailableBlocks() * statFs.getBlockSize());
long busy = total - free;
return busy;
バイトを人間が読める形式に変換する(1 Mb、1 Gbなど)
public static String floatForm (double d)
return new DecimalFormat("#.##").format(d);
public static String bytesToHuman (long size)
long Kb = 1 * 1024;
long Mb = Kb * 1024;
long Gb = Mb * 1024;
long Tb = Gb * 1024;
long Pb = Tb * 1024;
long Eb = Pb * 1024;
if (size < Kb) return floatForm( size ) + " byte";
if (size >= Kb && size < Mb) return floatForm((double)size / Kb) + " Kb";
if (size >= Mb && size < Gb) return floatForm((double)size / Mb) + " Mb";
if (size >= Gb && size < Tb) return floatForm((double)size / Gb) + " Gb";
if (size >= Tb && size < Pb) return floatForm((double)size / Tb) + " Tb";
if (size >= Pb && size < Eb) return floatForm((double)size / Pb) + " Pb";
if (size >= Eb) return floatForm((double)size / Eb) + " Eb";
return "???";
OSファイルを含むシステムパーティションで使用可能なメモリを確認するには、Environment.getRootDirectory()を使用します。アプリはシステムパーティションにアクセスできないため、この統計はおそらくあまり役に立ちません。 DeviceStorageMonitorServiceは情報目的で使用し、それをログに入力します。
一時ファイル/キャッシュメモリを確認するには、Environment.getDownloadCacheDirectory()を使用します。 DeviceStorageMonitorServiceは、メモリが少なくなると、一時ファイルの一部をクリーンアップしようとします。
内部(/ data)、外部(/ sdcard)およびOS(/ system)の空きメモリを取得するためのサンプルコード:
// Get internal (data partition) free space
// This will match what's shown in System Settings > Storage for
// Internal Space, when you subtract Total - Used
public long getFreeInternalMemory()
return getFreeMemory(Environment.getDataDirectory());
// Get external (SDCARD) free space
public long getFreeExternalMemory()
return getFreeMemory(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory());
// Get Android OS (system partition) free space
public long getFreeSystemMemory()
return getFreeMemory(Environment.getRootDirectory());
// Get free space for provided path
// Note that this will throw IllegalArgumentException for invalid paths
public long getFreeMemory(File path)
StatFs stats = new StatFs(path.getAbsolutePath());
return stats.getAvailableBlocksLong() * stats.getBlockSizeLong();
@XXXの回答に基づいて、StatFをラップして簡単に使用できるGistコードスニペットを作成しました。あなたはそれを見つけることができます ここではGitHub Gistとして 。
乗算を行う前に、整数値をlongに型キャストします。 2つの大きな整数間の乗算はオーバーフローし、負の結果をもたらす可能性があります。
public long sd_card_free(){
File path = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory();
StatFs stat = new StatFs(path.getPath());
int availBlocks = stat.getAvailableBlocksLong();
int blockSize = stat.getBlockSizeLong();
long free_memory = (long)availBlocks * (long)blockSize;
return free_memory;
* Returns the amount of free memory.
* @return {@code long} - Free space.
public long getFreeInternalMemory() {
return getFreeMemory(Environment.getDataDirectory());
* Returns the free amount in SDCARD.
* @return {@code long} - Free space.
public long getFreeExternalMemory() {
return getFreeMemory(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory());
* Returns the free amount in OS.
* @return {@code long} - Free space.
public long getFreeSystemMemory() {
return getFreeMemory(Environment.getRootDirectory());
* Returns the free amount in mounted path
* @param path {@link File} - Mounted path.
* @return {@code long} - Free space.
public long getFreeMemory(File path) {
if ((null != path) && (path.exists()) && (path.isDirectory())) {
StatFs stats = new StatFs(path.getAbsolutePath());
return stats.getAvailableBlocksLong() * stats.getBlockSizeLong();
return -1;
* Convert bytes to human format.
* @param totalBytes {@code long} - Total of bytes.
* @return {@link String} - Converted size.
public String bytesToHuman(long totalBytes) {
String[] simbols = new String[] {"B", "KiB", "MiB", "GiB", "TiB", "PiB", "EiB"};
long scale = 1L;
for (String simbol : simbols) {
if (totalBytes < (scale * 1024L)) {
return String.format("%s %s", new DecimalFormat("#.##").format((double)totalBytes / scale), simbol);
scale *= 1024L;
return "-1 B";
public long sd_card_free(){
File path = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory();
StatFs stat = new StatFs(path.getPath());
long availBlocks = stat.getAvailableBlocksLong();
long blockSize = stat.getBlockSizeLong();
long free_memory = availBlocks * blockSize;
return free_memory;
File pathOS = Environment.getRootDirectory();//Os Storage
StatFs statOS = new StatFs(pathOS.getPath());
File pathInternal = Environment.getDataDirectory();// Internal Storage
StatFs statInternal = new StatFs(pathInternal.getPath());
File pathSdcard = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory();//External(SD CARD) Storage
StatFs statSdcard = new StatFs(pathSdcard.getPath());
if((Android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 18)) {
// Get Android OS (system partition) free space API 18 & Below
int totalBlocksOS = statOS.getBlockCount();
int blockSizeOS = statOS.getBlockSize();
int availBlocksOS = statOS.getAvailableBlocks();
long total_OS_memory = (long) totalBlocksOS * (long) blockSizeOS;
long free_OS_memory = (long) availBlocksOS * (long) blockSizeOS;
long Used_OS_memory = total_OS_memory - free_OS_memory;
TotalOsMemory = total_OS_memory ;
FreeOsMemory = free_OS_memory;
UsedOsMemory = Used_OS_memory;
// Get internal (data partition) free space API 18 & Below
int totalBlocksInternal = statInternal.getBlockCount();
int blockSizeInternal = statOS.getBlockSize();
int availBlocksInternal = statInternal.getAvailableBlocks();
long total_Internal_memory = (long) totalBlocksInternal * (long) blockSizeInternal;
long free_Internal_memory = (long) availBlocksInternal * (long) blockSizeInternal;
long Used_Intenal_memory = total_Internal_memory - free_Internal_memory;
TotalInternalMemory = total_Internal_memory;
FreeInternalMemory = free_Internal_memory ;
UsedInternalMemory = Used_Intenal_memory ;
// Get external (SDCARD) free space for API 18 & Below
int totalBlocksSdcard = statSdcard.getBlockCount();
int blockSizeSdcard = statOS.getBlockSize();
int availBlocksSdcard = statSdcard.getAvailableBlocks();
long total_Sdcard_memory = (long) totalBlocksSdcard * (long) blockSizeSdcard;
long free_Sdcard_memory = (long) availBlocksSdcard * (long) blockSizeSdcard;
long Used_Sdcard_memory = total_Sdcard_memory - free_Sdcard_memory;
TotalSdcardMemory = total_Sdcard_memory;
FreeSdcardMemory = free_Sdcard_memory;
UsedSdcardMemory = Used_Sdcard_memory;
else {
// Get Android OS (system partition) free space for API 18 & Above
long total_OS_memory = (statOS. getBlockCountLong() * statOS.getBlockSizeLong());
long free_OS_memory = (statOS. getAvailableBlocksLong() * statOS.getBlockSizeLong());
long Used_OS_memory = total_OS_memory - free_OS_memory;
TotalOsMemory = total_OS_memory ;
FreeOsMemory = free_OS_memory;
UsedOsMemory = Used_OS_memory;
// Get internal (data partition) free space for API 18 & Above
long total_Internal_memory = (statInternal. getBlockCountLong() * statInternal.getBlockSizeLong());
long free_Internal_memory = (statInternal. getAvailableBlocksLong() * statInternal.getBlockSizeLong());
long Used_Intenal_memory = total_Internal_memory - free_Internal_memory;
TotalInternalMemory = total_Internal_memory;
FreeInternalMemory = free_Internal_memory ;
UsedInternalMemory = Used_Intenal_memory ;
// Get external (SDCARD) free space for API 18 & Above
long total_Sdcard_memory = (statSdcard. getBlockCountLong() * statSdcard.getBlockSizeLong());
long free_Sdcard_memory = (statSdcard. getAvailableBlocksLong() * statSdcard.getBlockSizeLong());
long Used_Sdcard_memory = tota*emphasized text*l_Sdcard_memory - free_Sdcard_memory;
TotalSdcardMemory = total_Sdcard_memory;
FreeSdcardMemory = free_Sdcard_memory;
UsedSdcardMemory = Used_Sdcard_memory;
File[] roots = context.getExternalFilesDirs(null);
String path = roots[0].getAbsolutePath(); // PhoneMemory
String path = roots[1].getAbsolutePath(); // SCCard (if available)
String path = roots[2].getAbsolutePath(); // USB (if available)
long totalMemory = StatUtils.totalMemory(path);
long freeMemory = StatUtils.freeMemory(path);
final String totalSpace = StatUtils.humanize(totalMemory, true);
final String usableSpace = StatUtils.humanize(freeMemory, true);
public final class StatUtils {
public static long totalMemory(String path) {
StatFs statFs = new StatFs(path);
//noinspection deprecation
return (statFs.getBlockCount() * statFs.getBlockSize());
} else {
return (statFs.getBlockCountLong() * statFs.getBlockSizeLong());
public static long freeMemory(String path) {
StatFs statFs = new StatFs(path);
//noinspection deprecation
return (statFs.getAvailableBlocks() * statFs.getBlockSize());
} else {
return (statFs.getAvailableBlocksLong() * statFs.getBlockSizeLong());
public static long usedMemory(String path) {
long total = totalMemory(path);
long free = freeMemory(path);
return total - free;
public static String humanize(long bytes, boolean si) {
int unit = si ? 1000 : 1024;
if (bytes < unit) return bytes + " B";
int exp = (int) (Math.log(bytes) / Math.log(unit));
String pre = (si ? "kMGTPE" : "KMGTPE").charAt(exp - 1) + (si ? "" : "i");
return String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, "%.1f %sB", bytes / Math.pow(unit, exp), pre);