この些細なansibleプレイブックと関連する以下の出力を検討してください。タスク5が実行されるのはなぜですか?これらのタスクはdebianに対して実行されました。タスク1は期待どおりに失敗します。では、なぜ「ansible_lsb.major_release | int <14」でそれを実現するのですか?これは演算子の優先順位と関係がありますか?
- name: These tests run against debian
hosts: frontend001
- bcbio_dir: /mnt/bcbio
- is_ubuntu: "'{{ansible_distribution}}' == 'Ubuntu'"
- is_debian: "'{{ansible_distribution}}' == 'Debian'"
- name: 1. Expect skip because test is_ubuntu
debug: msg="ansible distribution - {{ansible_distribution}}, release - {{ansible_distribution_release}}, {{ ansible_lsb.major_release }}"
when: is_ubuntu
- name: 2. Expect to print msg because test is_debian
debug: msg="ansible distribution - {{ansible_distribution}}, release - {{ansible_distribution_release}}, {{ ansible_lsb.major_release }}"
when: is_debian
- name: 3. Expect to print msg because release 7 of wheezy
debug: msg="ansible distribution - {{ansible_distribution}}, release - {{ansible_distribution_release}}, {{ ansible_lsb.major_release }}"
when: ansible_lsb.major_release|int < 14
- name: 4. Expect to print msg because true and true is true
debug: msg="ansible distribution - {{ansible_distribution}}, release - {{ansible_distribution_release}}, {{ ansible_lsb.major_release }}"
when: is_debian and ansible_lsb.major_release|int < 14
- name: 5. Expect to skip because false and true is false
debug: msg="ansible distribution - {{ansible_distribution}}, release - {{ansible_distribution_release}}, {{ ansible_lsb.major_release }}"
when: is_ubuntu and ansible_lsb.major_release|int < 14
$ ansible-playbook -i ~/.elasticluster/storage/ansible-inventory.jkcluster zbcbio.yml
PLAY [These tests run against debian] *****************************************
GATHERING FACTS ***************************************************************
ok: [frontend001]
TASK: [1. Expect skip because test is_ubuntu] *********************************
skipping: [frontend001]
TASK: [2. Expect to print msg because test is_debian] *************************
ok: [frontend001] => {
"msg": "ansible distribution - Debian, release - wheezy, 7"
TASK: [3. Expect to print msg because release 7 of wheezy] ********************
ok: [frontend001] => {
"msg": "ansible distribution - Debian, release - wheezy, 7"
TASK: [4. Expect to print msg because true and true is true] ******************
ok: [frontend001] => {
"msg": "ansible distribution - Debian, release - wheezy, 7"
TASK: [5. Expect to skip because false and true is false] *********************
ok: [frontend001] => {
"msg": "ansible distribution - Debian, release - wheezy, 7"
PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************
frontend001 : ok=5 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0
- is_ubuntu: "'{{ansible_distribution}}' == 'Ubuntu'"
- is_ubuntu: "{{ansible_distribution == 'Ubuntu'}}"
when: is_ubuntu and ansible_lsb.major_release|int < 14
when: is_ubuntu|bool and ansible_lsb.major_release|int < 14
TLDR:変数は評価されずに文字列として出力されます。 jinja2を使用して評価を修正し、変数を|bool
- name: stackoverflow 26188055
hosts: local
- bcbio_dir: /mnt/bcbio
- is_ubuntu: "'{{ansible_distribution}}' == 'Ubuntu'"
- is_debian: "'{{ansible_distribution}}' == 'Debian'"
- debug: var=is_ubuntu
- debug: var=is_debian
- debug: msg="this shows the conditional passes even though it shouldnt"
when: is_ubuntu and true
TASK: [debug var=is_ubuntu] ***************************************************
ok: [] => {
"is_ubuntu": "'MacOSX' == 'Ubuntu'"
TASK: [debug var=is_debian] ***************************************************
ok: [] => {
"is_debian": "'MacOSX' == 'Debian'"
TASK: [debug msg="this shows the conditional passes even though it shouldnt"] ***
ok: [] => {
"msg": "this shows the conditional passes even though it shouldnt"
私の知る限り、真偽値で評価することはできません。通常、これは変数を展開することによって行われます(すべての「いつ」に配置します)。ただし、ブール値を文字列として取得し、それをブール値 にキャストして、変数のansibleページ (「ブール値」を検索する)に示唆されているように実現できます。
- name: stackoverflow 26188055
hosts: local
- bcbio_dir: /mnt/bcbio
- is_ubuntu: "{{ansible_distribution == 'Ubuntu'}}"
- is_debian: "{{ansible_distribution == 'Debian'}}"
- debug: var=is_ubuntu
- debug: var=is_debian
- debug: msg="this shows the conditional passes even though it shouldnt"
when: is_ubuntu|bool and true
TASK: [debug var=is_ubuntu] ***************************************************
ok: [] => {
"is_ubuntu": "False"
TASK: [debug var=is_debian] ***************************************************
ok: [] => {
"is_debian": "False"
TASK: [debug msg="this shows the conditional passes even though it shouldnt"] ***
skipping: []
Ansibleのversion_compareフィルター を利用したい場合があります。使い方は読者の練習問題として残しておきます。