





ASP&IISからデフォルトで作成されたASPSESSION CookieにHTTPONLYを設定する方法を知る必要があります。







Microsoftには、ISAPIフィルターを使用してすべての送信Cookieに使用する例が含まれています。 http://msdn.Microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms972826

またはURL書き換えを使用できます http://forums.iis.net/p/1168473/1946312.aspx

            <rule name="Add HttpOnly" preCondition="No HttpOnly">
                <match serverVariable="RESPONSE_Set_Cookie" pattern=".*" negate="false" />
                <action type="Rewrite" value="{R:0}; HttpOnly" />
                <preCondition name="No HttpOnly">
                    <add input="{RESPONSE_Set_Cookie}" pattern="." />
                    <add input="{RESPONSE_Set_Cookie}" pattern="; HttpOnly" negate="true" />

IIS7 +を使用している場合は、URL書き換えモジュールがインストールされていることを確認する必要があります。 Web Platform Installerを使用してインストールできます。 Web Platform Installerは、Webサイトの機能ビューにあります。 IIS Managerを管理者として実行する必要があります。

Run IIS As Administratro

Webサイトの機能ビューでWeb Platform Installerをクリックします。

Web Platform Installer


Url Rewrite Server Product

URL書き換えサーバー製品をインストールすると、WebサイトのURL書き換え機能を使用して、セッションID CookieにHttpOnlyを追加するルールを追加できます。

URL Rewrite Feature

enter image description here

Add HttpOnly Outbound Rule


enter image description here


enter image description here


MicrosoftのISAPIフィルターの例 をコンパイルしました。これは私の問題を解決しました。

ISAPI DLL is here


Response.AddHeader "Set-Cookie", "CookieName=CookieValue; path=/; HttpOnly" 

出典: http://www.asp101.com/tips/index.asp?id=16

Martin Eve


        <rule name="Secure ASP session cookie">
            <match serverVariable="RESPONSE_Set_Cookie" pattern="ASPSESSIONID(.*)" negate="false" />
            <!--<action type="Rewrite" value="ASPSESSIONID{R:1}; HttpOnly; Secure" />-->
            <action type="Rewrite" value="ASPSESSIONID{R:1}; HttpOnly" />

URLrewriteを使用してすべてのCookieをHttpOnly/Secureにすることも可能ですが、JavaScriptで読み取り可能にするためにCookieが必要になる場合があるため、ここで「HttpOnly "および"安全 ":

' *********************************************************************************************************
' Set a cookie
' *********************************************************************************************************

sub set_cookie(cookie_name,cookie_value,cookie_path,http_only,secure,expire)

    Dim cookie_header, split_expire, expire_value

    ' Set the cookie name and value. The value must be URL encoded.

    cookie_header = cookie_name & "=" & server.URLEncode(cookie_value) & "; "

    ' To set cookies that can be accessed by sub domains, you need to specify the domain as
    ' ".mydomain.com". If no domain is specified then the cookie will be set as "Host only",
    ' and only be accessible to the domain it was set on. Un-comment to disable Host only:

    'cookie_header = cookie_header & "Domain=.mydomain.com; "

    ' Check the expire value for a specific expiry length (e.g; "1 year")
    ' For session cookies, the expiry should be set to null.

    if NOT isDate(expire) AND NOT isNull(expire) then

        ' Remove any double spaces and trim the value.

        expire = replace(expire,"  "," ")
        expire = trim(expire)

        ' Split on space to separate the expiry value from the expiry unit.

        split_expire = split(expire," ")

        ' A uBound value of 1 is expected

        if uBound(split_expire) = 1 then

            expire_value = split_expire(0)
            if NOT isNumeric(expire_value) then exit sub
            expire_value = int(expire_value)

            select case lCase(split_expire(1))

                case "minute","minutes"
                    expire = DateAdd("n",expire_value,Now())
                case "hour","hours"
                    expire = DateAdd("h",expire_value,Now())
                case "day","days"
                    expire = DateAdd("d",expire_value,Now())
                case "week","weeks"
                    expire = DateAdd("ww",expire_value,Now())
                case "month","months"
                    expire = DateAdd("m",expire_value,Now())
                case "year","years"
                    expire = DateAdd("yyyy",expire_value,Now())
                case else
                    ' unknown expiry unit, exit sub
                    exit sub
            end select


            ' Unexpected uBound. This means no space was included when specifying the expiry length
            ' or multiple spaces were included. 

            exit sub

        end if

    end if

    ' Set the expiry date if there is one. If the expiry value is null then no expiry date will be set and 
    ' the cookie will expire when the session does (a session cookie).

    ' The expiry date can only be UTC or GMT. Be sure to check your servers timezone and adjust accordingly.

    if isDate(expire) then

        ' The cookie date needs to be formatted as:
        ' WeekDayName(shortened), day-monthName(shortened)-year timestamp(00:00:00) GMT/UTC

        expire = cDate(expire)
        cookie_header = cookie_header & "expires=" &_ 
        weekday_name(WeekDay(expire),true) & ", " &_ 
        ZeroPad(Day(expire)) & "-" &_ 
        month_name(Month(expire),true) & "-" &_ 
        year(expire) & " " &_ 
        timeFromDate(expire) & " UTC; "

    end if

    cookie_header = cookie_header & "path=" & cookie_path & "; "

    ' HttpOnly means cookies can only be read over a HTTP (or HTTPS) connection.
    ' This prevents JavaScript from being able to read any cookies set as HttpOnly.
    ' HttpOnly should always be used unless you're setting a cookie that needs to
    ' be accessed by JavaScript (a CSRF token cookie for example).

    if http_only then
        cookie_header = cookie_header & "HttpOnly; "
    end if

    ' A "secure" cookie means the cookie can only be accessed over a HTTPS connection.
    ' If we try to create a secure cookie over a none HTTPS connection it will be 
    ' rejected by most browsers. So check the HTTPS protocol is ON before setting a
    ' cookie as secure. This check is particularly useful when running on a localhost,
    ' most localhosts don't use HTTPS, so trying to set a Secure cookie won't work. 

    if secure AND uCase(request.ServerVariables("HTTPS")) = "ON" then
        cookie_header = cookie_header & "Secure; "
    end if          

    ' Add the header and remove the trailing ";"

    response.AddHeader "Set-Cookie",left(cookie_header,len(cookie_header)-2)

end sub

' *********************************************************************************************************
' Delete a cookie   
' *********************************************************************************************************

sub delete_cookie(cookie_name)

    ' There is no header for deleting cookies. Instead, cookies are modified to a date that
    ' has already expired and the users browser will delete the expired cookie for us.

    response.AddHeader "Set-Cookie",cookie_name & "=; " &_
    "expires=Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:00 UTC; path=/"

end sub

' *********************************************************************************************************
' When the LCID is set to 1033 (us) vbLongTime formats in 12hr with AM / PM, this is invalid for a cookie
' timestamp. Instead, we use vbShortTime which returns the hour and minute as 24hr with any LCID, then use
' vbLongTime to get the seconds, and join the two together.
' *********************************************************************************************************

function timeFromDate(ByVal theDate)
    Dim ts_secs : ts_secs = split(FormatDateTime(theDate,vbLongTime),":")       
    if uBound(ts_secs) = 2 then
        timeFromDate = FormatDateTime(theDate,vbShortTime) & ":" & left(ts_secs(2),2)
        timeFromDate = "00:00:00"   
    end if
end function

' *********************************************************************************************************
' WeekDayName and MonthName will return a value in the native language based on the LCID.
' These are custom functions used to return the weekday and month names in english, 
' reguardless of the LCID
' *********************************************************************************************************

function weekday_name(weekday_val, shorten)

    select case weekday_val

        case 1
            if shorten then weekday_name = "Sun" else weekday_name = "Sunday"
        case 2
            if shorten then weekday_name = "Mon" else weekday_name = "Monday"
        case 3
            if shorten then weekday_name = "Tue" else weekday_name = "Tuesday"
        case 4
            if shorten then weekday_name = "Wed" else weekday_name = "Wednesday"
        case 5
            if shorten then weekday_name = "Thu" else weekday_name = "Thursday"
        case 6
            if shorten then weekday_name = "Fri" else weekday_name = "Friday"
        case 7
            if shorten then weekday_name = "Sat" else weekday_name = "Saturday"

    end select

end function

function month_name(month_val, shorten)

    select case month_val

        case 1
            if shorten then month_name = "Jan" else month_name = "January"
        case 2
            if shorten then month_name = "Feb" else month_name = "February"
        case 3
            if shorten then month_name = "Mar" else month_name = "March"
        case 4
            if shorten then month_name = "Apr" else month_name = "April"
        case 5
            month_name = "May"
        case 6
            if shorten then month_name = "Jun" else month_name = "June"
        case 7
            if shorten then month_name = "Jul" else month_name = "July"
        case 8
            if shorten then month_name = "Aug" else month_name = "August"
        case 9
            if shorten then month_name = "Sep" else month_name = "September"
        case 10
            if shorten then month_name = "Oct" else month_name = "October"
        case 11
            if shorten then month_name = "Nov" else month_name = "November"
        case 12
            if shorten then month_name = "Dec" else month_name = "December"

    end select

end function

' *********************************************************************************************************
' Prefix a 1 digit number with a 0. Used in date formatting
' *********************************************************************************************************

function zeroPad(theNum)
    if len(theNum) = 1 then
        zeroPad = cStr("0" & theNum)
        zeroPad = theNum
    end if
end function


' **************************************************************************************************************
' **************************************************************************************************************

' Expire on a specific date: 

call set_cookie("cookie_name1","cookie value","/",true,true,"15 Jan 2019 12:12:12")
call set_cookie("cookie_name2","cookie value","/",true,true,"15 January 2019 12:12:12")

call set_cookie("cookie_name3","cookie value","/",true,true,"Jan 15 2019 12:12:12")
call set_cookie("cookie_name4","cookie value","/",true,true,"January 15 2019 12:12:12")

call set_cookie("cookie_name5","cookie value","/",true,true,"Jan 15 2019")
call set_cookie("cookie_name6","cookie value","/",true,true,"January 15 2019")

' Expire when the session ends (a sesson cookie):

call set_cookie("cookie_name7","cookie value","/",true,true,null)

' Specify an expiry length:

call set_cookie("cookie_name8","cookie value","/",true,true,"20 minutes")
call set_cookie("cookie_name9","cookie value","/",true,true,"1 hour")
call set_cookie("cookie_name10","cookie value","/",true,true,"10 days")
call set_cookie("cookie_name11","cookie value","/",true,true,"3 weeks")
call set_cookie("cookie_name12","cookie value","/",true,true,"1 year")

' Delete a cookie:

call delete_cookie("cookie_name")

' This would also work for deleting a cookie:

call set_cookie("cookie_name","","/",false,false,"-1 year")


Dim AspSessionCookie
AspSessionCookie = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_COOKIE")

If instr(AspSessionCookie,"ASPSESSIONID") > 0 Then
    AspSessionCookie = "ASPSESSIONID" & Split(AspSessionCookie,"ASPSESSIONID")(1)
    If  InStr(1,AspSessionCookie,";") then
        AspSessionCookie = Split(AspSessionCookie,";")(0)        
    End If

    Response.AddHeader "Set-Cookie", AspSessionCookie & ";HttpOnly"
End If