バッチスクリプト内の任意のCALLレベルで "例外をスロー"し、アクティブな "TRYブロック"が見つかるまでCALLスタックを繰り返しポップさせ、 "CATCHブロック"が例外を処理できるようにしたい完全に続行するか、何らかのクリーンアップを行ってCALLスタックのポップを続行します。例外が処理されない場合、バッチ処理は終了し、制御はエラーメッセージとともにコマンドラインコンテキストに戻ります。
すでに CALLの深さでバッチ処理を終了するための投稿された方法を組み合わせて がありますが、これらの手法はいずれも、例外処理によって他の言語で通常提供される構造化されたクリーンアップアクティビティを許可しません。
しかし、その後、いくつかの驚くべき発見が ロシアのサイト で、誤ったGOTOステートメントの動作に関して行われました(言われたことはわかりませんが、ロシア語が読めません)。 英語の要約がDosTipsに投稿されました 、および動作がさらに調査されました。
@echo off
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
set "var=Parent Value"
call :test
echo This and the following line are not executed
exit /b
echo How did I get here^^!^^!^^!^^!
exit /b
setlocal disableDelayedExpansion
set "var=Child Value"
(goto) 2>nul & echo var=!var! & goto :break
echo This line is not executed
echo This line is not executed
var=Parent Value
How did I get here!!!!
call exception init
REM normal code goes here
REM Exception handling code goes here
call exception throw errorNumber "messageString" "locationString"
例外がスローされると、アクティブなTRY/CATCHが見つかるまで(GOTO) 2>NUL
を使用してCALLスタックを繰り返しポップし、CATCHブロックに分岐してそのコードを実行します。 CATCHブロックでは、一連の例外属性変数を使用できます。
例外が完全に処理された場合、call exception clear
call exception rethrow errorNumber "messageString" "locationString"
これをすべて可能にするコードを次に示します。完全なドキュメントがスクリプトに埋め込まれ、exception help
またはexception /?
::EXCEPTION.BAT Version 1.4
:: Provides exception handling for Windows batch scripts.
:: Designed and written by Dave Benham, with important contributions from
:: DosTips users jeb and siberia-man
:: Full documentation is at the bottom of this script
:: History:
:: v1.4 2016-08-16 Improved detection of command line delayed expansion
:: using an original idea by jeb
:: v1.3 2015-12-12 Added paged help option via MORE
:: v1.2 2015-07-16 Use COMSPEC instead of OS to detect delayed expansion
:: v1.1 2015-07-03 Preserve ! in exception attributes when delayed expansion enabled
:: v1.0 2015-06-26 Initial versioned release with embedded documentation
@echo off
if "%~1" equ "/??" goto pagedHelp
if "%~1" equ "/?" goto help
if "%~1" equ "" goto help
shift /1 & goto %1
:throw errCode errMsg errLoc
set "exception.Stack="
:: Fall through to :rethrow
:rethrow errCode errMsg errLoc
setlocal disableDelayedExpansion
if not defined exception.Restart set "exception.Stack=[%~1:%~2] %exception.Stack%"
for /f "delims=" %%1 in ("%~1") do for /f "delims=" %%2 in ("%~2") do for /f "delims=" %%3 in ("%~3") do (
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
for /l %%# in (1 1 10) do for /f "delims=" %%S in (" !exception.Stack!") do (
(goto) 2>NUL
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
if "!!" equ "" (
setlocal disableDelayedExpansion
call set "funcName=%%~0"
call set "batName=%%~f0"
if defined exception.Restart (set "exception.Restart=") else call set "exception.Stack=%%funcName%%%%S"
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
if !exception.Try! == !batName!:!funcName! (
set "exception.Code=%%1"
if "!!" equ "" (
call "%~f0" setDelayed
) else (
set "exception.Msg=%%2"
set "exception.Loc=%%3"
set "exception.Stack=%%S"
set "exception.Try="
goto :@Catch
) else (
for %%V in (Code Msg Loc Stack Try Restart) do set "exception.%%V="
if "^!^" equ "^!" (
call "%~f0" showDelayed
) else (
echo Unhandled batch exception:
echo Code = %%1
echo Msg = %%2
echo Loc = %%3
echo Stack=%%S
echo on
call "%~f0" Kill
set exception.Restart=1
setlocal disableDelayedExpansion
call "%~f0" rethrow %1 %2 %3
:: Never reaches here
set "@Try=call set exception.Try=%%~f0:%%~0"
set "@EndTry=set "exception.Try=" & goto :@endCatch"
:: Fall through to :clear
for %%V in (Code Msg Loc Stack Restart Try) do set "exception.%%V="
exit /b
:Kill - Cease all processing, ignoring any remaining cached commands
setlocal disableDelayedExpansion
if not exist "%temp%\Kill.Yes" call :buildYes
call :CtrlC <"%temp%\Kill.Yes" 1>nul 2>&1
@cmd /c exit -1073741510
:buildYes - Establish a Yes file for the language used by the OS
pushd "%temp%"
set "yes="
copy nul Kill.Yes >nul
for /f "delims=(/ tokens=2" %%Y in (
'"copy /-y nul Kill.Yes <nul"'
) do if not defined yes set "yes=%%Y"
echo %yes%>Kill.Yes
exit /b
setLocal disableDelayedExpansion
for %%. in (.) do (
set "v2=%%2"
set "v3=%%3"
set "vS=%%S"
set "exception.Msg=%v2:!=^!%"
set "exception.Loc=%v3:!=^!%"
set "exception.Stack=%vS:!=^!%"
exit /b
:showDelayed -
setLocal disableDelayedExpansion
for %%. in (.) do (
set "v2=%%2"
set "v3=%%3"
set "vS=%%S"
for /f "delims=" %%2 in ("%v2:!=^!%") do for /f "delims=" %%3 in ("%v3:!=^!%") do for /f "delims=" %%S in ("%vS:!=^!%") do (
echo Unhandled batch exception:
echo Code = %%1
echo Msg = %%2
echo Loc = %%3
echo Stack=%%S
exit /b
setlocal disableDelayedExpansion
for /f "delims=:" %%N in ('findstr /rbn ":::DOCUMENTATION:::" "%~f0"') do set "skip=%%N"
for /f "skip=%skip% tokens=1* delims=:" %%A in ('findstr /n "^" "%~f0"') do echo(%%B
exit /b
setlocal disableDelayedExpansion
for /f "delims=:" %%N in ('findstr /rbn ":::DOCUMENTATION:::" "%~f0"') do set "skip=%%N"
((for /f "skip=%skip% tokens=1* delims=:" %%A in ('findstr /n "^" "%~f0"') do @echo(%%B)|more /e) 2>nul
exit /b
for /f "delims=:" %%A in ('findstr "^::EXCEPTION.BAT" "%~f0"') do echo %%A
exit /b
EXCEPTION.BAT is a pure batch script utility that provides robust exception
handling within batch scripts. It enables code to be placed in TRY/CATCH blocks.
If no exception is thrown, then only code within the TRY block is executed.
If an exception is thrown, the batch CALL stack is popped repeatedly until it
reaches an active TRY block, at which point control is passed to the associated
CATCH block and normal processing resumes from that point. Code within a CATCH
block is ignored unless an exception is thrown.
An exception may be caught in a different script from where it was thrown.
If no active TRY is found after throwing an exception, then an unhandled
exception message is printed to stderr, all processing is terminated within the
current CMD Shell, and control is returned to the Shell command line.
TRY blocks are specified using macros. Obviously the macros must be defined
before they can be used. The TRY macros are defined using the following CALL
call exception init
Besides defining @Try and @EndTry, the init routine also explicitly clears any
residual exception that may have been left by prior processing.
A TRY/CATCH block is structured as follows:
REM any normal code goes here
REM exception handling code goes here
- Every TRY must have an associated CATCH.
- TRY/CATCH blocks cannot be nested.
- Any script or :labeled routine that uses TRY/CATCH must have at least one
SETLOCAL prior to the appearance of the first TRY.
- TRY/CATCH blocks use labels, so they should not be placed within parentheses.
It can be done, but the parentheses block is broken when control is passed to
the :@Catch or :@EndCatch label, and the code becomes difficult to interpret
and maintain.
- Any valid code can be used within a TRY or CATCH block, including CALL, GOTO,
:labels, and balanced parentheses. However, GOTO cannot be used to leave a
TRY block. GOTO can only be used within a TRY block if the label appears
within the same TRY block.
- GOTO must never transfer control from outside TRY/CATCH to within a TRY or
CATCH block.
- CALL should not be used to call a label within a TRY or CATCH block.
- CALLed routines containing TRY/CATCH must have labels that are unique within
the script. This is generally good batch programming practice anyway.
It is OK for different scripts to share :label names.
- If a script or routine recursively CALLs itself and contains TRY/CATCH, then
it must not throw an exception until after execution of the first %@Try%
Exceptions are thrown by using
call exception throw Code Message Location
Code = The numeric code value for the exception.
Message = A description of the exception.
Location = A string that helps identify where the exception occurred.
Any value may be used. A good generic value is "%~f0[%~0]",
which expands to the full path of the currently executing
script, followed by the currently executing routine name
within square brackets.
The Message and Location values must be quoted if they contain spaces or poison
characters like & | < >. The values must not contain additional internal quotes,
and they must not contain a caret ^.
The following variables will be defined for use by the CATCH block:
exception.Code = the Code value
exception.Msg = the Message value
exception.Loc = the Location value
exception.Stack = traces the call stack from the CATCH block (or command line
if not caught), all the way to the exception.
If the exception is not caught, then all four values are printed as part of the
"unhandled exception" message, and the exception variables are not defined.
A CATCH block should always do ONE of the following at the end:
- If the exception has been handled and processing can continue, then clear the
exception definition by using
call exception clear
Clear should never be used within a Try block.
- If the exception has not been fully handled, then a new exception should be
thrown which can be caught by a higher level CATCH. You can throw a new
exception using the normal THROW, which will clear exception.Stack and any
higher CATCH will have no awareness of the original exception.
Alternatively, you may rethrow an exception and preserve the exeption stack
all the way to the original exception:
call exception rethrow Code Message Location
It is your choice as to whether you want to pass the original Code and/or
Message and/or Location. Either way, the stack will preserve all exceptions
if rethrow is used.
Rethrow should only be used within a CATCH block.
One last restriction - the full path to EXCEPTION.BAT must not include ! or ^.
This documentation can be accessed via the following commands
constant stream: exception /? OR exception help
paged via MORE: exception /?? OR exception pagedHelp
The version of this utility can be accessed via
exception /v OR exception version
EXCEPTION.BAT was designed and written by Dave Benham, with important
contributions from DosTips users jeb and siberia-man.
Development history can be traced at:
@echo off
:: Main
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
if not defined @Try call exception init
set /a cnt+=1
echo Main Iteration %cnt% - Calling :Sub
call :Sub
call echo Main Iteration %cnt% - :Sub returned %%errorlevel%%
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
echo Main Iteration %cnt% - Exception detected:
echo Code = !exception.code!
echo Message = !exception.msg!
echo Location = !exception.loc!
echo Rethrowing modified exception
call exception rethrow -%cnt% "Main Exception^!" "%~f0<%~0>"
echo Main Iteration %cnt% - Exit
exit /b %cnt%
echo :Sub Iteration %cnt% - Start
if %cnt% lss 7 (
echo :Sub Iteration %cnt% - Calling "%~f0"
call "%~f0"
%= Show any non-exception return code (demonstrate ERRORLEVEL is preserved if no exception) =%
call echo :Sub Iteration %cnt% - testException returned %%errorlevel%%
%= Throw an exception if the iteration count is a multiple of 3 =%
set /a "1/(cnt%%3)" 2>nul || (
echo Throwing exception
call exception throw -%cnt% "Divide by 0 exception^!" "%~f0<%~0>"
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
echo :Sub Iteration %cnt% - Exception detected:
echo Code = !exception.code!
echo Message = !exception.msg!
echo Location = !exception.loc!
%= Handle the exception if iteration count is a multiple of 5, else rethrow it with new properties =%
set /a "1/(cnt%%5)" 2>nul && (
echo Rethrowing modified exception
call exception rethrow -%cnt% ":Sub Exception^!" "%~f0<%~0>"
) || (
call exception clear
echo Exception handled
echo :Sub Iteration %cnt% - Exit
exit /b %cnt%
Main Iteration 1 - Calling :Sub
:Sub Iteration 1 - Start
:Sub Iteration 1 - Calling "C:\test\testException.bat"
Main Iteration 2 - Calling :Sub
:Sub Iteration 2 - Start
:Sub Iteration 2 - Calling "C:\test\testException.bat"
Main Iteration 3 - Calling :Sub
:Sub Iteration 3 - Start
:Sub Iteration 3 - Calling "C:\test\testException.bat"
Main Iteration 4 - Calling :Sub
:Sub Iteration 4 - Start
:Sub Iteration 4 - Calling "C:\test\testException.bat"
Main Iteration 5 - Calling :Sub
:Sub Iteration 5 - Start
:Sub Iteration 5 - Calling "C:\test\testException.bat"
Main Iteration 6 - Calling :Sub
:Sub Iteration 6 - Start
:Sub Iteration 6 - Calling "C:\test\testException.bat"
Main Iteration 7 - Calling :Sub
:Sub Iteration 7 - Start
:Sub Iteration 7 - Exit
Main Iteration 7 - :Sub returned 7
Main Iteration 7 - Exit
:Sub Iteration 6 - testException returned 7
Throwing exception
:Sub Iteration 6 - Exception detected:
Code = -6
Message = Divide by 0 exception!
Location = C:\test\testException.bat<:Sub>
Rethrowing modified exception
Main Iteration 6 - Exception detected:
Code = -6
Message = :Sub Exception!
Location = C:\test\testException.bat<:Sub>
Rethrowing modified exception
:Sub Iteration 5 - Exception detected:
Code = -6
Message = Main Exception!
Location = C:\test\testException.bat<C:\test\testException.bat>
Exception handled
:Sub Iteration 5 - Exit
Main Iteration 5 - :Sub returned 5
Main Iteration 5 - Exit
:Sub Iteration 4 - testException returned 5
:Sub Iteration 4 - Exit
Main Iteration 4 - :Sub returned 4
Main Iteration 4 - Exit
:Sub Iteration 3 - testException returned 4
Throwing exception
:Sub Iteration 3 - Exception detected:
Code = -3
Message = Divide by 0 exception!
Location = C:\test\testException.bat<:Sub>
Rethrowing modified exception
Main Iteration 3 - Exception detected:
Code = -3
Message = :Sub Exception!
Location = C:\test\testException.bat<:Sub>
Rethrowing modified exception
:Sub Iteration 2 - Exception detected:
Code = -3
Message = Main Exception!
Location = C:\test\testException.bat<C:\test\testException.bat>
Rethrowing modified exception
Main Iteration 2 - Exception detected:
Code = -2
Message = :Sub Exception!
Location = C:\test\testException.bat<:Sub>
Rethrowing modified exception
:Sub Iteration 1 - Exception detected:
Code = -2
Message = Main Exception!
Location = C:\test\testException.bat<C:\test\testException.bat>
Rethrowing modified exception
Main Iteration 1 - Exception detected:
Code = -1
Message = :Sub Exception!
Location = C:\test\testException.bat<:Sub>
Rethrowing modified exception
Unhandled batch exception:
Code = -1
Msg = Main Exception!
Loc = C:\test\testException.bat<testException>
Stack= testException [-1:Main Exception!] :Sub [-1::Sub Exception!] C:\test\testException.bat [-2:Main Exception!] :Sub [-2::Sub Exception!] C:\test\testException.bat [-3:Main Exception!] :Sub [-3::Sub Exception!] [-3:Divide by 0 exception!]
:: divide.bat numerator divisor
@echo off
set /a result=%1 / %2 2>nul || call exception throw -100 "Division exception" "divide.bat"
echo %1 / %2 = %result%
exit /b
@echo off
for /l %%N in (4 -1 0) do call divide 12 %%N
echo Finished successfully!
- 出力 -
12 / 4 = 3
12 / 3 = 4
12 / 2 = 6
12 / 1 = 12
Unhandled batch exception:
Code = -100
Msg = Division exception
Loc = divide.bat
Stack= testDivide divide [-100:Division exception]
@echo off
call exception init
call testDivide
echo %exception.Msg% detected and handled
call exception clear
echo Finished Successfully!
12 / 4 = 3
12 / 3 = 4
12 / 2 = 6
12 / 1 = 12
Division exception detected and handled
Finished Successfully!
マスタースクリプトは、例外について何も知らないtestDivide.batを通過する必要があったにもかかわらず、divide.batによって発生した例外を正常にキャッチできました。とてもかっこいい :-)
すべてのエラーを例外として自動的に処理する方法はありません。すべての例外は、コードによって明示的にスローされる必要があります。エラー報告は慣例により処理されることを考えると、これはおそらく良いことです-厳密な規則はありません。一部のプログラムは規則に従っていません。たとえば、HELP ValidCommand
はERRORLEVEL 1を返します。これは慣例によりエラーを意味し、HELP InvalidCommand
はERRORLEVEL 0を返します。これは成功を意味します。
このバッチ例外手法では、致命的な実行時エラーをキャッチして処理することはできません。たとえば、GOTO :NonExistentLabel
は、エラーをキャッチする機会なしに、すべてのバッチ処理を即座に終了します。 でEXCEPTION.BATの開発をフォローできます。将来の開発はそこに投稿されます。 StackOverflowのこの投稿は更新しません。
successCmd && ( failingCmd & (call ) ) || ( excHandlingCmd )
(ダミー(call )