

教えるために、私はPHP Builderパターンの概念的な例の実装を作成しようとしています:


class Product1 {
    private string $attribute1;
    private string $attribute2;
    function getAttribute1(): string {
        return $this->attribute1;
    function getAttribute2(): string {
        return $this->attribute2;
    function setAttribute1(string $attribute1): void {
        $this->attribute1 = $attribute1;
    function setAttribute2(string $attribute2): void {
        $this->attribute2 = $attribute2;

class Product2 {
    private string $attribute1;
    private string $attribute2;
    function getAttribute1(): string {
        return $this->attribute1;
    function getAttribute2(): string {
        return $this->attribute2;
    function setAttribute1(string $attribute1): void {
        $this->attribute1 = $attribute1;
    function setAttribute2(string $attribute2): void {
        $this->attribute2 = $attribute2;


interface Builder {
    public function createNewProduct();
    public function makePart1($value);
    public function makePart2($value);
    public function getProduct();


class ConcreteBuilder1 implements Builder {
    private Product1 $product;

    function __construct() {
        $this->product = $this->createNewProduct();
    public function createNewProduct() {
        return new Product1();
    public function makePart1($value) {
        $this->product->setAttribute1("variation $value a1"); 
    public function makePart2($value) {
        $this->product->setAttribute2("variation $value a2");
    public function getProduct() {
        return $this->product;


class ConcreteBuilder2 implements Builder {
    private Product2 $product;

    function __construct() {
        $this->product = $this->createNewProduct();
    public function createNewProduct() {
        return new Product2();
    public function makePart1($value) {
        $this->product->setAttribute1("variation $value b1");
    public function makePart2($value) {
        $this->product->setAttribute2("variation $value b2");
    public function getProduct() {
        return $this->product;



class Director {
    public function createVariation1(Builder &$builder){
    public function createVariation2(Builder &$builder){


$builder = new ConcreteBuilder2();
$director = new Director();

それで、このアプローチは受け入れられますか?まだ有効なGoF Builderですか?




最初に、同じ名前の下にdifferentパターンがあることを簡単に説明します。JoshuaBlochのBuilderパターン(Effective Javaで説明)(抜粋 を参照) )。このパターンはGoF Builderパターンに触発されました。ただし、その目的/意図は同じではありません-別の問題を解決するため、その記事の内容にかかわらず、別のパターンです。基本的に、Bloch Builderは扱いにくいコンストラクターでオブジェクトを作成できるように設計されています。それは本質的に流暢なインターフェースを持つファクトリーです。記事では、Joshua Blochがオプションの名前付きパラメーターをシミュレートする方法として説明していますが、小さな ドメイン固有の言語 を提供する方法と見なすこともできます。

GoF Builder




Component A        Component B


/------- Component A ------\           /-------  Component B --------\


さて、GoF Builderが実際にどれほどの頻度で登場するかはわかりません。 Bloch Builderがもっと使われているようです。いずれにしても、GoF Builderは知っておく価値があり、教えるという文脈では、抽象化について議論するために使用できます。




"Dogs: Fido, Apollo, Molly, Hunter, Daisy; Cows: Daisy, Rosie, Thor; Cats: Leo, Nala, Roxy"





interface FarmBuilder {
    public function makeCow(string $name);
    public function makeDog(string $name);
    public function makeCat(string $name);


class Director {

    private string $farmString;

    function __construct(string $farmString) {
        $this->farmString = $farmString;

    public function createAnimalFarm(FarmBuilder &$builder) {
        $groups = explode(";", $this->farmString);

        foreach ($groups as $groupString) {
            // Identify group (Cows, Dogs, Cats)
            $temp = explode(":", $groupString);
            $groupKey = strtolower(trim($temp[0]));
            $groupAnimalsString = $temp[1];

            // Get the individual animals in the group
            $groupAnimals = explode(",", $groupAnimalsString);
            $groupAnimals = array_map(function($str) { return trim($str); }, $groupAnimals);

            switch ($groupKey) {
                case "cows":
                    foreach ($groupAnimals as $animalName) $builder->makeCow($animalName);
                case "dogs":
                    foreach ($groupAnimals as $animalName) $builder->makeDog($animalName);
                case "cats":
                    foreach ($groupAnimals as $animalName) $builder->makeCat($animalName);



ここでは、さまざまな具象ビルダーでディレクターを再利用できるようにしたかったので、パラメーターとしてビルダーをcreateAnimalFarmメソッドに渡すことを選択しました。コンストラクタを介してそれを渡すことは別のオプションです。それでもパターンは同じです-正確な実装に関しては、かなり余計な余地があります。重要なのは、さまざまな要素の役割とそれらの間の全体的な関係、そしてそれらがすべて連携してパターンの意図をサポートする方法です。 (これが、パターンの具体的なrealizationという概念がある理由です。)コンストラクターを介して「ファーム文字列」を渡すことを選択したという事実は、パターンが定義されています。

つまり、デザインパターンはすべての詳細を規定しているわけではありません。それらを実装するための "one true way"はありません。




class Animal { 
    public string $species; 
    public string $name; 
    function __construct($species, $name) {
        $this->species = $species;
        $this->name = $name;

class Farm {
    private $animals = [];   // elements are Animal instances

    function __construct(array $animals) {
        foreach ($animals as $animal) {
            $this->animals[] = $animal;

    public function getRandomAnimal() : Animal {
            $count = count($this->animals);
            return $this->animals[Rand(0, $count - 1)];

    public function petRandomAnimal() : string {
        // Produces a string of the form:
        // "We're on the farm, and we're petting Hunter the Dog! Leo the Cat is jealous."
        // (omitted...)


class DefaultFarmBuilder implements FarmBuilder {
    private $animals = [];

    public function makeCow(string $name) {
        $this->animals[] = new Animal("Cow", $name);

    public function makeDog(string $name) {
        $this->animals[] = new Animal("Dog", $name);

    public function makeCat(string $name) {
        $this->animals[] = new Animal("Cat", $name);

    public function getFarm(): Farm {
        return new Farm($this->animals);



// Construct a Farm using the algorithm represented by the Director class
$farmBuilder = new DefaultFarmBuilder();
$farm = $farmBuilder->getFarm();

// Use the farm object
echo $farm->petRandomAnimal();

// Output: 
// We're on the farm, and we're petting Hunter the Dog! Leo the Cat is jealous.


class AnimalOwner {
    private string $name;
    private $animals = [];

    function __construct(string $name) {
        $this->name = $name;

    public function addAnimal(string $species, string $name) {
        $this->animals[] = $name . " (" . $species . ")";

    public function toString() : string {
        // Produces a string of the form:
        // "[Owner] owns [animals]."
        // (omitted...)


class OwnerArrayBuilder implements FarmBuilder {
    private $ownershipMap = [];
    private $owners = [];
    private int $animalIndex = -1;

    function __construct(array $ownershipData) {
        // $ownershipData example: 
        // Given: "Dogs: Fido, Molly; Cats: Nala"  (F, M, N)
        // $ownershipData value of                           F  M  N
        // ["Owners" => ["Alice", "Bob"], "OwnershipMap" => [0, 1, 0]]
        // means that Fido and Nala belong to Alice (the owner at index 0), 
        // and that Molly belongs to Bob (the owner at index 1)

        $owners = $ownershipData["Owners"];
        foreach($owners as $owner) {
            $this->owners[] = new AnimalOwner($owner);

        $this->ownershipMap = $ownershipData["OwnershipMap"];

    public function makeCow(string $name) {
        $ownerIndex = $this->ownershipMap[$this->animalIndex];
        $this->owners[$ownerIndex]->addAnimal("Cow", $name);

    public function makeDog(string $name) {
        $ownerIndex = $this->ownershipMap[$this->animalIndex];
        $this->owners[$ownerIndex]->addAnimal("Dog", $name);

    public function makeCat(string $name) {
        $ownerIndex = $this->ownershipMap[$this->animalIndex];
        $this->owners[$ownerIndex]->addAnimal("Cat", $name);

    public function getOwners(): array {
        return $this->owners;


// Ownership data imported from somewhere:
$ownershipData = ["Owners" => ["Alice", "Bob"], "OwnershipMap" => [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1]];

// Construct the AnimalOwner array using the algorithm represented by the Director class
$ownerArrayBuilder = new OwnerArrayBuilder($ownershipData);
$owners = $ownerArrayBuilder->getOwners();

// use the owners array:
$ownerStrings = array_map(function($owner) {return $owner->toString();}, $owners);
echo join("\n", $ownerStrings);

// Output: 
// Alice owns Fido (Dog), Apollo (Dog), Molly (Dog), Hunter (Dog), Daisy (Cow) and Leo (Cat).
// Bob owns Daisy (Dog), Rosie (Cow), Thor (Cow), Nala (Cat) and Roxy (Cat).



| Cows | #numCows |
| Dogs | #numDogs |
| Cats | #numCats |

この場合、ビルダーは基本的に、一般的なDOMDocument/DOMElement APIに対して特別な目的の構築メカニズムを提供します。

class HtmlSummaryTableBuilder implements FarmBuilder {
    private DOMDocument $dom;
    private $countCells = [];
    private $groups = ['Cows', 'Dogs', 'Cats'];

    function __construct() {

        $this->dom = new DOMDocument();
        $table = $this->dom->createElement('table');

        foreach ($this->groups as $group) {
            $tableRow = $this->dom->createElement('tr');
            $tableCell_Group = $this->dom->createElement('td', $group);
            $tableCell_Count = $this->dom->createElement('td');

            $this->countCells[$group] = ["Cell" => $tableCell_Count, "Count" => 0];



    public function makeCow(string $name) {

    public function makeDog(string $name) {

    public function makeCat(string $name) {

    public function getTable(): DOMDocument {
        foreach ($this->groups as $group) {
        return $this->dom;




$tableBuilder = new HtmlSummaryTableBuilder();

// obtain and use the table
echo $tableBuilder->getTable()->saveHTML();
// Output:


うまくいけば、これは具体的なビルダーがすべて同じ形式に従う必要がないことを示すのに役立ちました。彼らは非常に異なることを行うことができます。ここでの重要な抽象化は、一般化された構築メカニズムです。 Directorと具象Builderはこれに依存しているため、これらは分離されています。このインターフェースが、変化に直面しても安定している一方で、さまざまな製品の構築をサポートするのに十分な表現力がある限りです。一般的に、さまざまな具象ビルダーは、さまざまなモジュールから取得でき、独立して(さまざまな個人/チームによって)開発できます。構築アルゴリズムと製品ビルダーはどちらも独立して変更できます。抽象ビルダーインターフェイスを利用できる限り、異なるDirectorを定義できます。たとえば、より優れた構築アルゴリズム、異なる入力形式をサポートするため、または事前定義された「プリセット」オブジェクトを提供するために、新しいDirectorを追加できます。

追伸 PHPサンドボックス の例全体を示します。


あなたのPHPのビルダーパターンの適切な方法ではありません。 PHPでのビルダーパターンの例を次に示します。


namespace RefactoringGuru\Builder\Conceptual;

 * The Builder interface specifies methods for creating the different parts of
  * the Product objects.

interface Builder
     public function producePartA(): void;

     public function producePartB(): void;

     public function producePartC(): void;

 * The Concrete Builder classes follow the Builder interface and provide
 * specific implementations of the building steps. Your program may have several
 * variations of Builders, implemented differently.

 class ConcreteBuilder1 implements Builder
    private $product;

     * A fresh builder instance should contain a blank product object, which is
     * used in further Assembly.
     public function __construct()

     public function reset(): void
        $this->product = new Product1;

     * All production steps work with the same product instance.
    public function producePartA(): void
        $this->product->parts[] = "PartA1";

    public function producePartB(): void
        $this->product->parts[] = "PartB1";

    public function producePartC(): void
        $this->product->parts[] = "PartC1";

     * Concrete Builders are supposed to provide their own methods for
     * retrieving results. That's because various types of builders may create
     * entirely different products that don't follow the same interface.
     * Therefore, such methods cannot be declared in the base Builder interface
     * (at least in a statically typed programming language). Note that PHP is a
     * dynamically typed language and this method CAN be in the base interface.
     * However, we won't declare it there for the sake of clarity.
     * Usually, after returning the end result to the client, a builder instance
     * is expected to be ready to start producing another product. That's why
     * it's a usual practice to call the reset method at the end of the
     * `getProduct` method body. However, this behavior is not mandatory, and
     * you can make your builders wait for an explicit reset call from the
     * client code before disposing of the previous result.
     public function getProduct(): Product1
        $result = $this->product;

        return $result;

 * It makes sense to use the Builder pattern only when your products are quite
 * complex and require extensive configuration.
 * Unlike in other creational patterns, different concrete builders can produce
 * unrelated products. In other words, results of various builders may not
 * always follow the same interface.
 class Product1
     public $parts = [];

    public function listParts(): void
        echo "Product parts: " . implode(', ', $this->parts) . "\n\n";

 * The Director is only responsible for executing the building steps in a
 * particular sequence. It is helpful when producing products according to a
 * specific order or configuration. Strictly speaking, the Director class is
 * optional, since the client can control builders directly.
 class Director
     * @var Builder
     private $builder;

     * The Director works with any builder instance that the client code passes
     * to it. This way, the client code may alter the final type of the newly
     * assembled product.
    public function setBuilder(Builder $builder): void
        $this->builder = $builder;

     * The Director can construct several product variations using the same
     * building steps.
    public function buildMinimalViableProduct(): void

    public function buildFullFeaturedProduct(): void

 * The client code creates a builder object, passes it to the director and then
 * initiates the construction process. The end result is retrieved from the
 * builder object.
 function clientCode(Director $director)
     $builder = new ConcreteBuilder1;

     echo "Standard basic product:\n";

    echo "Standard full featured product:\n";

    // Remember, the Builder pattern can be used without a Director class.
    echo "Custom product:\n";

 $director = new Director;

リファレンス: https://refactoring.guru/design-patterns/builder/php/example