


  • 各計算アルゴリズムの実装の変更を区別できるように、version変数を保持できる必要があります。このようにして、アルゴリズムを変更するたびに、特定の計算で使用されたバージョンがわかります。
  • アプリケーション内の他のモジュール(つまり、8つのエンティティー)から特定のデータをロードできるようにして、それぞれがその操作に必要な情報を選択できるようにする必要があります。
  • "runnable"であるかどうかを判断できるはずです。これにより、抽出されたデータ(前の要件から)がいくつかを満たすことを確認するfunction(?)アルゴリズムが正しく実行されることを保証する各計算のカスタム基準。
  • それぞれ異なるアルゴリズム実装が必要です。
  • 一連の実行メトリック(ログ)を生成し、それらを保存します。たとえば、データフェッチ時間、アルゴリズム実行時間、および実行する特定の計算ごとに読み込まれるデータの量として参照されるsampleSizeなどです。


abstract class Calculation<T, F> {
 * Logging Variables.
  private initialDataFetchTime: Date;
  private finalDataFetchTime: Date;
  private initialAlgorithmTime: Date;
  private finalAlgorithmTime: Date;

  // Final result holding variable.
  private finalResult: T;

  // The coverage status for this calculation.
  private coverage: boolean;

  // Data to use within the algorithm.
  private data: F;

  // The version of the Calculation.
  public abstract version: string;

  // The form data from the User to be used.
  public static formData: FormData;

 * This is the abstract function to be implemented with
 * the operation to be performed with the data. Always
 * called after `loadData()`.
  public abstract async algorithm(): Promise<T>;

 * This function should implement the data fetching
 * for this particular calculation. This function is always
 * called before `calculation()`.
  public abstract async fetchData(): Promise<F>;

 * This is the abstract function that checks
 * if enough information is met to perform the
 * calculation. This function is called always
 * after `loadData()`.
  public abstract async coverageValidation(): Promise<boolean>;

 * This is the public member function that is called
 * to perform the data-fetching operations of the
 * calculation. This is the first function to call.
  public async loadData(): Promise<void> {
    // Get the initial time.
    this.initialDataFetchTime = new Date();

     * Here we run the data-fetching implementation for
     * this particular calculation.
    this.data = await this.fetchData();

    // Store the final time.
    this.finalDataFetchTime = new Date();

 * This is the public member function that is called
 * to perform the calculation on this field. This is
 * the last function to be called.
  public async calculation(): Promise<T> {
    // Get the initial time.
    this.initialAlgorithmTime = new Date();

     * Here we run the algorithmic implementation for
     * this particular calculation.
    this.finalResult = await this.algorithm();

    // Store the final time.
    this.finalAlgorithmTime = new Date();

    // Return the result.
    return this.finalResult;

 * This is the public member function that is called
 * to perform the coverage-checking of this calculation.
 * This function should be called after the `loadData()`
 * and before `calculation()`.
  public async coverageCheck(): Promise<boolean> {
    // Execute the check function.
    this.coverage = await this.coverageValidation();

    // Return result.
    return this.coverage;

 * Set FormData statically to be used across calculations.¡
  public static setFormData(formData: FormData): FormData {
    // Store report.
    this.formData = formData;

    // Return report.
    return this.formData;

 * Get the coverage of this calculation.
  public getCoverage(): boolean {
    return this.coverage;

 * Get the data for this calculation.
  public getData(): F {
    return this.data;

 * Get the result for this calculation.
  public getResult(): T {
    return this.finalResult;

   * Function to get the class name.
  private getClassName(): string {
    return this.constructor.name;

   * Function to get the version for this calculation.
  private getVersion(): string { return this.version; }

   * Get all the Valuation Logs for this Calculation.
  public async getValuationLogs(): Promise<CreateValuationLogDTO[]> {
    // The array of results.
    const valuationLogs: CreateValuationLogDTO[] = [];

    // Log the time the algorithm took to execute.
      report: Calculation.formData,
      calculation: this.getClassName(),
      metric: 'Algorithm Execution Time',
      version: this.getVersion(),
        this.initialAlgorithmTime.getTime() - this.finalAlgorithmTime.getTime(),

    // Log the time to fetch information.
      report: Calculation.formData,
      calculation: this.getClassName(),
      metric: 'Data Fetch Load Time',
      version: this.getVersion(),
        this.initialDataFetchTime.getTime() - this.finalDataFetchTime.getTime(),

    // Sample size is calculated and not an issue for this matter.

    // Return the metrics.
    return valuationLogs;


export class GeneralArea extends Calculation<number, GeneralAreaData> {
   * Versioning information.
   * These variable hold the information about the progress done to this
   * calculation algorithm. The `version`  field is a SemVer field which
   * stores the version of the current algorithm implementation.
  public version = '1.0.0';

  // Dependencies.
  constructor(private readonly dataSource: DataSource) {

  // 1) Fetch Information
  public async fetchData(): Promise<GeneralAreaData> {
    // Query the DB.
    const dataPoints = this.dataSource.getInformation(/**  **/);

    // Return the data object.
    return {
      mortgages: dataPoints,

  // 2) Validate Coverage.
  public async coverageValidation(): Promise<boolean> {
    // Load data.
    const data: GeneralAreaData = this.getData();

    // Validate to be more than 5 results.
    if (data.mortgages.length < 5) {
      return false;

    // Everything correct.
    return true;

  // 3) Algorithm
  public async algorithm(): Promise<number> {
    // Load data.
    const data: GeneralAreaData = this.getData();

    // Perform operation.
    const result: number = await Math.min.apply(
      data.mortgages.map(mortgage => mortgage.price),

    // Return the result.
    return result;

 * Interface that holds the structure of the data
 * used for this implementation.
export interface GeneralAreaData {
  // Mortages based on some criteria.
  mortages: SomeDataEntity;


  1. 計算ごとにデータをロードします。
  2. すべての計算のカバレッジを検証します。
  3. 前のステップで一般的な「true」が返された場合は、計算を実行します。

ただし、FormData(ユーザーがアップロードする情報)が保存されるため、このパターンではいくつかの問題が発生しました静的に。つまり、いくつかの計算がすでに実行されており、別のユーザーがアップロードを実行した場合、 FormDataを設定できません。他のユーザーの計算が複雑になるためです。ただし、各関数コンストラクターにFormDataを渡すのは大変な作業のように見えます(これが正しい方法であると思われる場合は、コードを書く心配はありません;))


public performCalculation(formData: FormData): Promise<FormDataWithCalculations> {
  // Set general form data.
  Calculation.setFormData(formData); // <--- Error in subsequent requests :(

  // Instance Calculations.
  const generalAreaCalculation: GeneralAreaCalculation = new GeneralAreaCalculation(/** data service **/);
  // 85 more instantiations...

  // Load data for Calculations.
  try {
    await Promise.all([
      // 85 more invocations...
  } catch(dataLoadError) { /** error handling **/ }

  // Check for coverage.
  const coverages: boolean[] = await Promise.all([
    // 85 more coverage checks...

  // Reduce coverage.
  const covered: boolean = coverages.reduce((previousValue, coverage) => coverage && previousValue, true);

  // Check coverage.
  if (!covered) { /** Throw exception **/ }

  // Perform calculations!
  const result: FormDataWithCalculations = new FormDataWithCalculations(formData);

  try {
    result.generalAreaValue = generalAreaCalculation.calculation();
    // 85 more of this.
  } catch (algorithmsError) { /** error handling ***/ }

   (( Here should go the log collecting and storing, for each of the 85 calculations ))

  // Return processed information.
  return result;


パターンはありますか?ガイダンス?助言?参照?教材?私はこのコードをこれ以上減らすことができないようですが、誰かがこの種の問題のより良いパターンを知っている場合、そしてそれが役立つ場合はTypeScript(NodeJSとNestJS API)のコードがどのようにすべてであるかを理解するために尋ねたかったです有線接続。





Doc Brown