1961 1962 1963 1964
USA a x g y
France u e h a
Germany o x n p
Country Year Value
USA 1961 a
USA 1962 x
USA 1963 g
USA 1964 y
France 1961 u
Sub ReversePivotTable()
' Before running this, make sure you have a summary table with column headers.
' The output table will have three columns.
Dim SummaryTable As Range, OutputRange As Range
Dim OutRow As Long
Dim r As Long, c As Long
On Error Resume Next
Set SummaryTable = ActiveCell.CurrentRegion
If SummaryTable.Count = 1 Or SummaryTable.Rows.Count < 3 Then
MsgBox "Select a cell within the summary table.", vbCritical
Exit Sub
End If
Set OutputRange = Application.InputBox(Prompt:="Select a cell for the 3-column output", Type:=8)
' Convert the range
OutRow = 2
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
OutputRange.Range("A1:C3") = Array("Column1", "Column2", "Column3")
For r = 2 To SummaryTable.Rows.Count
For c = 2 To SummaryTable.Columns.Count
OutputRange.Cells(OutRow, 1) = SummaryTable.Cells(r, 1)
OutputRange.Cells(OutRow, 2) = SummaryTable.Cells(1, c)
OutputRange.Cells(OutRow, 3) = SummaryTable.Cells(r, c)
OutputRange.Cells(OutRow, 3).NumberFormat = SummaryTable.Cells(r, c).NumberFormat
OutRow = OutRow + 1
Next c
Next r
End Sub
@Adam Davisの答えは完璧ですが、Excel VBAのようにあなたが無知である場合に備えて、Excel 2007でコードを機能させるために行ったことは次のとおりです。
Excel 2013では、次の手順に従う必要があります。
=IFERROR(INDEX(A$2:A$4, MATCH(0, IF(COUNTIF(G$2:G2, A$2:A$4&"")<COUNT($1:$1), 0, 1), 0)), "")
=IF(LEN(G3), INDEX($B$1:INDEX($1:$1, MATCH(1E+99,$1:$1 )), , COUNTIF(G$3:G3, G3)), "")
¹ 配列式は次のように確定する必要があります Ctrl+Shift+Enter↵。最初のセルに正しく入力すると、他の数式と同じように、それらを塗りつぶしたりコピーしたりできます。実際のデータの範囲をより厳密に表す範囲に全列参照を減らしてみてください。配列の数式は計算サイクルを対数的に噛むため、参照される範囲を最小限に抑えることをお勧めします。詳細については、 配列式のガイドラインと例 を参照してください。
これを行うためにピボットテーブルを使用したい人のために、以下のガイドに従っています: http://spreadsheetpage.com/index.php/tip/creating_a_database_table_from_a_summary_table/
Excel 2007または2010で実行する場合は、最初にピボットテーブルウィザードを有効にする必要があります。
オプションを見つけるには、メインExcelウィンドウアイコンから[Excelオプション]に移動し、[カスタマイズ]セクションで選択したオプションを確認し、[コマンドの選択元:]ドロップダウンから[リボンにないコマンド]を選択します。 「ピボットテーブルとピボットグラフウィザード」を右側に追加する必要があります。下の画像を参照してください。
普遍性を主張するコード本には2枚のシートが必要です。Sour =ソースデータDest =「拡張」テーブルはここにドロップされます
Option Explicit
Private ws_Sour As Worksheet, ws_Dest As Worksheet
Private arr_2d_Sour() As Variant, arr_2d_Dest() As Variant
' https://stackoverflow.com/questions/52594461/find-next-available-value-in-Excel-cell-based-on-criteria
Public Sub PullOut(Optional ByVal msg As Variant)
ws_Dest_Acr _
arr_2d_ws( _
arr_2d_Dest_Fill( _
arr_2d_Sour_Load( _
arr_2d_Dest_Create( _
CountA_rng( _
rng_2d_For_CountA( _
End Sub
Private Function ws_Dest_Acr(Optional ByVal msg As Variant) As Variant
End Function
Public Function arr_2d_ws(Optional ByVal msg As Variant) As Variant
If IsArray(arr_2d_Dest) Then _
ws_Dest.Cells(1, 1).Resize(UBound(arr_2d_Dest), UBound(arr_2d_Dest, 2)) = arr_2d_Dest
End Function
Private Function arr_2d_Dest_Fill(Optional ByVal msg As Variant) As Variant
Dim y_Sour As Long, y_Dest As Long, x As Long
y_Dest = 1
For y_Sour = LBound(arr_2d_Sour) To UBound(arr_2d_Sour)
' without the first column
For x = LBound(arr_2d_Sour, 2) + 1 To UBound(arr_2d_Sour, 2)
If arr_2d_Sour(y_Sour, x) <> Empty Then
arr_2d_Dest(y_Dest, 1) = arr_2d_Sour(y_Sour, 1) 'iD
arr_2d_Dest(y_Dest, 2) = arr_2d_Sour(y_Sour, x) 'DTLx
y_Dest = y_Dest + 1
End If
End Function
Private Function arr_2d_Sour_Load(Optional ByVal msg As Variant) As Variant
arr_2d_Sour = ReDuce_rng(ws_Sour.UsedRange, 1, 0).Offset(1, 0).Value
End Function
Private Function arr_2d_Dest_Create(ByVal iRows As Long)
Dim arr_2d() As Variant
ReDim arr_2d(1 To iRows, 1 To 2)
arr_2d_Dest = arr_2d
arr_2d_Dest_Create = arr_2d
End Function
Public Function CountA_rng(ByVal rng As Range) As Double
CountA_rng = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(rng)
End Function
Private Function rng_2d_For_CountA(Optional ByVal msg As Variant) As Range
' without the first line and without the left column
Set rng_2d_For_CountA = _
ReDuce_rng(ws_Sour.UsedRange, 1, 1).Offset(1, 1)
End Function
Public Function ReDuce_rng(rng As Range, ByVal iRow As Long, ByVal iCol As Long) _
As Range
With rng
Set ReDuce_rng = .Resize(.Rows.Count - iRow, .Columns.Count - iCol)
End With
End Function
Private Function Init()
With ThisWorkbook
Set ws_Sour = .Worksheets("Sour")
Set ws_Dest = .Worksheets("Dest")
End With
End Function
Sub TableConvert()
Dim tbl As ListObject
Dim t
Rows As Long
Dim tCols As Long
Dim userCalculateSetting As XlCalculation
Dim wrksht_in As Worksheet
Dim wrksht_out As Worksheet
'##block calculate and screen refresh
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
userCalculateSetting = Application.Calculation
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
'## get the input and output worksheet
Set wrksht_in = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("ressource_entry")'## input
Set wrksht_out = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("data")'## output.
'## get the table object from the worksheet
Set tbl = wrksht_in.ListObjects("Table14") '## input
Set tb2 = wrksht_out.ListObjects("Table2") '## output.
'## delete output table data
If Not tb2.DataBodyRange Is Nothing Then
End If
'## count the row and col of input table
With tbl.DataBodyRange
tRows = .Rows.Count
tCols = .Columns.Count
End With
'## check every case of the input table (only the data part)
For j = 2 To tRows '## parse all row from row 2 (header are not checked)
For i = 5 To tCols '## parse all column from col 5 (first col will be copied in each record)
If IsEmpty(tbl.Range.Cells(j, i).Value) = False Then
'## if there is time enetered create a new row in table2 by using the first colmn of the selected cell row and cell header plus some formula
Set oNewRow = tb2.ListRows.Add(AlwaysInsert:=True)
oNewRow.Range.Cells(1, 1).Value = tbl.Range.Cells(j, 1).Value
oNewRow.Range.Cells(1, 2).Value = tbl.Range.Cells(j, 2).Value
oNewRow.Range.Cells(1, 3).Value = tbl.Range.Cells(j, 3).Value
oNewRow.Range.Cells(1, 4).Value = tbl.Range.Cells(1, i).Value
oNewRow.Range.Cells(1, 5).Value = tbl.Range.Cells(j, i).Value
oNewRow.Range.Cells(1, 6).Formula = "=WEEKNUM([@Date])"
oNewRow.Range.Cells(1, 7).Formula = "=YEAR([@Date])"
oNewRow.Range.Cells(1, 8).Formula = "=MONTH([@Date])"
End If
Next i
Next j
'##unblock calculate and screen refresh
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.Calculation = userCalculateSetting
End Sub
Sub ReversePivotTable()
' Before running this, make sure you have a summary table with column headers.
' The output table will have three columns.
Dim SummaryTable As Range, OutputRange As Range
Dim OutRow As Long
Dim r As Long, c As Long
Dim lngHeaderColumns As Long, lngHeaderRows As Long, lngHeaderLoop As Long
On Error Resume Next
Set SummaryTable = ActiveCell.CurrentRegion
If SummaryTable.Count = 1 Or SummaryTable.Rows.Count < 3 Then
MsgBox "Select a cell within the summary table.", vbCritical
Exit Sub
End If
Set OutputRange = Application.InputBox(Prompt:="Select a cell for the 3-column output", Type:=8)
lngHeaderColumns = Application.InputBox(Prompt:="Header Columns")
lngHeaderRows = Application.InputBox(Prompt:="Header Rows")
' Convert the range
OutRow = 2
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
'OutputRange.Range("A1:D3") = Array("Column1", "Column2", "Column3", "Column4")
For r = lngHeaderRows + 1 To SummaryTable.Rows.Count
For c = lngHeaderColumns + 1 To SummaryTable.Columns.Count
' loop through all header columns and add to output
For lngHeaderLoop = 1 To lngHeaderColumns
OutputRange.Cells(OutRow, lngHeaderLoop) = SummaryTable.Cells(r, lngHeaderLoop)
Next lngHeaderLoop
' loop through all header rows and add to output
For lngHeaderLoop = 1 To lngHeaderRows
OutputRange.Cells(OutRow, lngHeaderColumns + lngHeaderLoop) = SummaryTable.Cells(lngHeaderLoop, c)
Next lngHeaderLoop
OutputRange.Cells(OutRow, lngHeaderColumns + lngHeaderRows + 1) = SummaryTable.Cells(r, c)
OutputRange.Cells(OutRow, lngHeaderColumns + lngHeaderRows + 1).NumberFormat = SummaryTable.Cells(r, c).NumberFormat
OutRow = OutRow + 1
Next c
Next r
End Sub