Range("A1:A100").AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterInPlace, CriteriaRange:= _
Sheets("Sheet2").Range("A1:A10"), Unique:=False
For i = 1 to maxRow
If Not ActiveSheet.Row(i).Hidden then something that I need to do with that rows
しかし、大規模で複雑なスプレッドシートを扱うと、「 SpecialCells Problem 」に遭遇する可能性があります。一言で言えば、作成された範囲が8192を超える非隣接領域を引き起こす(そしてそれができる場合)と、Excelはエラーをスローします。 SpecialCellsにアクセスすると、コードは実行されません。ワークシートが複雑でこの問題が発生すると予想される場合は、ループアプローチを使用することをお勧めします。
Option Explicit
Public Declare Function GetTickCount Lib "kernel32" () As Long
Public Sub GenerateProblem()
'Run this to set up an example spreadsheet:
Dim row As Long
Excel.Application.EnableEvents = False
Sheet1.AutoFilterMode = False
For row = 1 To (8192& * 4&) + 1&
If row Mod 3& Then If Int(10& * Rnd) 7& Then Sheet1.Cells(row, 1&).value = "test"
Sheet1.UsedRange.AutoFilter 1&, ""
Excel.Application.EnableEvents = True
MsgBox Sheet1.UsedRange.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).address
End Sub
Public Sub FixProblem()
'Run this to see various solutions:
Dim ranges() As Excel.Range
Dim index As Long
Dim address As String
Dim startTime As Long
Dim endTime As Long
'Get range array.
ranges = GetVisibleRows
'Do something with individual range objects.
For index = LBound(ranges) To UBound(ranges)
ranges(index).Interior.ColorIndex = Int(56 * Rnd + 1)
'Get total address if you want it:
startTime = GetTickCount
address = RangeArrayAddress(ranges)
endTime = GetTickCount
Debug.Print endTime - startTime, ; 'Outputs time elapsed in milliseconds.
'Small demo of why I used a string builder. Straight concatenation is about
'10 times slower:
startTime = GetTickCount
address = RangeArrayAddress2(ranges)
endTime = GetTickCount
Debug.Print endTime - startTime
End Sub
Public Function GetVisibleRows(Optional ByVal ws As Excel.Worksheet) As Excel.Range()
Const increment As Long = 1000&
Dim max As Long
Dim row As Long
Dim returnVal() As Excel.Range
Dim startRow As Long
Dim index As Long
If ws Is Nothing Then Set ws = Excel.ActiveSheet
max = increment
ReDim returnVal(max) As Excel.Range
For row = ws.UsedRange.row To ws.UsedRange.Rows.Count
If Sheet1.Rows(row).Hidden Then
If startRow 0& Then
Set returnVal(index) = ws.Rows(startRow & ":" & (row - 1&))
index = index + 1&
If index > max Then
'Redimming in large increments is an optimization trick.
max = max + increment
ReDim Preserve returnVal(max) As Excel.Range
End If
startRow = 0&
End If
ElseIf startRow = 0& Then startRow = row
End If
ReDim Preserve returnVal(index - 1&) As Excel.Range
GetVisibleRows = returnVal
End Function
Public Function RangeArrayAddress(ByRef value() As Excel.Range, Optional lowerindexRV As Variant, Optional upperindexRV As Variant) As String
'Parameters left as variants to allow for "IsMissing" values.
'Code uses bytearray string building methods to run faster.
Const incrementChars As Long = 1000&
Const unicodeWidth As Long = 2&
Const comma As Long = 44&
Dim increment As Long
Dim max As Long
Dim index As Long
Dim returnVal() As Byte
Dim address() As Byte
Dim indexRV As Long
Dim char As Long
increment = incrementChars * unicodeWidth 'Double for unicode.
max = increment - 1& 'Offset for array.
ReDim returnVal(max) As Byte
If IsMissing(lowerindexRV) Then lowerindexRV = LBound(value)
If IsMissing(upperindexRV) Then upperindexRV = UBound(value)
For index = lowerindexRV To upperindexRV
address = value(index).address
For char = 0& To UBound(address) Step unicodeWidth
returnVal(indexRV) = address(char)
indexRV = indexRV + unicodeWidth
If indexRV > max Then
max = max + increment
ReDim Preserve returnVal(max) As Byte
End If
returnVal(indexRV) = comma
indexRV = indexRV + unicodeWidth
If indexRV > max Then
max = max + increment
ReDim Preserve returnVal(max) As Byte
End If
ReDim Preserve returnVal(indexRV - 1&) As Byte
RangeArrayAddress = returnVal
End Function
Public Function RangeArrayAddress2(ByRef value() As Excel.Range, Optional lowerIndex As Variant, Optional upperIndex As Variant) As String
'Parameters left as variants to allow for "IsMissing" values.
'Code uses bytearray string building methods to run faster.
Const incrementChars As Long = 1000&
Const unicodeWidth As Long = 2&
Dim increment As Long
Dim max As Long
Dim returnVal As String
Dim index As Long
increment = incrementChars * unicodeWidth 'Double for unicode.
max = increment - 1& 'Offset for array.
If IsMissing(lowerIndex) Then lowerIndex = LBound(value)
If IsMissing(upperIndex) Then upperIndex = UBound(value)
For index = lowerIndex To upperIndex
returnVal = returnVal & (value(index).address & ",")
RangeArrayAddress2 = returnVal
End Function
Excel.Range visibleRange = Excel.Application.ActiveWindow.VisibleRange