ここに 元のコード(マスターブランチ)。
ここに 並行性のあるブランチ(x_concurrentブランチ)。
_go run jira_open_comment_emailer.go
_を使用して並行コードを実行すると、JIRAの問題がチャネルに追加された場合にdefer wg.Done()
が実行されません ここ 、これによりwg.Wait()
_// Given an issue, determine if it has an open comment
// Returns true if there is an open comment on the issue, otherwise false
func getAndProcessComments(issue Issue, channel chan<- Issue, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
// Decrement the wait counter when the function returns
defer wg.Done()
needsReply := false
// Loop over the comments in the issue
for _, comment := range issue.Fields.Comment.Comments {
commentMatched, err := regexp.MatchString("~"+config.JIRAUsername, comment.Body)
checkError("Failed to regex match against comment body", err)
if commentMatched {
needsReply = true
if comment.Author.Name == config.JIRAUsername {
needsReply = false
// Only add the issue to the channel if it needs a reply
if needsReply == true {
// This never allows the defered wg.Done() to execute?
channel <- issue
func main() {
start := time.Now()
// This retrieves all issues in a search from JIRA
allIssues := getFullIssueList()
// Initialize a wait group
var wg sync.WaitGroup
// Set the number of waits to the number of issues to process
// Create a channel to store issues that need a reply
channel := make(chan Issue)
for _, issue := range allIssues {
go getAndProcessComments(issue, channel, &wg)
// Block until all of my goroutines have processed their issues.
// Only send an email if the channel has one or more issues
if len(channel) > 0 {
fmt.Printf("Script ran in %s", time.Since(start))
channel := make(chan Issue, len(allIssues))