

[私の質問を明確にする]:State Monadこの質問は私のコードを最適化するためのものではありません。このコードは、ステートフルモナドのベンチマーク用です。 State- freeのピュアバージョンとSTモナドバージョンのコード、および 私のリポジトリのマスターブランチ のベンチマーク結果を確認できます。

コードで速記しようとすると、速記関数によって予期しない結果が生じます。 (- フォーカスされたベンチマーク および 全体的なベンチマーク を参照してください

このリポジトリのLazinessTestブランチ では、

私は略記しようとした このコード

runTimeSlot' :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> State Data [Int]
runTimeSlot' (target : idx : rest) inst operand = do
  d <- get
  case inst of
    -- this code ↓↓↓↓
    0 -> case (rem target sizeOfTarget) of
      0 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), setTime operand d)
    1 -> case (rem target sizeOfTarget) of
      0 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), modifyTime (\x -> rem x operand) d)


runTimeSlot'' :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> State Data [Int]
runTimeSlot'' (target : idx : rest) inst operand = do
  d <- get
  case inst of
    -- as like as ↓↓↓↓
    0 -> case targetInData of
      0 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), setTime operand d)
    1 -> case targetInData of
      0 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), modifyTime (\x -> rem x operand) d)
  where targetInData = rem target sizeOfTarget

そして、622μsから1.767 msに大幅にパフォーマンスが低下することを示しています。


runTimeSlot''' :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> State Data [Int]
runTimeSlot''' (target : idx : rest) inst operand = do
  d <- get
  -- evaluate it ↓↓ here before it used
  targetInData `seq` case inst of
    0 -> case targetInData of
      0 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), setTime operand d)
    1 -> case targetInData of
      0 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), modifyTime (\x -> rem x operand) d)
  where targetInData = rem target sizeOfTarget

しかし、これも機能しません。 (1.758ミリ秒かかります)


runTimeSlot''b :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> State Data [Int]
runTimeSlot''b (target : idx : rest) inst operand = do
  d <- get
  case inst of
    0 -> case targetInData of -- Set
      0 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), setTime operand d)
    1 -> case targetInData of -- Mod
      0 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), modifyTime (\x -> rem x operand) d)
  where !targetInData = rem target sizeOfTarget

runTimeSlot'''b :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> State Data [Int]
runTimeSlot'''b (target : idx : rest) inst operand = do
  d <- get
  -- evaluate it ↓↓ here before it used
  targetInData `seq` case inst of
    0 -> case targetInData of
      0 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), setTime operand d)
    1 -> case targetInData of
      0 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), modifyTime (\x -> rem x operand) d)
  where !targetInData = rem target sizeOfTarget


  • 1.767 ms @ runTimeSlot''-> 1.527 ms @ runTimeSlot''b
  • 1.758 ms @ runTimeSlot'''-> 1.503 ms @ runTimeSlot'''b

622μs@ runTimeSlot ???


省略形のコードとして(rem target sizeOfTaregt)を置き換えるだけでパフォーマンスが低下する理由を説明できますか?

これが単一のコンパイル可能なサンプルコードと ベンチマークの結果 :(私は不必要なコードを十分に減らすことができなかったのは残念です)

-- dependencies: base, containers, criterion, deepseq, mtl, splitmix
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
module Main where

import           Criterion.Main
import           Criterion.Types

import           Control.DeepSeq
import           Control.Monad.State.Strict

import           Data.Bifunctor
import           Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.IntMap                   as IM
import           Data.List

import           System.Random.SplitMix

myConfig60s =
  defaultConfig { timeLimit = 60.0, resamples = 10000, verbosity = Verbose }

randomInts :: SMGen -> [Int]
randomInts = unfoldr (Just . (first fromIntegral . bitmaskWithRejection64 64))

main :: IO ()
main = do
  putStrLn "Initialize"
  let size                             = 10000
  let instSize                         = 2
  let targetSize                       = 16
  let operandSize                      = 256
  let i0Gen                            = (mkSMGen . fromIntegral) 0
  let (targetGen, i1Gen)               = splitSMGen i0Gen
  let (instGen, i2Gen)                 = splitSMGen i1Gen
  let (operGen, iGen)                  = splitSMGen i2Gen
  let infTargetList = map (\x -> rem x targetSize) $ randomInts targetGen
  let infInstList = map (\x -> rem x instSize) $ randomInts instGen
  let infOperandList = map (\x -> rem x operandSize + 1) $ randomInts operGen
  let (iTime : iBalance : iStatus : _) = randomInts iGen
  let targetList                       = take (size * 2) infTargetList
  let instList                         = take size infInstList
  let operandList                      = take size infOperandList

  targetList `deepseq` instList `deepseq` operandList `deepseq` putStrLn

  let iData = Data iTime iBalance iStatus IM.empty

    ssBench =
      bgroup "SingleState Simulation"
        $ [ bench "SingleState.StrictPure'" $ nf
            ( runSimulatorPure' size targetList instList operandList
          , bench "SingleState.StrictPure''" $ nf
            ( runSimulatorPure'' size targetList instList operandList
          , bench "SingleState.StrictState'" $ nf
            ( runState
            $ runSimulator' size targetList instList operandList
          , bench "SingleState.StrictState''" $ nf
            ( runState
            $ runSimulator'' size targetList instList operandList
          , bench "SingleState.StrictState''b" $ nf
            ( runState
            $ runSimulator''b size targetList instList operandList
          , bench "SingleState.StrictState'''" $ nf
            ( runState
            $ runSimulator''' size targetList instList operandList
          , bench "SingleState.StrictState'''b" $ nf
            ( runState
            $ runSimulator'''b size targetList instList operandList
          , bench "SingleState.StrictState''''" $ nf
            ( runState
            $ runSimulator'''' size targetList instList operandList
          , bench "SingleState.StrictState'''''" $ nf
            ( runState
            $ runSimulator''''' size targetList instList operandList
  putStrLn "Do bench"
  defaultMainWith myConfig60s [ssBench]

-- from SingleState.StrictPure of the repo
runSimulatorPure' :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int] -> Data -> Data
runSimulatorPure' 0 _ _ _ d = d
runSimulatorPure' size tList (i : iList) (o : oList) d =
    `seq` newData
    `seq` runSimulatorPure' (size - 1) restTList iList oList newData
  where (restTList, newData) = runTimeSlotPure' tList i o d

runTimeSlotPure' :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> Data -> ([Int], Data)
runTimeSlotPure' (target : idx : rest) inst operand d = case inst of
  0 -> case (rem target sizeOfTarget) of -- Set
    0 -> ((idx : rest), setTime operand d)
    1 -> ((idx : rest), setBalance operand d)
    2 -> ((idx : rest), setStatus operand d)
    3 -> (rest, setEntry idx operand d)
  1 -> case (rem target sizeOfTarget) of -- Mod
    0 -> ((idx : rest), modifyTime (\x -> rem x operand) d)
    1 -> ((idx : rest), modifyBalance (\x -> rem x operand) d)
    2 -> ((idx : rest), modifyStatus (\x -> rem x operand) d)
    3 -> (rest, modifyEntry (\x -> rem x operand) idx d)

runSimulatorPure'' :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int] -> Data -> Data
runSimulatorPure'' 0 _ _ _ d = d
runSimulatorPure'' size tList (i : iList) (o : oList) d =
    `seq` newData
    `seq` runSimulatorPure'' (size - 1) restTList iList oList newData
  where (restTList, newData) = runTimeSlotPure'' tList i o d

runTimeSlotPure'' :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> Data -> ([Int], Data)
runTimeSlotPure'' (target : idx : rest) inst operand d = case inst of
  0 -> case targetInData of -- Set
    0 -> ((idx : rest), setTime operand d)
    1 -> ((idx : rest), setBalance operand d)
    2 -> ((idx : rest), setStatus operand d)
    3 -> (rest, setEntry idx operand d)
  1 -> case targetInData of -- Mod
    0 -> ((idx : rest), modifyTime (\x -> rem x operand) d)
    1 -> ((idx : rest), modifyBalance (\x -> rem x operand) d)
    2 -> ((idx : rest), modifyStatus (\x -> rem x operand) d)
    3 -> (rest, modifyEntry (\x -> rem x operand) idx d)
  where targetInData = rem target sizeOfTarget

-- from SingleState.StrictState of the repo
runSimulator :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int] -> State Data Data
runSimulator 0    _     _           _           = get
runSimulator size tList (i : iList) (o : oList) = do
  restTList <- runTimeSlot tList i o
  runSimulator (size - 1) restTList iList oList

runTimeSlot :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> State Data [Int]
runTimeSlot (target : idx : rest) inst operand = do
  d <- get
  case inst of
    0 -> case (rem target sizeOfTarget) of -- Set
      0 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), setTime operand d)
      1 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), setBalance operand d)
      2 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), setStatus operand d)
      3 -> state $ \s -> (rest, setEntry idx operand d)
    1 -> case (rem target sizeOfTarget) of -- Mod
      0 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), modifyTime rF d)
      1 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), modifyBalance rF d)
      2 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), modifyStatus rF d)
      3 -> state $ \s -> (rest, modifyEntry rF idx d)
    -- 2 -> Add
    -- 3 -> Div
  where rF x = rem x operand

runSimulator' :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int] -> State Data Data
runSimulator' 0    _     _           _           = get
runSimulator' size tList (i : iList) (o : oList) = do
  restTList <- runTimeSlot' tList i o
  runSimulator' (size - 1) restTList iList oList

runTimeSlot' :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> State Data [Int]
runTimeSlot' (target : idx : rest) inst operand = do
  d <- get
  case inst of
    0 -> case (rem target sizeOfTarget) of -- Set
      0 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), setTime operand d)
      1 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), setBalance operand d)
      2 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), setStatus operand d)
      3 -> state $ \s -> (rest, setEntry idx operand d)
    1 -> case (rem target sizeOfTarget) of -- Mod
      0 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), modifyTime (\x -> rem x operand) d)
      1 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), modifyBalance (\x -> rem x operand) d)
      2 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), modifyStatus (\x -> rem x operand) d)
      3 -> state $ \s -> (rest, modifyEntry (\x -> rem x operand) idx d)
    -- 2 -> Add
    -- 3 -> Div

runSimulator'' :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int] -> State Data Data
runSimulator'' 0    _     _           _           = get
runSimulator'' size tList (i : iList) (o : oList) = do
  restTList <- runTimeSlot'' tList i o
  runSimulator'' (size - 1) restTList iList oList

runTimeSlot'' :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> State Data [Int]
runTimeSlot'' (target : idx : rest) inst operand = do
  d <- get
  case inst of
    0 -> case targetInData of -- Set
      0 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), setTime operand d)
      1 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), setBalance operand d)
      2 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), setStatus operand d)
      3 -> state $ \s -> (rest, setEntry idx operand d)
    1 -> case targetInData of -- Mod
      0 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), modifyTime (\x -> rem x operand) d)
      1 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), modifyBalance (\x -> rem x operand) d)
      2 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), modifyStatus (\x -> rem x operand) d)
      3 -> state $ \s -> (rest, modifyEntry (\x -> rem x operand) idx d)
    -- 2 -> Add
    -- 3 -> Div
  where targetInData = rem target sizeOfTarget

runSimulator''b :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int] -> State Data Data
runSimulator''b 0    _     _           _           = get
runSimulator''b size tList (i : iList) (o : oList) = do
  restTList <- runTimeSlot''b tList i o
  runSimulator''b (size - 1) restTList iList oList

runTimeSlot''b :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> State Data [Int]
runTimeSlot''b (target : idx : rest) inst operand = do
  d <- get
  case inst of
    0 -> case targetInData of -- Set
      0 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), setTime operand d)
      1 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), setBalance operand d)
      2 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), setStatus operand d)
      3 -> state $ \s -> (rest, setEntry idx operand d)
    1 -> case targetInData of -- Mod
      0 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), modifyTime (\x -> rem x operand) d)
      1 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), modifyBalance (\x -> rem x operand) d)
      2 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), modifyStatus (\x -> rem x operand) d)
      3 -> state $ \s -> (rest, modifyEntry (\x -> rem x operand) idx d)
    -- 2 -> Add
    -- 3 -> Div
  where !targetInData = rem target sizeOfTarget

runSimulator''' :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int] -> State Data Data
runSimulator''' 0    _     _           _           = get
runSimulator''' size tList (i : iList) (o : oList) = do
  restTList <- runTimeSlot''' tList i o
  runSimulator''' (size - 1) restTList iList oList

runTimeSlot''' :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> State Data [Int]
runTimeSlot''' (target : idx : rest) inst operand = do
  d <- get
  targetInData `seq` case inst of
    0 -> case targetInData of -- Set
      0 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), setTime operand d)
      1 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), setBalance operand d)
      2 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), setStatus operand d)
      3 -> state $ \s -> (rest, setEntry idx operand d)
    1 -> case targetInData of -- Mod
      0 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), modifyTime (\x -> rem x operand) d)
      1 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), modifyBalance (\x -> rem x operand) d)
      2 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), modifyStatus (\x -> rem x operand) d)
      3 -> state $ \s -> (rest, modifyEntry (\x -> rem x operand) idx d)
    -- 2 -> Add
    -- 3 -> Div
  where targetInData = rem target sizeOfTarget

runSimulator'''b :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int] -> State Data Data
runSimulator'''b 0    _     _           _           = get
runSimulator'''b size tList (i : iList) (o : oList) = do
  restTList <- runTimeSlot'''b tList i o
  runSimulator'''b (size - 1) restTList iList oList

runTimeSlot'''b :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> State Data [Int]
runTimeSlot'''b (target : idx : rest) inst operand = do
  d <- get
  targetInData `seq` case inst of
    0 -> case targetInData of -- Set
      0 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), setTime operand d)
      1 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), setBalance operand d)
      2 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), setStatus operand d)
      3 -> state $ \s -> (rest, setEntry idx operand d)
    1 -> case targetInData of -- Mod
      0 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), modifyTime (\x -> rem x operand) d)
      1 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), modifyBalance (\x -> rem x operand) d)
      2 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), modifyStatus (\x -> rem x operand) d)
      3 -> state $ \s -> (rest, modifyEntry (\x -> rem x operand) idx d)
    -- 2 -> Add
    -- 3 -> Div
  where !targetInData = rem target sizeOfTarget

runSimulator'''' :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int] -> State Data Data
runSimulator'''' 0    _     _           _           = get
runSimulator'''' size tList (i : iList) (o : oList) = do
  restTList <- runTimeSlot'''' tList i o
  runSimulator'''' (size - 1) restTList iList oList

runTimeSlot'''' :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> State Data [Int]
runTimeSlot'''' (target : idx : rest) inst operand = do
  d <- get
  case inst of
    0 -> case targetInData of -- Set
      0 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), setTime operand d)
      1 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), setBalance operand d)
      2 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), setStatus operand d)
      3 -> state $ \s -> (rest, setEntry idx operand d)
    1 -> case targetInData of -- Mod
      0 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), modifyTime rF d)
      1 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), modifyBalance rF d)
      2 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), modifyStatus rF d)
      3 -> state $ \s -> (rest, modifyEntry rF idx d)
    -- 2 -> Add
    -- 3 -> Div
    targetInData = rem target sizeOfTarget
    rF x = rem x operand

runSimulator''''' :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int] -> State Data Data
runSimulator''''' 0    _     _           _           = get
runSimulator''''' size tList (i : iList) (o : oList) = do
  restTList <- runTimeSlot''''' tList i o
  runSimulator''''' (size - 1) restTList iList oList

runTimeSlot''''' :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> State Data [Int]
runTimeSlot''''' (target : idx : rest) inst operand = do
  d <- get
  targetInData `seq` case inst of
    0 -> case targetInData of -- Set
      0 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), setTime operand d)
      1 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), setBalance operand d)
      2 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), setStatus operand d)
      3 -> state $ \s -> (rest, setEntry idx operand d)
    1 -> case targetInData of -- Mod
      0 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), modifyTime rF d)
      1 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), modifyBalance rF d)
      2 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), modifyStatus rF d)
      3 -> state $ \s -> (rest, modifyEntry rF idx d)
    -- 2 -> Add
    -- 3 -> Div
    targetInData = rem target sizeOfTarget
    rF x = rem x operand

type Balance = Int
type Time = Int
type Status = Int
type Idx = Int
type Datum = Int

data Data = Data
  { time :: Time
  , balance :: Balance
  , status :: Status
  , aMap :: IM.IntMap Datum
  } deriving (Show,Eq)

sizeOfTarget :: Int
sizeOfTarget = 4

instance NFData Data where
  rnf (Data t b s m) = rnf t `seq` rnf b `seq` rnf s `seq` rnf m

getTime    = time
getBalance = balance
getStatus  = status
getEntry idx = fromMaybe 0 . IM.lookup idx . aMap
setTime newTime d = d { time = newTime }
setBalance newBalance d = d { balance = newBalance }
setStatus newStatus d = d { status = newStatus }
setEntry idx aDatum d = d { aMap = IM.insert idx aDatum (aMap d) }
modifyTime f d = d { time = f (time d) }
modifyBalance f d = d { balance = f (balance d) }
modifyStatus f d = d { status = f (status d) }
modifyEntry f idx d = d { aMap = IM.adjust f idx (aMap d) }


  • @AndrásKovácsのコメント に基づいて、新しいテスト関数を追加しました。
  • 新しい機能で測定時間ごとに更新されます。
  • State- freeバージョンとSTモナドバージョンを masterブランチ から参照してください


  • このコードを -threadedなしの-O2 を指定して実行しました。
  • ベンチマークの結果全体は herehere で確認できます。
  • Stateモナドバージョンのない純粋な関数は、この簡略化されたコードによってパフォーマンスの変化を示しません。
  • このコード から、この問題に関するベンチマーク全体を構築できます。

ghc -O2 -ddump-simpl -dsuppress-allを介してコア出力を確認する限り、GHCは次の場合、Stateタプルのボックス化解除とワーカーラッピングを単純に実行しません。

runTimeSlot2 :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> State Data [Int]
runTimeSlot2 (target : idx : rest) inst operand = do
  d <- get
  case inst of
    0 -> ...
    1 -> ..
    where targetInData = rem target sizeOfTarget

ただし、以下の場合に動作します。 targetInDataの前のletcaseを置くこともできます。

runTimeSlot2 :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> State Data [Int]
runTimeSlot2 (target : idx : rest) inst operand = do
  d <- get
  case inst of
    0 -> ...
    1 -> ..
  where targetInData = rem target sizeOfTarget


data Data = Data
  { time :: !Time
  , balance :: !Balance
  , status :: !Status
  , aMap :: !(IM.IntMap Datum)
  } deriving (Show,Eq)


runSimulator1 :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int] -> Data -> Data
runSimulator1 = go where
  go 0 _ _ _ d = d
  go size (target : (idx : rest)) (i : iList) (o : oList) d =
    let targetInData = rem target sizeOfTarget in
    case i of
      0 -> case targetInData of
        0 -> go (size - 1) (idx : rest) iList oList (setTime o d)
        1 -> go (size - 1) (idx : rest) iList oList (setBalance o d)
        2 -> go (size - 1) (idx : rest) iList oList (setStatus o d)
        3 -> go (size - 1) rest         iList oList (setEntry idx o d)
      1 -> case targetInData of
        0 -> go (size - 1) (idx : rest) iList oList (modifyTime    (\x -> rem x o) d)
        1 -> go (size - 1) (idx : rest) iList oList (modifyBalance (\x -> rem x o) d)
        2 -> go (size - 1) (idx : rest) iList oList (modifyStatus  (\x -> rem x o) d)
        3 -> go (size - 1) rest         iList oList (modifyEntry   (\x -> rem x o) idx d)



0 -> case targetInData of
  0 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), setTime operand d)
  1 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), setBalance operand d)
  2 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), setStatus operand d)
  3 -> state $ \s -> (rest, setEntry idx operand d)

上記では、setTime operand dのような返されるすべての状態は遅延です。したがって、多数のサンクを取得します。代わりにできます:

0 -> case targetInData of -- Set
  0 -> (idx : rest) <$ (put $! setTime operand d)
  1 -> (idx : rest) <$ (put $! setBalance operand d)
  2 -> (idx : rest) <$ (put $! setStatus operand d)
  3 ->  rest        <$ (put $! setEntry idx operand d)

これによりパフォーマンスが向上しますが、GHCはStateを単純な関数の引数または結果としてunboxできますが、Data Tuple内のDataをunboxできないので、私のState- freeバージョンよりも少し遅くなります。


András Kovács