


私が欲しいもの:アップロードディレクトリのスラッグに基づいて、異なるフォルダにサムネイルを保存する。 http://example.com/uploads/medium/image.jpgなど


class WP_Image_Editor_Custom extends WP_Image_Editor_Gd {
    public function generate_filename($prefix = NULL, $dest_path = NULL, $extension = NULL) {
        global $current_size_slug;
        // If empty, generate a prefix with the parent method get_suffix().
            $prefix = $this->get_suffix();

        // Determine extension and directory based on file path.
        $info = pathinfo($this->file);
        $dir  = ABSPATH."/media/";
        $ext  = $info['extension'];

        // Determine image name.
        $name = wp_basename($this->file, ".$ext");

        // Allow extension to be changed via method argument.
        $new_ext = strtolower($extension ? $extension : $ext);

        // Default to $_dest_path if method argument is not set or invalid.
        if(!is_null($dest_path) && $_dest_path = realpath($dest_path))
            $dir = $_dest_path;

        // Return our new prefixed filename.
        $slug = $current_size_slug; 
        return trailingslashit($dir)."{$slug}/{$name}.{$new_ext}";
    function multi_resize($sizes) {
        $sizes = parent::multi_resize($sizes);
        foreach($sizes as $slug => $data)
            $sizes[$slug]['file'] = $slug."/".$data['file'];
            $current_size_slug = $slug;
        return $sizes;

画像をアップロードすると、サムネイルは正しく作成されますが、ファイル名は正しく作成されません。 $slug値はmulti_resize()からgenerate_filenameに渡されません。


class WP_Image_Editor_Custom extends WP_Image_Editor_Gd {
    public function generate_filename($prefix = NULL, $dest_path = NULL, $extension = NULL) {
        global $current_size_slug;
        // If empty, generate a prefix with the parent method get_suffix().
            $prefix = $this->get_suffix();

        // Determine extension and directory based on file path.
        $info = pathinfo($this->file);
        $dir  = ABSPATH."/media/";
        $ext  = $info['extension'];

        // Determine image name.
        $name = wp_basename($this->file, ".$ext");

        // Allow extension to be changed via method argument.
        $new_ext = strtolower($extension ? $extension : $ext);

        // Default to $_dest_path if method argument is not set or invalid.
        if(!is_null($dest_path) && $_dest_path = realpath($dest_path))
            $dir = $_dest_path;

        // Return our new prefixed filename.
        $slug = $current_size_slug; 
        return trailingslashit($dir)."{$slug}/{$name}.{$new_ext}";
    function multi_resize($sizes) {
        $sizes = parent::multi_resize($sizes);
        foreach($sizes as $slug => $data)
            $sizes[$slug]['file'] = $slug."/".$data['file'];
            $current_size_slug = $slug;
        return $sizes;



Jack Johansson


add_filter("wp_image_editors", "my_wp_image_editors");

function my_wp_image_editors($editors) {
    array_unshift($editors, "WP_Image_Editor_Custom");
    return $editors;

// Include the existing classes first in order to extend them.
require_once ABSPATH . WPINC . "/class-wp-image-editor.php";
require_once ABSPATH . WPINC . "/class-wp-image-editor-Gd.php";

class WP_Image_Editor_Custom extends WP_Image_Editor_Gd {

    public function generate_filename($suffix = null, $dest_path = null, $extension = null) {
        // $suffix will be appended to the destination filename, just before the extension
        if (!$suffix) {
            $suffix = $this->get_suffix();

        $dir = pathinfo($this->file, PATHINFO_DIRNAME);
        $ext = pathinfo($this->file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);

        $name = wp_basename($this->file, ".$ext");
        $new_ext = strtolower($extension ? $extension : $ext );

        if (!is_null($dest_path) && $_dest_path = realpath($dest_path)) {
            $dir = $_dest_path;
        //we get the dimensions using explode, we could have used the properties of $this->file[height] but the suffix could have been provided
        $size_from_suffix = explode("x", $suffix);
        //we get the slug_name for this dimension
        $slug_name = $this->get_slug_by_size($size_from_suffix[0], $size_from_suffix[1]);

        return trailingslashit($dir) . "{$slug_name}/{$name}.{$new_ext}";

    function multi_resize($sizes) {
        $sizes = parent::multi_resize($sizes);

        //we add the slug to the file path
        foreach ($sizes as $slug => $data) {
            $sizes[$slug]['file'] = $slug . "/" . $data['file'];

        return $sizes;

    function get_slug_by_size($width, $height) {

        // Make thumbnails and other intermediate sizes.
        $_wp_additional_image_sizes = wp_get_additional_image_sizes();

        $image_sizes = array(); //all sizes the default ones and the custom ones in one array
        foreach (get_intermediate_image_sizes() as $s) {
            $image_sizes[$s] = array('width' => '', 'height' => '', 'crop' => false);
            if (isset($_wp_additional_image_sizes[$s]['width'])) {
                // For theme-added sizes
                $image_sizes[$s]['width'] = intval($_wp_additional_image_sizes[$s]['width']);
            } else {
                // For default sizes set in options
                $image_sizes[$s]['width'] = get_option("{$s}_size_w");

            if (isset($_wp_additional_image_sizes[$s]['height'])) {
                // For theme-added sizes
                $image_sizes[$s]['height'] = intval($_wp_additional_image_sizes[$s]['height']);
            } else {
                // For default sizes set in options
                $image_sizes[$s]['height'] = get_option("{$s}_size_h");

            if (isset($_wp_additional_image_sizes[$s]['crop'])) {
                // For theme-added sizes
                $image_sizes[$s]['crop'] = $_wp_additional_image_sizes[$s]['crop'];
            } else {
                // For default sizes set in options
                $image_sizes[$s]['crop'] = get_option("{$s}_crop");
        $slug_name = ""; //the slug name

        if($width >= $height){
          foreach ($image_sizes as $slug => $data) { //we start checking
            if ($data['width'] == $width) {//we use only width because regardless of the height, the width is the one used for resizing in all cases with crop 1 or 0
                $slug_name = $slug;
             * There could be custom added image sizes that have the same width as one of the defaults so we also use height here
             * if there are several image sizes with the same width all of them will override the previous one leaving the last one, here we get also the last one
             * since is looping the entire list, the height is used as a max value for non-hard cropped sizes
             *  */
              if ($data['width'] == $width && $data['height'] == $height) {
                  $slug_name = $slug;
           foreach ($image_sizes as $slug => $data) {
              if ($data['height'] == $height) {
                  $slug_name = $slug;
              if ($data['height'] == $height && $data['width'] == $width ) {
                  $slug_name = $slug;
        return $slug_name;


enter image description here


        [thumbnail] => Array // Thumbnail (150 x 150 hard cropped)
                [width] => 150
                [height] => 150
                [crop] => 1

        [medium] => Array // Medium resolution (300 x 300 max height 300px)
                [width] => 300
                [height] => 300
                [crop] => 

        [medium_large] => Array //Medium Large (added in WP 4.4) resolution (768 x 0 infinite height)
                [width] => 768
                [height] => 0
                [crop] => 

        [large] => Array // Large resolution (1024 x 1024 max height 1024px)
                [width] => 1024
                [height] => 1024
                [crop] => 

// Full resolution (original size uploaded) this one is not in the array.

width 310のみの画像をアップロードするとthumbnailmediumの画像が作成されますWordPressはそれより大きいものを作成しないので、上記のコードでは、2つのフォルダのみが作成されます。

David Lee

そのユースケースを説明するコードサンプルはもっと役に立つでしょう。あなたがそれをどのように使うつもりなのかわからないが、単に$ sizeの内側にあるすべてのナメクジにアクセスするためにあなたはこれを使うことができる。

Multi_resize()は、その「サイズ」をパラメータとして取得します。これは、wp_generate_attachment_metadata() によって提供されます 。 sizes配列を取得する簡単な方法は、それをクラスプロパティに格納することです。といった


public $current_size_slug = '';


public function generate_filename( $prefix = null, $dest_path = null, $extension = null ) {
// <-- Now we have the current thumbnail slug.-->
$slug = $this->current_size_slug;
// If empty, generate a prefix with the parent method get_suffix().
if ( ! $prefix ) {
    $prefix = $this->get_suffix();

// Determine extension and directory based on file path.
$info = pathinfo( $this->file );
$dir  = $info['dirname'];
$ext  = $info['extension'];

// Determine image name.
$name = wp_basename( $this->file, ".$ext" );

// Allow extension to be changed via method argument.
$new_ext = strtolower( $extension ? $extension : $ext );

// Default to $_dest_path if method argument is not set or invalid.
if ( ! is_null( $dest_path ) && $_dest_path = realpath( $dest_path ) ) {
    $dir = $_dest_path;

// Return our new prefixed filename.
// <-- Replaced prefix with slug. -->
return trailingslashit( $dir ) . "{$slug}/{$name}.{$new_ext}"; 


_save()を呼び出す前に実際に$ current_size_slugを設定するmulti_resize()関数

function multi_resize( $sizes ) {
$metadata  = array();
$orig_size = $this->size;

foreach ( $sizes as $size => $size_data ) {
    if ( ! isset( $size_data['width'] ) && ! isset( $size_data['height'] ) ) {

    if ( ! isset( $size_data['width'] ) ) {
        $size_data['width'] = null;
    if ( ! isset( $size_data['height'] ) ) {
        $size_data['height'] = null;

    if ( ! isset( $size_data['crop'] ) ) {
        $size_data['crop'] = false;

    $image     = $this->_resize( $size_data['width'], $size_data['height'], $size_data['crop'] );
    $duplicate = ( ( $orig_size['width'] == $size_data['width'] ) && ( $orig_size['height'] == $size_data['height'] ) );

    if ( ! is_wp_error( $image ) && ! $duplicate ) {
        // We set the current slug before calling the save function.
        $this->current_size_slug = $size;

        $resized = $this->_save( $image );

        imagedestroy( $image );

        if ( ! is_wp_error( $resized ) && $resized ) {
            unset( $resized['path'] );
            $metadata[ $size ] = $resized;

    $this->size = $orig_size;

return $metadata;

