


enter image description here



以下を使用UIColor Extension:

_extension UIColor {

    func lighter(by percentage: CGFloat = 30.0) -> UIColor? {
        return self.adjust(by: abs(percentage) )

    func darker(by percentage: CGFloat = 30.0) -> UIColor? {
        return self.adjust(by: -1 * abs(percentage) )

    func adjust(by percentage: CGFloat = 30.0) -> UIColor? {
        var red: CGFloat = 0, green: CGFloat = 0, blue: CGFloat = 0, alpha: CGFloat = 0
        if self.getRed(&red, green: &green, blue: &blue, alpha: &alpha) {
            return UIColor(red: min(red + percentage/100, 1.0),
                           green: min(green + percentage/100, 1.0),
                           blue: min(blue + percentage/100, 1.0),
                           alpha: alpha)
        } else {
            return nil


_let color = UIColor(red:0.96, green:0.54, blue:0.10, alpha:1.0)
color.lighter(30) // returns lighter color by 30%
color.darker(30) // returns darker color by 30%


_color.adjust(-30) // 30% darker color
color.adjust(30) // 30% lighter color


enter image description here



extension UIColor {
   Create a ligher color
  func lighter(by percentage: CGFloat = 30.0) -> UIColor {
    return self.adjustBrightness(by: abs(percentage))

   Create a darker color
  func darker(by percentage: CGFloat = 30.0) -> UIColor {
    return self.adjustBrightness(by: -abs(percentage))

   Try to increase brightness or decrease saturation
  func adjustBrightness(by percentage: CGFloat = 30.0) -> UIColor {
    var h: CGFloat = 0, s: CGFloat = 0, b: CGFloat = 0, a: CGFloat = 0
    if self.getHue(&h, saturation: &s, brightness: &b, alpha: &a) {
      if b < 1.0 {
        let newB: CGFloat = max(min(b + (percentage/100.0)*b, 1.0), 0.0)
        return UIColor(hue: h, saturation: s, brightness: newB, alpha: a)
      } else {
        let newS: CGFloat = min(max(s - (percentage/100.0)*s, 0.0), 1.0)
        return UIColor(hue: h, saturation: newS, brightness: b, alpha: a)
    return self
Tran Quan

Swift 5.0:の場合

extension UIColor {

func lighter(by percentage: CGFloat = 10.0) -> UIColor {
    return self.adjust(by: abs(percentage))

func darker(by percentage: CGFloat = 10.0) -> UIColor {
    return self.adjust(by: -abs(percentage))

func adjust(by percentage: CGFloat) -> UIColor {
    var alpha, hue, saturation, brightness, red, green, blue, white : CGFloat
    (alpha, hue, saturation, brightness, red, green, blue, white) = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)

    let multiplier = percentage / 100.0

    if self.getHue(&hue, saturation: &saturation, brightness: &brightness, alpha: &alpha) {
        let newBrightness: CGFloat = max(min(brightness + multiplier*brightness, 1.0), 0.0)
        return UIColor(hue: hue, saturation: saturation, brightness: newBrightness, alpha: alpha)
    else if self.getRed(&red, green: &green, blue: &blue, alpha: &alpha) {
        let newRed: CGFloat = min(max(red + multiplier*red, 0.0), 1.0)
        let newGreen: CGFloat = min(max(green + multiplier*green, 0.0), 1.0)
        let newBlue: CGFloat = min(max(blue + multiplier*blue, 0.0), 1.0)
        return UIColor(red: newRed, green: newGreen, blue: newBlue, alpha: alpha)
    else if self.getWhite(&white, alpha: &alpha) {
        let newWhite: CGFloat = (white + multiplier*white)
        return UIColor(white: newWhite, alpha: alpha)

    return self




Colors demo


public extension UIColor {

     Create a lighter color
    public func lighter(by percentage: CGFloat = 30.0) -> UIColor {
        return self.adjustBrightness(by: abs(percentage))

     Create a darker color
    public func darker(by percentage: CGFloat = 30.0) -> UIColor {
        return self.adjustBrightness(by: -abs(percentage))

     Changing R, G, B values

    func adjustBrightness(by percentage: CGFloat = 30.0) -> UIColor {

        var red: CGFloat = 0.0
        var green: CGFloat = 0.0
        var blue: CGFloat = 0.0
        var alpha: CGFloat = 0.0

        if self.getRed(&red, green: &green, blue: &blue, alpha: &alpha) {

            let pFactor = (100.0 + percentage) / 100.0

            let newRed = (red*pFactor).clamped(to: 0.0 ... 1.0)
            let newGreen = (green*pFactor).clamped(to: 0.0 ... 1.0)
            let newBlue = (blue*pFactor).clamped(to: 0.0 ... 1.0)

            return UIColor(red: newRed, green: newGreen, blue: newBlue, alpha: alpha)

        return self


extension Comparable {

    func clamped(to range: ClosedRange<Self>) -> Self {

        if self > range.upperBound {
            return range.upperBound
        } else if self < range.lowerBound {
            return range.lowerBound
        } else {
            return self


注:編集を使用してこの変更を追加することはできませんでした。「新しい男の子」担当者がいるため、Kenji-Tranの回答にコメントすることはできません。 SOで新しい知識を投稿して知識を共有してください。大丈夫だと思います。

extension UIColor {
   Create a ligher color
  func lighter(by percentage: CGFloat = 30.0) -> UIColor {
    return self.adjustBrightness(by: abs(percentage))

   Create a darker color
  func darker(by percentage: CGFloat = 30.0) -> UIColor {
    return self.adjustBrightness(by: -abs(percentage))

   Try to increase brightness or decrease saturation
  func adjustBrightness(by percentage: CGFloat = 30.0) -> UIColor {
    var h: CGFloat = 0, s: CGFloat = 0, b: CGFloat = 0, a: CGFloat = 0
    if self.getHue(&h, saturation: &s, brightness: &b, alpha: &a) {
      if b < 1.0 {
         Below is the new part, which makes the code work with black as well as colors
        let newB: CGFloat
        if b == 0.0 {
            newB = max(min(b + percentage/100, 1.0), 0.0)
        } else {
            newB = max(min(b + (percentage/100.0)*b, 1.0), 0,0)
        return UIColor(hue: h, saturation: s, brightness: newB, alpha: a)
      } else {
        let newS: CGFloat = min(max(s - (percentage/100.0)*s, 0.0), 1.0)
        return UIColor(hue: h, saturation: newS, brightness: b, alpha: a)
    return self

Xcode 10でSwift iOS 12の4.xでテスト済み)==


let baseColor = UIColor.red
let darkenFactor: CGFloat = 2


let darkenedBase = UIColor(displayP3Red: startColor.cgColor.components![0] / darkenFactor, green: startColor.cgColor.components![1] / darkenFactor, blue: startColor.cgColor.components![2] / darkenFactor, alpha: 1)




extension UIColor {

    var darker: UIColor {

    var h: CGFloat = 0, s: CGFloat = 0, b: CGFloat = 0, a: CGFloat = 0

        guard self.getHue(&h, saturation: &s, brightness: &b, alpha: &a) else {
            print("** some problem demuxing the color")
            return .gray

        let nudged = b * 0.5

        return UIColor(hue: h, saturation: s, brightness: nudged, alpha: a)


something.color = .yellow.darker


backgroundColor = backgroundColor.darker



.withAlphaComponent(_ alpha: CGFloat)


.withBrightnessComponent(_ alpha: CGFloat)


.withBrightnessComponentAdjustedBy(percentage: CGFloat)


.withBrightnessComponentMultipliedBy(factor: CGFloat)

RGBA、HSBA、WBをサポートするSwift 4バージョン(グレースケール)

TranQuanのバリエーション answer は、.whiteおよび.black。 (注:このような単純な関数に属していなかったため、彩度調整を削除しました。)

extension UIColor {
     Create a ligher color
    func lighter(by percentage: CGFloat = 10.0) -> UIColor {
        return self.adjustBrightness(by: abs(percentage))

     Create a darker color
    func darker(by percentage: CGFloat = 10.0) -> UIColor {
        return self.adjustBrightness(by: -abs(percentage))

     Try to adjust brightness and falls back to adjusting colors if necessary
    func adjustBrightness(by percentage: CGFloat) -> UIColor {
        var alpha, hue, saturation, brightness, red, green, blue, white : CGFloat
        (alpha, hue, saturation, brightness, red, green, blue, white) = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)

        let multiplier = percentage / 100.0

        if self.getHue(&hue, saturation: &saturation, brightness: &brightness, alpha: &alpha) {
            let newBrightness: CGFloat = max(min(brightness + multiplier*brightness, 1.0), 0.0)
            return UIColor(hue: hue, saturation: saturation, brightness: newBrightness, alpha: alpha)
        else if self.getRed(&red, green: &green, blue: &blue, alpha: &alpha) {
            let newRed: CGFloat = min(max(red + multiplier*red, 0.0), 1.0)
            let newGreen: CGFloat = min(max(green + multiplier*green, 0.0), 1.0)
            let newBlue: CGFloat = min(max(blue + multiplier*blue, 0.0), 1.0)
            return UIColor(red: newRed, green: newGreen, blue: newBlue, alpha: alpha)
        else if self.getWhite(&white, alpha: &alpha) {
            let newWhite: CGFloat = (white + multiplier*white)
            return UIColor(white: newWhite, alpha: alpha)

        return self


public extension UIColor {

  public func lighter(by percentage: CGFloat = 30.0) -> UIColor {
    return self.adjustBrightness(by: abs(percentage))

  public func darker(by percentage: CGFloat = 30.0) -> UIColor {
    return self.adjustBrightness(by: -abs(percentage))

  func adjustBrightness(by percentage: CGFloat = 30.0) -> UIColor {

    let ratio = percentage/100

    var red:   CGFloat = 0.0
    var green: CGFloat = 0.0
    var blue:  CGFloat = 0.0
    var alpha: CGFloat = 0.0

    if self.getRed(&red, green: &green, blue: &blue, alpha: &alpha) {
      let newRed =   (red   + ((ratio < 0) ? red   * ratio : (1 - red)   * ratio)).clamped(to: 0.0 ... 1.0)
      let newGreen = (green + ((ratio < 0) ? green * ratio : (1 - green) * ratio)).clamped(to: 0.0 ... 1.0)
      let newBlue =  (blue  + ((ratio < 0) ? blue  * ratio : (1 - blue)  * ratio)).clamped(to: 0.0 ... 1.0)
      return UIColor(red: newRed, green: newGreen, blue: newBlue, alpha: alpha)
    return self