













どちらの場合も、bezierTangentを使用して接線を見つけます。 (注:Michalのすばらしいコードベース ここ 。)


// MBBezierView.m    original BY MICHAL stackoverflow #4058979

#import "MBBezierView.h"

CGFloat bezierInterpolation(
    CGFloat t, CGFloat a, CGFloat b, CGFloat c, CGFloat d) {
// see also below for another way to do this, that follows the 'coefficients'
// idea, and is a little clearer
    CGFloat t2 = t * t;
    CGFloat t3 = t2 * t;
    return a + (-a * 3 + t * (3 * a - a * t)) * t
    + (3 * b + t * (-6 * b + b * 3 * t)) * t
    + (c * 3 - c * 3 * t) * t2
    + d * t3;

CGFloat altBezierInterpolation(
   CGFloat t, CGFloat a, CGFloat b, CGFloat c, CGFloat d)
// here's an alternative to Michal's bezierInterpolation above.
// the result is absolutely identical.
// of course, you could calculate the four 'coefficients' only once for
// both this and the slope calculation, if desired.
    CGFloat C1 = ( d - (3.0 * c) + (3.0 * b) - a );
    CGFloat C2 = ( (3.0 * c) - (6.0 * b) + (3.0 * a) );
    CGFloat C3 = ( (3.0 * b) - (3.0 * a) );
    CGFloat C4 = ( a );

    // it's now easy to calculate the point, using those coefficients:
    return ( C1*t*t*t + C2*t*t + C3*t + C4  );

CGFloat bezierTangent(CGFloat t, CGFloat a, CGFloat b, CGFloat c, CGFloat d)
    // note that abcd are aka x0 x1 x2 x3

/*  the four coefficients ..
    A = x3 - 3 * x2 + 3 * x1 - x0
    B = 3 * x2 - 6 * x1 + 3 * x0
    C = 3 * x1 - 3 * x0
    D = x0

    and then...
    Vx = 3At2 + 2Bt + C         */

    // first calcuate what are usually know as the coeffients,
    // they are trivial based on the four control points:

    CGFloat C1 = ( d - (3.0 * c) + (3.0 * b) - a );
    CGFloat C2 = ( (3.0 * c) - (6.0 * b) + (3.0 * a) );
    CGFloat C3 = ( (3.0 * b) - (3.0 * a) );
    CGFloat C4 = ( a );  // (not needed for this calculation)

    // finally it is easy to calculate the slope element,
    // using those coefficients:

    return ( ( 3.0 * C1 * t* t ) + ( 2.0 * C2 * t ) + C3 );

    // note that this routine works for both the x and y side;
    // simply run this routine twice, once for x once for y
    // note that there are sometimes said to be 8 (not 4) coefficients,
    // these are simply the four for x and four for y,
    // calculated as above in each case.

@implementation MBBezierView

- (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect {
    CGPoint p1, p2, p3, p4;

    p1 = CGPointMake(30, rect.size.height * 0.33);
    p2 = CGPointMake(CGRectGetMidX(rect), CGRectGetMinY(rect));
    p3 = CGPointMake(CGRectGetMidX(rect), CGRectGetMaxY(rect));
    p4 = CGPointMake(-30 + CGRectGetMaxX(rect), rect.size.height * 0.66);

    [[UIColor blackColor] set];
    [[UIBezierPath bezierPathWithRect:rect] fill];
    [[UIColor redColor] setStroke];
    UIBezierPath *bezierPath = [[[UIBezierPath alloc] init] autorelease];   
    [bezierPath moveToPoint:p1];
    [bezierPath addCurveToPoint:p4 controlPoint1:p2 controlPoint2:p3];
    [bezierPath stroke];

    [[UIColor brownColor] setStroke];

 // now mark in points along the bezier!

    for (CGFloat t = 0.0; t <= 1.00001; t += 0.05) {
  [[UIColor brownColor] setStroke];

        CGPoint point = CGPointMake(
            bezierInterpolation(t, p1.x, p2.x, p3.x, p4.x),
            bezierInterpolation(t, p1.y, p2.y, p3.y, p4.y));

            // there, use either bezierInterpolation or altBezierInterpolation,
            // identical results for the position

        // just draw that point to indicate it...
        UIBezierPath *pointPath =
           [UIBezierPath bezierPathWithArcCenter:point
             radius:5 startAngle:0 endAngle:2*M_PI clockwise:YES];
        [pointPath stroke];

        // now find the tangent if someone on stackoverflow knows how
        CGPoint vel = CGPointMake(
            bezierTangent(t, p1.x, p2.x, p3.x, p4.x),
            bezierTangent(t, p1.y, p2.y, p3.y, p4.y));

        // the following code simply draws an indication of the tangent
        CGPoint demo = CGPointMake( point.x + (vel.x*0.3),
                                      point.y + (vel.y*0.33) );
        // (the only reason for the .3 is to make the pointers shorter)
        [[UIColor whiteColor] setStroke];
        UIBezierPath *vp = [UIBezierPath bezierPath];
        [vp moveToPoint:point];
        [vp addLineToPoint:demo];
        [vp stroke];


to draw that class...
MBBezierView *mm = [[MBBezierView alloc]
                     initWithFrame:CGRectMake(400,20, 600,700)];
[mm setNeedsDisplay];
[self addSubview:mm];



CGFloat bezierPoint(CGFloat t, CGFloat a, CGFloat b, CGFloat c, CGFloat d)
    CGFloat C1 = ( d - (3.0 * c) + (3.0 * b) - a );
    CGFloat C2 = ( (3.0 * c) - (6.0 * b) + (3.0 * a) );
    CGFloat C3 = ( (3.0 * b) - (3.0 * a) );
    CGFloat C4 = ( a );

    return ( C1*t*t*t + C2*t*t + C3*t + C4  );

CGFloat bezierTangent(CGFloat t, CGFloat a, CGFloat b, CGFloat c, CGFloat d)
    CGFloat C1 = ( d - (3.0 * c) + (3.0 * b) - a );
    CGFloat C2 = ( (3.0 * c) - (6.0 * b) + (3.0 * a) );
    CGFloat C3 = ( (3.0 * b) - (3.0 * a) );
    CGFloat C4 = ( a );

    return ( ( 3.0 * C1 * t* t ) + ( 2.0 * C2 * t ) + C3 );

事前に計算された4つの値C1C2 C3 C4は、ベジェの係数と呼ばれることもあります。 (a b c dは通常4つのコントロールポイントと呼ばれることを思い出してください。)





(1)それは絶対的な事実です:残念ながら、UIBezierPathからポイントを抽出するためのAppleが提供するメソッドは間違いなくありません。 2019年現在。

(2)何かをアニメーション化するのはパイと同じくらい簡単であることを忘れないでくださいalong UIBezierPath。 Google 多くの例


ゲームプログラマーの場合-@ Engineerが指摘しているように、接線の法線が必要な場合があります。幸い、Appleにはベクトル数学が組み込まれています:



曲線の接線は単にその導関数です。 Michalが使用するパラメトリック方程式:

P(t) = (1 - t)^3 * P0 + 3t(1-t)^2 * P1 + 3t^2 (1-t) * P2 + t^3 * P3


dP(t) / dt =  -3(1-t)^2 * P0 + 3(1-t)^2 * P1 - 6t(1-t) * P1 - 3t^2 * P2 + 6t(1-t) * P2 + 3t^2 * P3 



Brad Larson



enter image description here


3f * oneMinusT * oneMinusT * (p1 - p0)
+ 6f * t * oneMinusT * (p2 - p1)
+ 3f * t * t * (p3 - p2)



パラメトリック方程式の場合、(dy/dt)/(dx/dt)= dy/dxであることに気付くまで、これを機能させることはできませんでした。





struct CubicBezier {

    private typealias Me = CubicBezier
    typealias Vector = CGVector
    typealias Point = CGPoint
    typealias Num = CGFloat
    typealias Coeficients = (C: Num, S: Num, M: Num, L: Num)

    let xCoeficients: Coeficients
    let yCoeficients: Coeficients

    static func coeficientsOfCurve(from c0: Num, through c1: Num, andThrough c2: Num, to c3: Num) -> Coeficients
        let _3c0 = c0 + c0 + c0
        let _3c1 = c1 + c1 + c1
        let _3c2 = c2 + c2 + c2
        let _6c1 = _3c1 + _3c1

        let C = c3 - _3c2 + _3c1 - c0
        let S = _3c2 - _6c1 + _3c0
        let M = _3c1 - _3c0
        let L = c0

        return (C, S, M, L)

    static func xOrYofCurveWith(coeficients coefs: Coeficients, at t: Num) -> Num
        let (C, S, M, L) = coefs
        return ((C * t + S) * t + M) * t + L

    static func xOrYofTangentToCurveWith(coeficients coefs: Coeficients, at t: Num) -> Num
        let (C, S, M, _) = coefs
        return ((C + C + C) * t + S + S) * t + M

    init(from start: Point, through c1: Point, andThrough c2: Point, to end: Point)
        xCoeficients = Me.coeficientsOfCurve(from: start.x, through: c1.x, andThrough: c2.x, to: end.x)
        yCoeficients = Me.coeficientsOfCurve(from: start.y, through: c1.y, andThrough: c2.y, to: end.y)

    func x(at t: Num) -> Num {
        return Me.xOrYofCurveWith(coeficients: xCoeficients, at: t)

    func y(at t: Num) -> Num {
        return Me.xOrYofCurveWith(coeficients: yCoeficients, at: t)

    func dx(at t: Num) -> Num {
        return Me.xOrYofTangentToCurveWith(coeficients: xCoeficients, at: t)

    func dy(at t: Num) -> Num {
        return Me.xOrYofTangentToCurveWith(coeficients: yCoeficients, at: t)

    func point(at t: Num) -> Point {
        return .init(x: x(at: t), y: y(at: t))

    func tangent(at t: Num) -> Vector {
        return .init(dx: dx(at: t), dy: dy(at: t))


let bezier = CubicBezier.init(from: .zero, through: .zero, andThrough: .zero, to: .zero)

let point02 = bezier.point(at: 0.2)
let point07 = bezier.point(at: 0.7)

let tangent01 = bezier.tangent(at: 0.1)
let tangent05 = bezier.tangent(at: 0.5)