func performRectangleDetection(image: UIKit.CIImage) -> UIKit.CIImage? {
var resultImage: UIKit.CIImage?
let detector:CIDetector = CIDetector(ofType: CIDetectorTypeRectangle, context: nil, options: [CIDetectorAccuracy : CIDetectorAccuracyHigh])
// Get the detections
let features = detector.featuresInImage(image)
for feature in features as! [CIRectangleFeature] {
resultImage = self.drawHighlightOverlayForPoints(image, topLeft: feature.topLeft, topRight: feature.topRight,
bottomLeft: feature.bottomLeft, bottomRight: feature.bottomRight)
return resultImage
func drawHighlightOverlayForPoints(image: UIKit.CIImage, topLeft: CGPoint, topRight: CGPoint,
bottomLeft: CGPoint, bottomRight: CGPoint) -> UIKit.CIImage {
var overlay = UIKit.CIImage(color: CIColor(red: 1.0, green: 0.55, blue: 0.0, alpha: 0.45))
overlay = overlay.imageByCroppingToRect(image.extent)
overlay = overlay.imageByApplyingFilter("CIPerspectiveTransformWithExtent",
withInputParameters: [
"inputExtent": CIVector(CGRect: image.extent),
"inputTopLeft": CIVector(CGPoint: topLeft),
"inputTopRight": CIVector(CGPoint: topRight),
"inputBottomLeft": CIVector(CGPoint: bottomLeft),
"inputBottomRight": CIVector(CGPoint: bottomRight)
return overlay.imageByCompositingOverImage(image)
上の写真のように見えます。ストロークに設定されたUIBezierPathを使用して、これと同じ赤い長方形を表示する必要があります。 100%正確でない場合にユーザーが検出を調整できるように、これが必要です。パスを描画しようとしましたが、失敗しました。これが私が道を描いている方法です。 rectというカスタムクラスを使用して4つのポイントを保持します。検出は次のとおりです。
func detectRect() -> Rect{
var rect:Rect?
let detector:CIDetector = CIDetector(ofType: CIDetectorTypeRectangle, context: nil, options: [CIDetectorAccuracy : CIDetectorAccuracyHigh])
// Get the detections
let features = detector.featuresInImage(UIKit.CIImage(image: self)!)
for feature in features as! [CIRectangleFeature] {
rect = Rect(tL: feature.topLeft, tR: feature.topRight, bR: feature.bottomRight, bL: feature.bottomLeft)
return rect!
func scaleRect(image:UIImage, imageView:UIImageView) ->Rect{
let scaleX = imageView.bounds.width/image.size.width
var tlx = topLeft.x * scaleX
var tly = topLeft.y * scaleX
tlx += (imageView.bounds.width - image.size.width * scaleX) / 2.0
tly += (imageView.bounds.height - image.size.height * scaleX) / 2.0
let tl = CGPointMake(tlx, tly)
var trx = topRight.x * scaleX
var trY = topRight.y * scaleX
trx += (imageView.bounds.width - image.size.width * scaleX) / 2.0
trY += (imageView.bounds.height - image.size.height * scaleX) / 2.0
let tr = CGPointMake(trx, trY)
var brx = bottomRight.x * scaleX
var bry = bottomRight.y * scaleX
brx += (imageView.bounds.width - image.size.width * scaleX) / 2.0
bry += (imageView.bounds.height - image.size.height * scaleX) / 2.0
let br = CGPointMake(brx, bry)
var blx = bottomLeft.x * scaleX
var bly = bottomLeft.y * scaleX
blx += (imageView.bounds.width - image.size.width * scaleX) / 2.0
bly += (imageView.bounds.height - image.size.height * scaleX) / 2.0
let bl = CGPointMake(blx, bly)
let rect = Rect(tL: tl, tR: tr, bR: br, bL: bl)
return rect
var tet = image.detectRect()
tet = tet.scaleRect(image, imageView: imageView)
let shapeLayer = CAShapeLayer()
let path = ViewController.drawPath(tet.topLeft, p2: tet.topRight, p3: tet.bottomRight, p4: tet.bottomLeft)
shapeLayer.path = path.CGPath
shapeLayer.lineWidth = 5
shapeLayer.fillColor = nil
shapeLayer.strokeColor = UIColor.orangeColor().CGColor
パスが画面から外れていて、不正確です。 CoreImage座標からUIKit座標に座標を調整してから、UIImageView用にスケーリングする必要があることはわかっています。残念ながら、それを正しく行う方法がわかりません。検出コードの一部を再利用してこれを実現できることはわかっていますが、正しい手順がわかりません。どんな助けでもいただければ幸いです!ありがとう。発生していることの例を次に示します。
var tet = image.detectRect()
//Before scaling
//After scaling
tet = tet.scaleRect(image, imageView: imageView)
let view_image = UIView(frame: CGRectMake(0, 0, image.size.width, image.size.height))
let tL = view_image.convertPoint(self.topLeft, toView: imageView)
let tR = view_image.convertPoint(self.topRight, toView: imageView)
let bR = view_image.convertPoint(self.bottomRight, toView: imageView)
let bL = view_image.convertPoint(self.bottomLeft, toView: imageView)
let widthDiff = (image.size.width - imageView.frame.size.width)
let highDiff = (image.size.height - imageView.frame.size.height)
let tL = CGPointMake(self.topLeft.x-widthDiff, self.topLeft.y-highDiff)
let tR = CGPointMake(self.topRight.x-widthDiff, self.topRight.y-highDiff)
let bR = CGPointMake(self.bottomRight.x-widthDiff, self.bottomRight.y-highDiff)
let bL = CGPointMake(self.bottomLeft.x-widthDiff, self.bottomLeft.y-highDiff)
var transform = CGAffineTransformMakeScale(1, -1)
transform = CGAffineTransformTranslate(transform, 0, -imageView.bounds.size.height)
let tL = CGPointApplyAffineTransform(self.topLeft, transform)
let tR = CGPointApplyAffineTransform(self.topRight, transform)
let bR = CGPointApplyAffineTransform(self.bottomRight, transform)
let bL = CGPointApplyAffineTransform(self.bottomLeft, transform)
// ObyRectangleFeature.Swift
// Created by 4oby on 5/20/16.
// Copyright © 2016 cvv. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import UIKit
extension CGPoint {
func scalePointByCeficient(ƒ_x: CGFloat, ƒ_y: CGFloat) -> CGPoint {
return CGPoint(x: self.x/ƒ_x, y: self.y/ƒ_y) //original image
func reversePointCoordinates() -> CGPoint {
return CGPoint(x: self.y, y: self.x)
func sumPointCoordinates(add: CGPoint) -> CGPoint {
return CGPoint(x: self.x + add.x, y: self.y + add.y)
func substractPointCoordinates(sub: CGPoint) -> CGPoint {
return CGPoint(x: self.x - sub.x, y: self.y - sub.y)
class ObyRectangleFeature : NSObject {
var topLeft: CGPoint!
var topRight: CGPoint!
var bottomLeft: CGPoint!
var bottomRight: CGPoint!
var centerPoint : CGPoint{
get {
let centerX = ((topLeft.x + bottomLeft.x)/2 + (topRight.x + bottomRight.x)/2)/2
let centerY = ((topRight.y + topLeft.y)/2 + (bottomRight.y + bottomLeft.y)/2)/2
return CGPoint(x: centerX, y: centerY)
convenience init(_ rectangleFeature: CIRectangleFeature) {
topLeft = rectangleFeature.topLeft
topRight = rectangleFeature.topRight
bottomLeft = rectangleFeature.bottomLeft
bottomRight = rectangleFeature.bottomRight
override init() {
func rotate90Degree() -> Void {
let centerPoint = self.centerPoint
// /rotate cos(90)=0, sin(90)=1
topLeft = CGPoint(x: centerPoint.x + (topLeft.y - centerPoint.y), y: centerPoint.y + (topLeft.x - centerPoint.x))
topRight = CGPoint(x: centerPoint.x + (topRight.y - centerPoint.y), y: centerPoint.y + (topRight.x - centerPoint.x))
bottomLeft = CGPoint(x: centerPoint.x + (bottomLeft.y - centerPoint.y), y: centerPoint.y + (bottomLeft.x - centerPoint.x))
bottomRight = CGPoint(x: centerPoint.x + (bottomRight.y - centerPoint.y), y: centerPoint.y + (bottomRight.x - centerPoint.x))
func scaleRectWithCoeficient(ƒ_x: CGFloat, ƒ_y: CGFloat) -> Void {
topLeft = topLeft.scalePointByCeficient(ƒ_x, ƒ_y: ƒ_y)
topRight = topRight.scalePointByCeficient(ƒ_x, ƒ_y: ƒ_y)
bottomLeft = bottomLeft.scalePointByCeficient(ƒ_x, ƒ_y: ƒ_y)
bottomRight = bottomRight.scalePointByCeficient(ƒ_x, ƒ_y: ƒ_y)
func correctOriginPoints() -> Void {
let deltaCenter = self.centerPoint.reversePointCoordinates().substractPointCoordinates(self.centerPoint)
let TL = topLeft
let TR = topRight
let BL = bottomLeft
let BR = bottomRight
topLeft = BL.sumPointCoordinates(deltaCenter)
topRight = TL.sumPointCoordinates(deltaCenter)
bottomLeft = BR.sumPointCoordinates(deltaCenter)
bottomRight = TR.sumPointCoordinates(deltaCenter)
let scalatedRect : ObyRectangleFeature = ObyRectangleFeature(rectangleFeature)
// fromSize -> Initial size of the CIImage
// toSize -> the size of the scaled Image
let ƒ_x = (fromSize.width/toSize.width)
let ƒ_y = (fromSize.height/toSize.height)
/*the coeficients are interchange intentionally cause of the different
coordinate system used by CIImage and UIImage, you could rotate before
scaling, to preserve the order, but if you do, the result will be offCenter*/
scalatedRect.scaleRectWithCoeficient(ƒ_y, ƒ_y: ƒ_x)
// Extension for calculating the image scale in an image view.
// See: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6856879/iphone-getting-the-size-of-an-image-after-aspectft
extension UIImageView {
var imageScale: CGSize? {
guard let image = image else {
return nil
let sx = Double(self.frame.size.width / image.size.width)
let sy = Double(self.frame.size.height / image.size.height)
var s = 1.0
switch (self.contentMode) {
case .ScaleAspectFit:
s = fmin(sx, sy)
return CGSize (width: s, height: s)
case .ScaleAspectFill:
s = fmax(sx, sy)
return CGSize(width:s, height:s)
case .ScaleToFill:
return CGSize(width:sx, height:sy)
return CGSize(width:s, height:s)
// Extension which provides a transform to rotate the image based on it's orientation metadata.
extension UIImageView {
var normalizedTransformForOrientation: CGAffineTransform? {
guard let image = image else {
return nil
let r: CGFloat
switch image.imageOrientation {
case .Up:
r = 0
case .Down:
r = +1.0
case .Left:
r = -0.5
case .Right:
r = +0.5
let cx = CGRectGetMidX(bounds)
let cy = CGRectGetMidY(bounds)
var transform = CGAffineTransformIdentity
transform = CGAffineTransformTranslate(transform, cx, cy)
transform = CGAffineTransformRotate(transform, CGFloat(M_PI) * r)
transform = CGAffineTransformTranslate(transform, -cx, -cy)
return transform
class ViewController: UIViewController {
// Shape layer for displaying the path.
let pathLayer: CAShapeLayer = {
let layer = CAShapeLayer()
layer.fillColor = UIColor.greenColor().colorWithAlphaComponent(0.3).CGColor
layer.strokeColor = UIColor.greenColor().colorWithAlphaComponent(0.9).CGColor
layer.lineWidth = 2.0
return layer
// Image view where the preview and path overlay will be displayed.
@IBOutlet var imageView: UIImageView?
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Add the path overlay to the image view.
// Load a sample image from the assets.
selectImage(UIImage(named: "sample"))
func selectImage(image: UIImage?) {
imageView?.image = image
if let image = image {
// Detect rectangles in image, and draw the path on the screen.
func processImage(input: UIImage) {
let path = pathsForRectanglesInImage(input)
let transform = pathTransformForImageView(imageView!)
pathLayer.path = path?.CGPath
// Detect rectangles in an image and return a UIBezierPath.
func pathsForRectanglesInImage(input: UIImage) -> UIBezierPath? {
guard let sourceImage = CIImage(image: input) else {
return nil
let features = performRectangleDetection(sourceImage)
return pathForFeatures(features)
// Detect rectangles in image.
func performRectangleDetection(image: CIImage) -> [CIFeature] {
let detector:CIDetector = CIDetector(
ofType: CIDetectorTypeRectangle,
context: nil,
options: [CIDetectorAccuracy : CIDetectorAccuracyHigh]
let features = detector.featuresInImage(image)
return features
// Compose a UIBezierPath from CIRectangleFeatures.
func pathForFeatures(features: [CIFeature]) -> UIBezierPath {
let path = UIBezierPath()
for feature in features {
guard let rect = feature as? CIRectangleFeature else {
return path
// Calculate the transform to orient the preview path to the image shown inside the image view.
func pathTransformForImageView(imageView: UIImageView) -> CGAffineTransform {
guard let image = imageView.image else {
return CGAffineTransformIdentity
guard let imageScale = imageView.imageScale else {
return CGAffineTransformIdentity
guard let imageTransform = imageView.normalizedTransformForOrientation else {
return CGAffineTransformIdentity
let frame = imageView.frame
let imageWidth = image.size.width * imageScale.width
let imageHeight = image.size.height * imageScale.height
var transform = CGAffineTransformIdentity
// Rotate to match the image orientation.
transform = CGAffineTransformConcat(imageTransform, transform)
// Flip vertically (flipped in CIDetector).
transform = CGAffineTransformTranslate(transform, 0, CGRectGetHeight(frame))
transform = CGAffineTransformScale(transform, 1.0, -1.0)
// Centre align.
let tx: CGFloat = (CGRectGetWidth(frame) - imageWidth) * 0.5
let ty: CGFloat = (CGRectGetHeight(frame) - imageHeight) * 0.5
transform = CGAffineTransformTranslate(transform, tx, ty)
// Scale to match UIImageView scaling.
transform = CGAffineTransformScale(transform, imageScale.width, imageScale.height)
return transform
次に、この比率で、Core Image(CIImage)がCore Animation(CALayer/UIBezierPath)とは異なる座標系を使用するため、調整された座標を反転する必要があります。
CGRect previewRect = self.frame;
CGRect imageRect = image.extent;
// find ratio between the video preview rect and the image rect; rectangle feature coordinates are relative to the CIImage
CGFloat deltaX = CGRectGetWidth(previewRect)/CGRectGetWidth(imageRect);
CGFloat deltaY = CGRectGetHeight(previewRect)/CGRectGetHeight(imageRect);
// transform to UIKit coordinate system
CGAffineTransform transform = CGAffineTransformMakeTranslation(0.f, CGRectGetHeight(previewRect));
transform = CGAffineTransformScale(transform, 1, -1);
// apply preview to image scaling
transform = CGAffineTransformScale(transform, deltaX, deltaY);
CGPoint points[4];
points[0] = CGPointApplyAffineTransform(_borderDetectLastRectangleFeature.topLeft, transform);
points[1] = CGPointApplyAffineTransform(_borderDetectLastRectangleFeature.topRight, transform);
points[2] = CGPointApplyAffineTransform(_borderDetectLastRectangleFeature.bottomRight, transform);
points[3] = CGPointApplyAffineTransform(_borderDetectLastRectangleFeature.bottomLeft, transform);
UIBezierPath *path = [UIBezierPath new];
[path moveToPoint:points[0]];
[path addLineToPoint:points[1]];
[path addLineToPoint:points[2]];
[path addLineToPoint:points[3]];
[path addLineToPoint:points[0]];
[path closePath];
CAShapeLayer *_shapeLayer = [CAShapeLayer layer];
_shapeLayer.fillColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:.5 green:1 blue:.5 alpha:.6f].CGColor;
_shapeLayer.strokeColor = [UIColor blackColor].CGColor;
_shapeLayer.lineWidth = 2;
_shapeLayer.path = path.CGPath;
[self.layer addSublayer:_shapeLayer];