フォーマット文字列の小数点以下の桁数を指定して、文字列をDoubleに変換できるようにしたい。したがって、 "###、## 0.000"は小数点以下3桁までDoubleを与えます。
try {
// output current locale we are running under (this happens to be "nl_BE")
System.out.println( "Current Locale is " + Locale.getDefault().toString() );
// number in Central European Format with a format string specified in UK format
String numberCE = "1,234567"; // 1.234567
String formatUK = "###,##0.000";
// do the format
DecimalFormat formatterUK = new DecimalFormat( formatUK );
Double valCEWithUKFormat = formatterUK.parse( numberCE ).doubleValue();
// I want the number to DPs in the format string!!!
System.out.println( "CE Value " + numberCE + " in UK format (" + formatUK + ") is "
+ valCEWithUKFormat );
} catch( ParseException ex ) {
System.out.println("Cannot parse number");
DecimalFormatはフォーマット文字列を無視するようで、完全な文字列をDouble of 1.234567として与えます。
書式文字列は、常に英国ベースの形式で、小数点記号は "。"として指定されます。 "、"として指定された1000の区切り記号。
DecimalFormatを使用して、指定されたロケールに基づいてローカライズされた形式を最初に解析しています。これにより、文字列と同等のDoubleが正しく得られます。次に、丸めを処理するためにBigDecimalを使用します。 DecimalFormatインスタンスから小数点以下の桁数を取得し、BigDecimalでsetScaleを呼び出して丸めを実行できます。
他のロケールの重要性を指摘してくれた@ RD01のおかげで、さまざまなロケール環境で何が起こるかを確認できるように、初期コード構造が変更されました。
private void runTests3() {
// output current locale we are running under
System.out.println( "Current Locale is " + Locale.getDefault().toString() );
// number in Central European Format with a format string specified in UK format
String numbersInEuropeanFormatString[] = new String[] { "1.000,234567", "1,2345678", "1.222.333,234567" };
String formatUK = "###,##0.0000";
// output numbers using the german locale
System.out.println("Output numbers using the German locale\n");
for(String num : numbersInEuropeanFormatString ) {
formatNumberAsDouble(num, formatUK, Locale.GERMAN);
// output numbers using the UK locale.
// this should return unexpected results as the number is in European format
System.out.println("Output numbers using the UK locale\n");
for(String num : numbersInEuropeanFormatString ) {
formatNumberAsDouble(num, formatUK, Locale.UK);
// output numbers using new DecimalFormat( formatUK ) - no locale specified
System.out.println("\n\nOutput numbers using new DecimalFormat( " + formatUK + " )\n");
for(String num : numbersInEuropeanFormatString ) {
formatNumberAsDouble( num, formatUK, null);
private void formatNumberAsDouble(String value, String format, Locale locale) {
NumberFormat formatter;
int decimalPlaces;
// create the formatter based on the specified locale
if( locale != null ) {
formatter = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(locale);
// creating the above number format does not take in the format string
// so create a new one that we won't use at all just to get the
// decimal places in it
decimalPlaces = (new DecimalFormat(format)).getMaximumFractionDigits();
} else {
formatter = new DecimalFormat( format );
decimalPlaces = formatter.getMaximumFractionDigits();
// get the result as number
Double result = null;
try {
result = formatter.parse( value ).doubleValue();
} catch( ParseException ex ) {
// not bothered at minute
// round the Double to the precision specified in the format string
BigDecimal bd = new BigDecimal(result );
Double roundedValue = bd.setScale( decimalPlaces, RoundingMode.HALF_UP ).doubleValue();
// output summary
System.out.println("\tValue = " + value);
System.out.println( locale == null ? "\tLocale not specified" : "\tLocale = " + locale.toString());
System.out.println( format == null || format.length() == 0 ? "\tFormat = Not specified" : "\tFormat = " + format);
System.out.println("\tResult (Double) = " + result);
System.out.println("\tRounded Result (Double) (" + decimalPlaces + "dp) = " + roundedValue);
Current Locale is nl_BE
Output numbers using the German locale
Value = 1.000,234567
Locale = de
Format = ###,##0.0000
Result (Double) = 1000.234567
Rounded Result (Double) (4dp) = 1000.2346
Value = 1,2345678
Locale = de
Format = ###,##0.0000
Result (Double) = 1.2345678
Rounded Result (Double) (4dp) = 1.2346
Value = 1.222.333,234567
Locale = de
Format = ###,##0.0000
Result (Double) = 1222333.234567
Rounded Result (Double) (4dp) = 1222333.2346
Output numbers using the UK locale
Value = 1.000,234567
Locale = en_GB
Format = ###,##0.0000
Result (Double) = 1.0
Rounded Result (Double) (4dp) = 1.0
Value = 1,2345678
Locale = en_GB
Format = ###,##0.0000
Result (Double) = 1.2345678E7
Rounded Result (Double) (4dp) = 1.2345678E7
Value = 1.222.333,234567
Locale = en_GB
Format = ###,##0.0000
Result (Double) = 1.222
Rounded Result (Double) (4dp) = 1.222
Output numbers using new DecimalFormat( ###,##0.0000 )
Value = 1.000,234567
Locale not specified
Format = ###,##0.0000
Result (Double) = 1000.234567
Rounded Result (Double) (4dp) = 1000.2346
Value = 1,2345678
Locale not specified
Format = ###,##0.0000
Result (Double) = 1.2345678
Rounded Result (Double) (4dp) = 1.2346
Value = 1.222.333,234567
Locale not specified
Format = ###,##0.0000
Result (Double) = 1222333.234567
Rounded Result (Double) (4dp) = 1222333.2346
String output = formatterUK.format(valCEWithUKFormat.doubleValue() );
String text = "1,234567";
NumberFormat nf_in = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(Locale.GERMANY);
double val = nf_in.parse(text).doubleValue();
NumberFormat nf_out = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(Locale.UK);
String output = nf_out.format(val);
try {
// output current locale we are running under (this happens to be "nl_BE")
System.out.println("Current Locale is " + Locale.getDefault().toString());
// number in Central European Format with a format string specified in UK format
String numberCE = "1,234567"; // 1.234567
String formatUK = "###,##0.000";
// do the format
DecimalFormat formatterUK = new DecimalFormat(formatUK);
Double valCEWithUKFormat = formatterUK.parse(numberCE).doubleValue();
// first convert to UK format string
String numberUK = formatterUK.format(valCEWithUKFormat);
// now parse that string to a double
valCEWithUKFormat = formatterUK.parse(numberUK).doubleValue();
// I want the number to DPs in the format string!!!
System.out.println("CE Value " + numberCE + " in UK format (" + formatUK + ") is " + valCEWithUKFormat);
} catch (ParseException ex) {
System.out.println("Cannot parse number");
String in = "1,234567";
System.out.println(NumberFormat.getNumberFormat(new Locale("fr", "FR")).parse(in));
System.out.println(NumberFormat.getNumberFormat(new Locale("en", "GB")).parse(in));