
Springブートメトリック+ datadog


Datadog はIT向けのクラウド規模の監視サービスです。


dropwizard メトリックを使用して、@Timedでアノテーションを付けたすべてのメソッドに関する多くの情報を入力するSpringBootアプリケーションがあります。




私はついにこのライブラリをdatadogと統合するdropwizzardモジュールを見つけました: metrics-datadog



    <!-- Send metrics to Datadog -->


    apiKey: <your API key>
    Host: <your Host>
    period: 10
    enabled: true


 * This bean will create and configure a DatadogReporter that will be in charge of sending
 * all the metrics collected by Spring Boot actuator system to Datadog.
 * @see https://www.datadoghq.com/
 * @author jfcorugedo
public class DatadogReporterConfig {

  private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DatadogReporterConfig.class);

  /** Datadog API key used to authenticate every request to Datadog API */
  private String apiKey;

  /** Logical name associated to all the events send by this application */
  private String Host;

  /** Time, in seconds, between every call to Datadog API. The lower this value the more information will be send to Datadog */
  private long period;

  /** This flag enables or disables the datadog reporter */
  private boolean enabled = false;

  public DatadogReporter datadogReporter(MetricRegistry registry) {

      DatadogReporter reporter = null;
      if(enabled) {
          reporter = enableDatadogMetrics(registry);
      } else {
          if(LOGGER.isWarnEnabled()) {
              LOGGER.info("Datadog reporter is disabled. To turn on this feature just set 'rJavaServer.metrics.enabled:true' in your config file (property or YAML)");

      return reporter;

  private DatadogReporter enableDatadogMetrics(MetricRegistry registry) {

      if(LOGGER.isInfoEnabled()) {
          LOGGER.info("Initializing Datadog reporter using [ Host: {}, period(seconds):{}, api-key:{} ]", getHost(), getPeriod(), getApiKey());

      EnumSet<Expansion> expansions = DatadogReporter.Expansion.ALL;
      HttpTransport httpTransport = new HttpTransport

      DatadogReporter reporter = DatadogReporter.forRegistry(registry)

      reporter.start(getPeriod(), TimeUnit.SECONDS);

      if(LOGGER.isInfoEnabled()) {
          LOGGER.info("Datadog reporter successfully initialized");

      return reporter;

   * @return Datadog API key used to authenticate every request to Datadog API
  public String getApiKey() {
      return apiKey;

   * @param apiKey Datadog API key used to authenticate every request to Datadog API
  public void setApiKey(String apiKey) {
      this.apiKey = apiKey;

   * @return Logical name associated to all the events send by this application
  public String getHost() {
      return Host;

   * @param Host Logical name associated to all the events send by this application
  public void setHost(String Host) {
      this.Host = Host;

   * @return Time, in seconds, between every call to Datadog API. The lower this value the more information will be send to Datadog
  public long getPeriod() {
      return period;

   * @param period Time, in seconds, between every call to Datadog API. The lower this value the more information will be send to Datadog
  public void setPeriod(long period) {
      this.period = period;

   * @return true if DatadogReporter is enabled in this application
  public boolean isEnabled() {
      return enabled;

   * This flag enables or disables the datadog reporter.
   * This flag is only read during initialization, subsequent changes on this value will no take effect 
   * @param enabled
  public void setEnabled(boolean enabled) {
      this.enabled = enabled;

Spring Boot 2.xは、そのメトリックにいくつかの監視システムを追加したようです。 DataDogは、 micrometer.io でサポートされているものの1つです。リファレンスドキュメントを参照してください: https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/html/production-ready-metrics.html#production-ready-metrics-export-newrelic

Spring Boot 1.xの場合、バックポートされたパッケージを使用できます。

compile 'io.micrometer:micrometer-spring-legacy:latest.release'


JMXがオプションである場合は、 JMX dropwizrd reporter と組み合わせて Javaデータログ統合 を使用できます。

Guy Bouallet