かなり自明な質問です... javascriptの配列で.Push()を使用する場合、オブジェクトは配列にプッシュされますか(浅い)、実際のオブジェクト(深い)関係なく.
var array = [];
var x = 4;
let y = {name: "test", type: "data", data: "2-27-2009"};
// primitive value pushes a copy of the value 4
array.Push(x); // Push value of 4
x = 5; // change x to 5
console.log(array[0]); // array still contains 4 because it's a copy
// object reference pushes a reference
array.Push(y); // put object y reference into the array
y.name = "foo"; // change y.name property
console.log(array[1].name); // logs changed value "foo" because it's a reference
// object reference pushes a reference but object can still be referred to even though original variable is no longer within scope
if (true) {
let z = {name: "test", type: "data", data: "2-28-2019"};
console.log(array[2].name); // log shows value "test" since the pointer reference via the array is still within scope
(つまりmake itreference)完全に異なるもの配列によってのみ参照されるようになったオブジェクトを変更せずに。
var array = [];
var x = 4;
var y = {name: "test", type: "data", data: "2-27-2009"};
// 1.) pushes a copy
x = 5;
document.write(array[0] + "<br>"); // alerts 4 because it's a copy
// 2.) pushes a reference
y.name = "foo";
// 3.) Disconnects y and points it at a new object
y = {};
y.name = 'bar';
document.write(array[1].name + ' :: ' + y.name + "<br>");
// alerts "foo :: bar" because y was a reference, but then
// the reference was moved to a new object while the
// reference in the array stayed the same (referencing the
// original object)
// 4.) Uses y's original reference, stored in the array,
// to access the old object.
array[1].name = 'foobar';
document.write(array[1].name + "<br>");
// alerts "foobar" because you used the array to point to
// the object that was initially in y.