foo = {}
Object.defineProperty(foo, "bar", {
// only returns odd die sides
get: function () { return (Math.random() * 6) | 1; }
x = Object.create(foo);
x.bar // => eg. 5
x.bar = 4 // by fair dice roll
x.bar // nope => eg. 3
補遺:新しいプロパティ(値またはget/set)をxで定義できますが、[プロトタイプ]のプロパティの動作をstopして、「バー」をオンにする方法があるかどうかを探しています。 "特定のインスタンスの通常/アドホックプロパティに戻ります。
var foo = {}
Object.defineProperty(foo, "bar", {
// only returns odd die sides
get: function () { return (Math.random() * 6) | 1; }
var x = Object.create(foo);
display(x.bar); // E.g. 5
(function() {
var bar;
var proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(x); // Or just use foo
Object.defineProperty(x, "bar", {
get: function () { return typeof bar !== "undefined" ? bar : proto.bar; },
set: function(value) { bar = value; }
display(x.bar); // Still odd
x.bar = 4; // By fair dice roll
display(x.bar); // Shows 4
function display(msg) {
document.body.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", "<p>" + msg + "</p>");
var foo = {}
Object.defineProperty(foo, "bar", {
// only returns odd die sides
get: function () { return (Math.random() * 6) | 1; }
var x = Object.create(foo);
display(x.bar); // E.g. 5
Object.defineProperty(x, "bar", {
value: undefined,
writable: true,
enumerable: true // Or leave off if you want it non-enumerable
display(x.bar); // undefined
x.bar = 4; // By fair dice roll
display(x.bar); // Shows 4
function display(msg) {
document.body.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", "<p>" + msg + "</p>");
Foo = function () {}
Foo.prototype = {
// computes, but only knows odd die sides
get bar() {
console.log("getter invoked")
return (Math.random() * 6) | 1
// fix it
set bar(value) {
console.log("setter invoked")
this, 'bar',
{writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true}
this.bar = value
var x = new Foo
console.log(x.bar) // => eg. 5
x.bar = 4 // by fair dice roll
console.log(x.bar) // => 4
x.bar = 2 // no setter, no getter
class TestClass
private autoBind(self: any): any
for (const key of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(self.constructor.prototype))
if (key !== 'constructor')
// console.log(key);
let desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(self.constructor.prototype, key);
if (desc != null)
let g = desc.get != null;
let s = desc.set != null;
if (g || s)
if (g)
desc.get = desc.get.bind(self);
if (s)
desc.set = desc.set.bind(self);
Object.defineProperty(self.constructor.prototype, key, desc);
continue; // if it's a property, it can't be a function
} // End if (g || s)
} // End if (desc != null)
if (typeof (self[key]) === 'function')
let val = self[key];
self[key] = val.bind(self);
} // End if (key !== 'constructor' && typeof val === 'function')
} // Next key
return self;
} // End Function autoBind
private autoTrace(self: any): any
function getLoggableFunction_old(func, type, name)
return function (...args)
let logText = name + '(';
for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++)
if (i > 0)
logText += ', ';
logText += args[i];
logText += ');';
console.log(type + " " + logText);
return func.apply(self, args);
function getLoggableFunction(func, type, name)
return function (...args)
let logText = name + '(';
for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++)
if (i > 0)
logText += ', ';
logText += args[i];
logText += ')';
console.log("Pre " + type + " " + logText + "; ");
let res = func.apply(self, args);
console.log("Post " + type + " " + logText + ":", res);
return res;
for (const key of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(self.constructor.prototype))
if (key !== 'constructor')
// console.log(key);
let desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(self.constructor.prototype, key);
if (desc != null)
let g = desc.get != null;
let s = desc.set != null;
if (g || s)
if (g)
desc.get = getLoggableFunction(desc.get.bind(self), "Property", "get_" + key)
if (s)
desc.set = getLoggableFunction(desc.set.bind(self), "Property", "set_" + key)
Object.defineProperty(self.constructor.prototype, key, desc);
continue; // if it's a property, it can't be a function
} // End if (g || s)
} // End if (desc != null)
// if it's not a property, it can only be a function or not a function
if (typeof (self[key]) === 'function')
let val = self[key];
self[key] = getLoggableFunction(val.bind(self), "Function", key);
} // End if (typeof (self[key]) === 'function')
} // End if (key !== 'constructor' && typeof val === 'function')
} // Next key
return self;
} // End Function autoTrace
get bar(): boolean
return this._bar;
set bar(value: boolean)
this._bar = value;
public hello()
console.log("hello", "this", this);
public world(x, y)
console.log("world", "this", this);