_ npmモジュールに依存しています
_fs = require("fs")
THREE = require("three.js")
join = require("path").join
app.get '/test/top_:top_id/side_:side_id/x_:x/y_:y.jpg', (req, res, next) =>
width = 660
height = 500
camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(50, width / height, 1, 1000)
scene = new THREE.Scene()
renderer = new THREE.CanvasRenderer( )
renderer.setSize width, height
camera.position.z = 100
camera_container = new THREE.Object3D
scene.add camera_container
camera_container.add camera
camera.position.z = 75
# We have one background plane
plane_image = new Image
plane_image.src = fs.readFileSync TOP_DIR + "public/images/vtx_logo.jpg"
texture = new THREE.Texture plane_image, new THREE.UVMapping()
texture.needsUpdate = true
loader = new THREE.JSONLoader()
geometry = new THREE.PlaneGeometry(200, 200)
material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial
color : 0x698144
#shading : THREE.SmoothShading
map : texture
overdraw: true
plane = new THREE.Mesh geometry, material
plane.position.z = -50
plane.position.y = -4
plane.position.x = 4.5
# We also have an object in the foreground
scene.add plane
geometry = false
loader.createModel JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(TOP_DIR + 'public/blender_export.json')), (done) =>
geometry = done
# Imager.texture gives us a canvas based on some code that grabs specific info
texture = new THREE.Texture (Imager.texture req.params.side_id, req.params.top_id), new THREE.UVMapping()
texture.needsUpdate = true
material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial
color: 0xaaaaaa
map: texture
overdraw: true
mesh = new THREE.Mesh geometry, material
mesh.rotation.x = parseFloat req.params.x
mesh.rotation.y = parseFloat req.params.y
scene.add mesh
mesh.dynamic = true
renderer.render scene, camera
renderer.domElement.toBuffer (err, buf) ->
res.contentType 'image/jpg'
res.send buf
エラー_cannot find ./lib/Three
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