@RequestMapping(value="/ajax/saveVendor.do", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public @ResponseBody AjaxResponse saveVendor( @Valid UIVendor vendor,
BindingResult result,
Locale currentLocale )
var vendor =
vendorId: 123,
vendorName: "ABC Company",
emails : [
{ emailAddress: "[email protected]", flags: 2 },
{ emailAddress: "[email protected]", flags: 3 }
UIVendor Beanには、適切なセッターとゲッター(getEmails/setEmails)を持つ、ArrayListタイプの「Emails」というフィールドがあります。 NotificationEmailオブジェクトには、適切なパブリックセッター/ゲッターもあります。
$.post("ajax/saveVendor.do", $.param(vendor), saveEntityCallback, "json" );
Invalid property 'emails[0][emailAddress]' of bean class [beans.UIVendor]: Property referenced in indexed property path 'emails[0][emailAddress]' is neither an array nor a List nor a Map; returned value was [[email protected]]
[〜#〜] update [〜#〜] Bohzoのリクエストによると、ここにUIVendorクラスのコンテンツがあります。このクラスは、Webサービスによって生成されたBeanクラスをラップし、VendorAttributesを個別のフィールドとして公開します。
package com.mycompany.beans;
import Java.util.*;
import org.Apache.commons.lang.*;
import com.mycompany.domain.Vendor;
import com.mycompany.domain.VendorAttributes;
import org.Apache.commons.logging.*;
import org.codehaus.jackson.annotate.JsonIgnore;
public class UIVendor
private final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog( this.getClass() );
private Vendor vendor;
private boolean ftpFlag;
private String ftpHost;
private String ftpPath;
private String ftpUser;
private String ftpPassword;
private List<UINotificationEmail> emails = null;
public UIVendor() { this( new Vendor() ); }
public UIVendor( Vendor vendor )
this.vendor = vendor;
private void loadVendorAttributes()
this.ftpFlag = false;
this.ftpHost = this.ftpPassword = this.ftpPath = this.ftpUser = "";
this.emails = null;
for ( VendorAttributes a : this.vendor.getVendorAttributes() )
String key = a.getVendorFakey();
String value = a.getVendorFaValue();
int flags = a.getFlags();
if ( StringUtils.isBlank(key) || StringUtils.isBlank(value) ) continue;
if ( key.equals( "ftpFlag" ) )
this.ftpFlag = BooleanUtils.toBoolean( value );
else if ( key.equals( "ftpHost" ) )
this.ftpHost = value;
else if ( key.equals("ftpPath") )
this.ftpPath = value;
else if ( key.equals("ftpUser") )
this.ftpUser = value;
else if ( key.equals("ftpPassword") )
this.ftpPassword = value;
else if ( key.equals("email") )
UINotificationEmail email = new UINotificationEmail(value, flags);
this.getEmails().add( email );
private void saveVendorAttributes()
int id = this.vendor.getVendorId();
List<VendorAttributes> attrs = this.vendor.getVendorAttributes();
if ( this.ftpFlag )
VendorAttributes flag = new VendorAttributes();
flag.setVendorId( id );
flag.setStatus( "A" );
flag.setVendorFakey( "ftpFlag" );
flag.setVendorFaValue( BooleanUtils.toStringTrueFalse( this.ftpFlag ) );
attrs.add( flag );
if ( StringUtils.isNotBlank( this.ftpHost ) )
VendorAttributes Host = new VendorAttributes();
Host.setVendorId( id );
Host.setStatus( "A" );
Host.setVendorFakey( "ftpHost" );
Host.setVendorFaValue( this.ftpHost );
attrs.add( Host );
if ( StringUtils.isNotBlank( this.ftpPath ) )
VendorAttributes path = new VendorAttributes();
path.setVendorId( id );
path.setStatus( "A" );
path.setVendorFakey( "ftpPath" );
path.setVendorFaValue( this.ftpPath );
attrs.add( path );
if ( StringUtils.isNotBlank( this.ftpUser ) )
VendorAttributes user = new VendorAttributes();
user.setVendorId( id );
user.setStatus( "A" );
user.setVendorFakey( "ftpUser" );
user.setVendorFaValue( this.ftpUser );
attrs.add( user );
if ( StringUtils.isNotBlank( this.ftpPassword ) )
VendorAttributes password = new VendorAttributes();
password.setVendorId( id );
password.setStatus( "A" );
password.setVendorFakey( "ftpPassword" );
password.setVendorFaValue( this.ftpPassword );
attrs.add( password );
for ( UINotificationEmail e : this.getEmails() )
logger.debug("Adding email " + e );
VendorAttributes email = new VendorAttributes();
email.setStatus( "A" );
email.setVendorFakey( "email" );
email.setVendorFaValue( e.getEmailAddress() );
email.setFlags( e.getFlags() );
email.setVendorId( id );
attrs.add( email );
public Vendor getVendor()
return this.vendor;
public int getVendorId()
return this.vendor.getVendorId();
public void setVendorId( int vendorId )
this.vendor.setVendorId( vendorId );
public String getVendorType()
return this.vendor.getVendorType();
public void setVendorType( String vendorType )
this.vendor.setVendorType( vendorType );
public String getVendorName()
return this.vendor.getVendorName();
public void setVendorName( String vendorName )
this.vendor.setVendorName( vendorName );
public String getStatus()
return this.vendor.getStatus();
public void setStatus( String status )
this.vendor.setStatus( status );
public boolean isFtpFlag()
return this.ftpFlag;
public void setFtpFlag( boolean ftpFlag )
this.ftpFlag = ftpFlag;
public String getFtpHost()
return this.ftpHost;
public void setFtpHost( String ftpHost )
this.ftpHost = ftpHost;
public String getFtpPath()
return this.ftpPath;
public void setFtpPath( String ftpPath )
this.ftpPath = ftpPath;
public String getFtpUser()
return this.ftpUser;
public void setFtpUser( String ftpUser )
this.ftpUser = ftpUser;
public String getFtpPassword()
return this.ftpPassword;
public void setFtpPassword( String ftpPassword )
this.ftpPassword = ftpPassword;
public List<UINotificationEmail> getEmails()
if ( this.emails == null )
this.emails = new ArrayList<UINotificationEmail>();
return emails;
public void setEmails(List<UINotificationEmail> emails)
this.emails = emails;
PDATE 2ジャクソンからの出力です。:
"emailAddress":"[email protected]"
Update:Spring 3.1以降、 @ Valid On @RequestBodyコントローラーメソッドの引数 を使用することができます。
@RequestMapping(value="/ajax/saveVendor.do", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public @ResponseBody AjaxResponse saveVendor( @Valid @RequestBody UIVendor vendor,
BindingResult result,
Locale currentLocale )
@RequestMapping(value="/ajax/saveVendor.do", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public @ResponseBody AjaxResponse saveVendor( @Valid UIVendor vendor,
BindingResult result,
Locale currentLocale )
クライアントスクリプトは、オブジェクト内のフィールドをポストデータ(通常は「application/x-www-form-urlencoded」)形式(つまり、field = value&field2 = value2)で渡す必要があります。これは、jQueryで次のように行われます。
$.post( "mycontroller.do", $.param(object), callback, "json" )
@RequestMapping(value="/ajax/saveVendor.do", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public @ResponseBody AjaxResponse saveVendor( @RequestBody UIVendor vendor,
Locale currentLocale )
type: "POST",
data: JSON.stringify( objecdt ),
success: callback,
dataType: "json",
contentType: "application/json"
} );
[〜#〜] json [〜#〜] JavaScriptライブラリを使用する必要があります。また、contentTypeを「application/json」に強制します。これは、@ RequestBodyアノテーションを使用するときにSpringが期待するものであり、Jacksonが有効なオブジェクト構造にデシリアライズできる形式にオブジェクトをシリアル化します。
BindingResult result = new BeanPropertyBindingResult( object, "MyObject" );
Validator validator = new MyObjectValidator();
validator.validate( object, result );
春に、パラメータ名がオブジェクト[0] [フィールド]のようなものである場合、サブクラスのようなクラス型と見なされます
public class Test {
private List<Map> field;
* @return the field
public List<Map> getField() {
return field;
* @param field the field to set
public void setField(List<Map> field) {
this.field = field;
param名がobject [0] .fieldの場合のみ、Springはそれをクラスのフィールドとして扱います。
(function($) {
// copy from jquery.js
var r20 = /%20/g,
rbracket = /\[\]$/;
customParam: function( a ) {
var s = [],
add = function( key, value ) {
// If value is a function, invoke it and return its value
value = jQuery.isFunction( value ) ? value() : value;
s[ s.length ] = encodeURIComponent( key ) + "=" + encodeURIComponent( value );
// If an array was passed in, assume that it is an array of form elements.
if ( jQuery.isArray( a ) || ( a.jquery && !jQuery.isPlainObject( a ) ) ) {
// Serialize the form elements
jQuery.each( a, function() {
add( this.name, this.value );
} else {
for ( var prefix in a ) {
buildParams( prefix, a[ prefix ], add );
// Return the resulting serialization
return s.join( "&" ).replace( r20, "+" );
/* private method*/
function buildParams( prefix, obj, add ) {
if ( jQuery.isArray( obj ) ) {
// Serialize array item.
jQuery.each( obj, function( i, v ) {
if (rbracket.test( prefix ) ) {
// Treat each array item as a scalar.
add( prefix, v );
} else {
buildParams( prefix + "[" + ( typeof v === "object" || jQuery.isArray(v) ? i : "" ) + "]", v, add );
} else if (obj != null && typeof obj === "object" ) {
// Serialize object item.
for ( var name in obj ) {
buildParams( prefix + "." + name, obj[ name ], add );
} else {
// Serialize scalar item.
add( prefix, obj );
buildParams( prefix + "[" + name + "]", obj[ name ], traditional, add );
buildParams( prefix + "." + name, obj[ name ], add );
ajaxリクエストを行う場合は、$。paramではなく$ .customParamを使用します。
vendor['emails[0].emailAddress'] = "[email protected]";
vendor['emails[0].flags'] = 3;
vendor['emails[1].emailAddress'] = "[email protected]";
vendor['emails[1].flags'] = 3;
private List emailAddresses = new ArrayList();