node-mongo-seed;かなり単純ですが、一貫して配列の最後にエラーをスローします。 (おそらく、欠落しているbsonモジュールに問題があるのでしょうか?)
{ [Error: Cannot find module '../build/Release/bson'] code: 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND' }
js-bson: Failed to load c++ bson extension, using pure JS version
Seeding files from directory /Users/Antwisted/code/wdi/MEAN/seeds
Seeding collection locations
err = [SyntaxError: /Users/Antwisted/code/wdi/MEAN/seeds/locations.json: Unexpected token {]
Successfully initialized mongoose-seed
[ 'app/models/locationsModel.js' ]
Locations collection cleared
Error creating document [0] of Location model
Error: Location validation failed
Error creating document [1] of Location model
Error: Location validation failed
Error creating document [2] of Location model
Error: Location validation failed...
だから、私の考えでは、それはおそらくJSON構造内の構文エラーであると考えていましたが、それをいじっても実際の解決策は得られませんでした(または、私はそれを見逃していますか?)。 JSONのサンプル:
"header": "Dan's Place",
"rating": 3,
"address": "125 High Street, New York, 10001",
"cord1": -73.0812,
"cord2": 40.8732,
"attributes": ["Hot drinks", "Food", "Premium wifi"],
"hours": [
"days": "Monday - Friday",
"hours": "7:00am - 7:00pm",
"closed": false
"days": "Saturday",
"hours": "8:00am - 5:00pm",
"closed": false
"days": "Sunday",
"closed": true
"reviews": [
"rating": 4,
"id": ObjectId(),
"author": "Philly B.",
"timestamp": "new Date('Feb 3, 2016')",
"body": "It was fine, but coffee was a bit dull. Nice atmosphere."
"rating": 3,
"id": ObjectId(),
"author": "Tom B.",
"timestamp": "new Date('Feb 23, 2016')",
"body": "I asked for her number. She said no."
"header": "Jared's Jive",
"rating": 5,
"address": "747 Fly Court, New York, 10001",
"cord1": -73.0812,
"cord2": 40.8732,
"attributes": ["Live Music", "Rooftop Bar", "2 Floors"],
"hours": [
"days": "Monday - Friday",
"hours": "7:00am - 7:00pm",
"closed": false
"days": "Saturday",
"hours": "8:00am - 5:00pm",
"closed": false
"days": "Sunday",
"closed": true
"reviews": [
"rating": 5,
"id": ObjectId(),
"author": "Jacob G.",
"timestamp": "new Date('Feb 3, 2016')",
"body": "Whoa! The music here is wicked good. Definitely going again."
"rating": 4,
"id": ObjectId(),
"author": "Tom B.",
"timestamp": "new Date('Feb 23, 2016')",
"body": "I asked to play her a tune. She said no."
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var subHoursSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
days: {type: String, required: true},
opening: String,
closing: String,
closed: {type: Boolean, required: true}
var subReviewsSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
rating: {type: Number, required: true, min: 0, max: 5},
author: String,
timestamp: {type: Date, "default": Date.now},
body: String
var locationSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
name: {type: String, required: true},
address: String,
rating: {type: Number, "default": 0, min: 0, max: 5},
attributes: [String],
coordinates: {type: [Number], index: '2dsphere'},
openHours: [subHoursSchema],
reviews: [subReviewsSchema]
mongoose.model('Location', locationSchema);
を使用する ウォークスルー を次に示します。
"name": "Dan's Place",
"rating": 3,
"address": "125 High Street, New York, 10001",
"coordinates": [-73.0812, 40.8732],
"attributes": ["Hot drinks", "Food", "Premium wifi"],
"openHours": [
"days": "Monday - Friday",
"opening": "7:00am",
"closing": "7:00pm",
"closed": false
"days": "Saturday",
"opening": "8:00am",
"closing": "5:00pm",
"closed": false
"days": "Sunday",
"closed": true
"reviews": [
"rating": 4,
"author": "Philly B.",
"timestamp": "new Date('Feb 3, 2016')",
"body": "It was fine, but coffee was a bit dull. Nice atmosphere."
"rating": 3,
"author": "Tom B.",
"timestamp": "new Date('Feb 23, 2016')",
"body": "I asked for her number. She said no."
"name": "Jared's Jive",
"rating": 5,
"address": "747 Fly Court, New York, 10001",
"coordinates": [-73.0812, 40.8732],
"attributes": ["Live Music", "Rooftop Bar", "2 Floors"],
"openHours": [
"days": "Monday - Friday",
"opening": "7:00am",
"closing": "7:00pm",
"closed": false
"days": "Saturday",
"opening": "8:00am",
"closing": "5:00pm",
"closed": false
"days": "Sunday",
"closed": true
"reviews": [
"rating": 5,
"author": "Jacob G.",
"timestamp": "new Date('Feb 3, 2016')",
"body": "Whoa! The music here is wicked good. Definitely going again."
"rating": 4,
"author": "Tom B.",
"timestamp": "new Date('Feb 23, 2016')",
"body": "I asked to play her a tune. She said no."
Mongoose-data-seedを使用して、mongooseモデルと対話する独自のシードスクリプトを作成できます。 https://github.com/sharvit/mongoose-data-seed
プロジェクトでこの問題を解決したのは、mongoexport --jsonArray
パッケージを使用してPOJO形式にインポートして戻します。その後、Mongooseを使用して、結果のJS配列をデータベースに挿入します。 Mongooseを使用して作成した正しいコレクションモデル。
// ...
// 'Items' is the Mongoose collection model.
const itemResult = await Items.find({}).exec();
if(itemResult.length === 0) {
const itemsSeedDataRaw = fs.readFileSync(`${__dirname}/data/items.json`, 'utf8');
const itemsSeedData = EJSON.parse(itemsSeedDataRaw);
await Items.insertMany(itemsSeedData);
// ...