キーボードを使用して行を別の場所に移動するにはどうすればよいですか?私は マウス用のこのガイド を見つけましたが、障害のためにこれにマウスを使用するのに問題があります。
Option Explicit
Sub CopyAndCut
' ---------------------------------------------------------
' define variables
Dim document as object
Dim dispatcher as Object
Dim oSelections As Object
' ---------------------------------------------------------
' get access to the document and selections (if any)
document = ThisComponent.CurrentController.Frame
oSelections = ThisComponent.getCurrentSelection()
If IsNull(oSelections) Then Exit Sub
' ---------------------------------------------------------
dispatcher = createUnoService("com.Sun.star.frame.DispatchHelper")
dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, ".uno:Copy", "", 0, Array())
dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, ".uno:Cut", "", 0, Array())
' -------------------------------------------------------------
' Check the width of the selection - if 1024 columns, we assume
' the complete row was selected and should get deleted
If 1024 = oSelections.Columns.getCount() Then
dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, ".uno:DeleteRows", "", 0, Array())
End If
End Sub
Sub InsertWithMoveDown
' ---------------------------------------------------------
' define variables
Dim document as object
Dim dispatcher as object
' ---------------------------------------------------------
' get access to the document
document = ThisComponent.CurrentController.Frame
dispatcher = createUnoService("com.Sun.star.frame.DispatchHelper")
' ---------------------------------------------------------
' Paste contents with "Move Down" option
Dim args1(5) as New com.Sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
args1(0).Name = "Flags"
args1(0).Value = "A"
args1(1).Name = "FormulaCommand"
args1(1).Value = 0
args1(2).Name = "SkipEmptyCells"
args1(2).Value = false
args1(3).Name = "Transpose"
args1(3).Value = false
args1(4).Name = "AsLink"
args1(4).Value = false
args1(5).Name = "MoveMode"
args1(5).Value = 0
dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, ".uno:InsertContents", "", 0, args1())
End Sub
Sub InsertWithMoveRight
' ---------------------------------------------------------
' define variables
Dim document as object
Dim dispatcher as object
' ---------------------------------------------------------
' get access to the document
document = ThisComponent.CurrentController.Frame
dispatcher = createUnoService("com.Sun.star.frame.DispatchHelper")
' ---------------------------------------------------------
' Paste contents with "Move Right" option
Dim args1(5) as New com.Sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
args1(0).Name = "Flags"
args1(0).Value = "A"
args1(1).Name = "FormulaCommand"
args1(1).Value = 0
args1(2).Name = "SkipEmptyCells"
args1(2).Value = false
args1(3).Name = "Transpose"
args1(3).Value = false
args1(4).Name = "AsLink"
args1(4).Value = false
args1(5).Name = "MoveMode"
args1(5).Value = 1
dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, ".uno:InsertContents", "", 0, args1())
End Sub
をに割り当てます。 Alt+C、InsertWithMoveDown
to、例: Alt+V、およびInsertWithMoveRight
to、例: Alt+R (これらのショートカットはすべてデフォルトで空です)。
これで、マウスまたはキーボードを使用してセルまたは行を選択し、を使用してそれらを切り取ることができます Alt+C、ターゲットセルに移動し、を使用して貼り付けます Alt+V または Alt+R。
Open Office Calcで行を移動するには: