%# create some plot, and make axis fill entire figure
plot([0 5 0 5], [0 10 10 0]), axis tight
set(gca, 'Position',[0 0 1 1])
%# set size of figure's "drawing" area on screen
set(gcf, 'Units','centimeters', 'Position',[0 0 5 10])
%# set size on printed paper
%#set(gcf, 'PaperUnits','centimeters', 'PaperPosition',[0 0 5 10])
%# WYSIWYG mode: you need to adjust your screen's DPI (*)
set(gcf, 'PaperPositionMode','auto')
%# save as TIFF
print -dtiff -r0 out.tiff
(*): http://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/creating_plots/printing-images.html