
MS Access DBのすべてのテーブルをループする方法

Access 2003データベースの100を超えるテーブルのプロパティを読み取り、それらの詳細(テーブル名、フィールド名、タイプ、サイズ)をファイルに書き込んで、さらにドキュメントを作成する必要があります。


DB内のすべてのテーブルをループし、それぞれからフィールド名、タイプ、サイズを抽出するために宣言する必要があるレコードセット変数(および構文)を教えてください。結果をテキストファイルに書き込みますが、それを処理できると思います。 :)

これを整理できるまで、私は行き詰まっています。 2つのテーブルを手動で文書化するのに1日かかりました。一部のテーブルには、100以上のフィールドがあります。



    ' Database.
    Dim dbRep As DAO.Database
    Dim dbNew As DAO.Database

    ' For copying tables and indexes.
    Dim tblRep As DAO.TableDef
    Dim tblNew As DAO.TableDef
    Dim fldRep As DAO.Field
    Dim fldNew As DAO.Field
    Dim idxRep As DAO.Index
    Dim idxNew As DAO.Index

    ' For copying data.
    Dim rstRep As DAO.Recordset
    Dim rstNew As DAO.Recordset
    Dim rec1 As DAO.Recordset
    Dim rec2 As Recordset
    Dim intC As Integer

    ' For copying table relationships.
    Dim relRep As DAO.Relation
    Dim relNew As DAO.Relation

    ' For copying queries.
    Dim qryRep As DAO.QueryDef
    Dim qryNew As DAO.QueryDef

    ' For copying startup options.
    Dim avarSUOpt
    Dim strSUOpt As String
    Dim varValue
    Dim varType
    Dim prpRep As DAO.Property
    Dim prpNew As DAO.Property

    ' For importing forms, reports, modules, and macros.
    Dim appNew As New Access.Application
    Dim doc As DAO.Document

    ' Open the database, not in exclusive mode.
    Set dbRep = OpenDatabase(Forms!CMDB_frmUpgrade.TxtDatabase, False)

    ' Open the new database
    Set dbNew = CurrentDb


    ' Turn on the hourglass.
    DoCmd.Hourglass True

    Debug.Print "Copy Tables"
If Forms!CMDB_frmUpgrade.CkTables = True Then
    Forms!CMDB_frmUpgrade.LstMessages.addItem "Copying Tables:"

    ' Loop through the collection of table definitions.
    For Each tblRep In dbRep.TableDefs
    Set rec1 = dbRep.OpenRecordset("SELECT MSysObjects.Name FROM MsysObjects WHERE ([Name] = '" & tblRep.Name & "') AND ((MSysObjects.Type)=4 or (MSysObjects.Type)=6)")

    If rec1.EOF Then
      XF = 0
      XF = 1
    End If

        ' Ignore system tables and CMDB tables.
        If InStr(1, tblRep.Name, "MSys", vbTextCompare) = 0 And _
            InStr(1, tblRep.Name, "CMDB", vbTextCompare) = 0 And _
            XF = 0 Then

            '***** Table definition
            ' Create a table definition with the same name.
            Set tblNew = dbNew.CreateTableDef(tblRep.Name)
            Forms!CMDB_frmUpgrade.LstMessages.addItem "--> " & tblRep.Name & ""

            ' Set properties.
            tblNew.ValidationRule = tblRep.ValidationRule
            tblNew.ValidationText = tblRep.ValidationText

            ' Loop through the collection of fields in the table.
            For Each fldRep In tblRep.Fields

                ' Ignore replication-related fields:
                ' Gen_XXX, s_ColLineage, s_Generation, s_GUID, s_Lineage
                If InStr(1, fldRep.Name, "s_", vbTextCompare) = 0 And _
                    InStr(1, fldRep.Name, "Gen_", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then

                    '***** Field definition
                    Set fldNew = tblNew.CreateField(fldRep.Name, fldRep.Type, _

                    ' Set properties.
                    On Error Resume Next
                    fldNew.Attributes = fldRep.Attributes
                    fldNew.AllowZeroLength = fldRep.AllowZeroLength
                    fldNew.DefaultValue = fldRep.DefaultValue
                    fldNew.Required = fldRep.Required
                    fldNew.Size = fldRep.Size

                    ' Append the field.
                    tblNew.Fields.Append fldNew
                    'On Error GoTo Err_NewShell
                End If
            Next fldRep

            '***** Index definition

            ' Loop through the collection of indexes.
            For Each idxRep In tblRep.Indexes

                ' Ignore replication-related indexes:
                ' s_Generation, s_GUID
                If InStr(1, idxRep.Name, "s_", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then

                    ' Ignore indices set as part of Relation Objects
                    If Not idxRep.Foreign Then

                        ' Create an index with the same name.
                        Set idxNew = tblNew.CreateIndex(idxRep.Name)

                        ' Set properties.
                        idxNew.Clustered = idxRep.Clustered
                        idxNew.IgnoreNulls = idxRep.IgnoreNulls
                        idxNew.Primary = idxRep.Primary
                        idxNew.Required = idxRep.Required
                        idxNew.Unique = idxRep.Unique

                        ' Loop through the collection of index fields.
                        For Each fldRep In idxRep.Fields
                            ' Create an index field with the same name.
                            Set fldNew = idxNew.CreateField(fldRep.Name)
                            ' Set properties.
                            fldNew.Attributes = fldRep.Attributes
                            ' Append the index field.
                            idxNew.Fields.Append fldNew
                        Next fldRep

                        ' Append the index to the table.
                        tblNew.Indexes.Append idxNew
                    End If
                End If
            Next idxRep

            ' Append the table.
            dbNew.TableDefs.Append tblNew
        End If
    Next tblRep
Johnny Bones


Sub TableDef()
 Dim def As TableDef
 Dim wb As Object
 Dim xL As Object
 Dim lngRow As Long
 Dim f As Field
 Set xL = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
 xL.Visible = True
 Set wb = xL.workbooks.Add
 lngRow = 2
 For Each def In CurrentDb.TableDefs
   For Each f In def.Fields
     With wb.sheets("Sheet1")
           .Range("A" & lngRow).Value = def.Name
           .Range("B" & lngRow).Value = f.Name
           .Range("C" & lngRow).Value = f.Type
           .Range("D" & lngRow).Value = f.Size
           .Range("E" & lngRow).Value = f.Required
           .Range("F" & lngRow).Value = f.DefaultValue
            lngRow = lngRow + 1
    End With
End Sub
Bhanu Sinha