そうでない場合は、ファイルをどのように保存すればよいか教えていただけますか? cassandraはフォールトトレラントであり、ノード間で自動レプリケーションを使用するため、引き続き使用したいと思います。
cassandra wiki から、
Cassandra's public API is based on Thrift, which offers no streaming abilities
any value written or fetched has to fit in memory. This is inherent to Thrift's
design and is therefore unlikely to change. So adding large object support to
Cassandra would need a special API that manually split the large objects up
into pieces. A potential approach is described in http://issues.Apache.org/jira/browse/CASSANDRA-265.
As a workaround in the meantime, you can manually split files into chunks of whatever
size you are comfortable with -- at least one person is using 64MB -- and making a file correspond
to a row, with the chunks as column values.
10MBのファイルで大丈夫です。実際、DataStaxBriskはファイルシステムをCassandra私が間違っていなければ: http://www.datastax.com/products/enterprise の上に置きます。