$ echo `date`": what I'm doing now" >> timelog.txt
後で処理したい場合は、date +%s
またはdate +%F%T
#!/usr/bin/bash -
echo `date +%s` $* >> ~/timelog.txt
最近、 TaskWarrior を発見しました。これは、純粋にCLIですが、機能が豊富です。
その他のtaskwarriorツール ここ 。
wtime を使用できます:
wtime [ -t task ] [ <action> ]
-t task
Specify the name of the task. It has to be a valid file-
name. Only the first 32 characters are taken into account.
The default value is "default".
action is one of the following:
-h Display help.
-a Start counting.
-s Stop counting.
-c Display current elapsed time in seconds.
-r [ start [ end ]]
Display time spent on the task during the specified
period. The parametres start and end represent the
begginning and end of the reporting period respec-
tively. The format of start and end is '%d-%m-%Y'
(see strptime (1)). The default values are the cur-
rent time for end and the begginning of the current
month for the start parameter.
Todo.txt-cliを使用する場合は、Pythonで記述された パンチタイムトラッキング の使用を検討する必要があります。
App :: TimeTracker-簡単に拡張できるコマンドラインベースのタイムトラッカー
~$ cd work/some_project
~/work/some_project$ tracker start
Started working on some_project at 13:06:20
~/work/some_project$ # hack ... hack ... hack
~/work/some_project$ tracker stop
Worked 00:15:42 on some_project
~/work/some_project$ cd ../other_project
~/work/other_project$ tracker start
Started working on other_project at 13:32:54
~/work/other_project$ # hack some more
~/work/other_project$ tracker current
Working 00:35:31 on other_project
Started at 13:32:54
~/work/other_project$ tracker start --tag testing
Worked 00:38:23 on other_project
Started working on other_project (testing) at 14:11:27
~/work/other_project$ # hack, then go for lunch
~/work/other_project$ # ups, forgot to hit stop when I left
~/work/other_project$ tracker stop --at 14:30
Worked 00:18:33 on other_project (testing)
~/work/other_project$ tracker report --this day
work 01:12:38
some_project 00:15:42
other_project 00:56:56
total 01:12:38
著者サイトの詳細: http://timetracker.plix.at/
echo -e -n `date`\tProjectName\tTask\tComment >> MyTimeTable.txt
echo -e \t`date` >> MyTimeTable.txt