If (!array_key_exists(‘authed’, $_SESSION))
include ‘not_authed.inc’;
// go about your business.
function checkValues($value)
// Use this function on all those values where you want to check for both sql injection and cross site scripting
//Trim the value
$value = trim($value);
// Stripslashes
if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
$value = stripslashes($value);
// Convert all <, > etc. to normal html and then strip these
$value = strtr($value,array_flip(get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES)));
// Strip HTML Tags
$value = strip_tags($value);
// Quote the value
$value = mysql_real_escape_string($value);
return $value;
mysql_connect ("mysql.*****.com", "****","$*****") or die (mysql_error());
mysql_select_db ("***********");
$term = checkValues($_REQUEST['val']);
$term = mysql_real_escape_string($term);
$sql = mysql_query("select * FROM patient_db WHERE id_number = '$term'");
if($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) {
echo "<img src=\"******\" class='leftfloat' border=0>";
echo '<p>';
echo '<br /> ID Number: ' .$row['id_number'];
echo '<br /> Name: ' .$row['Name'];
echo '<br /> Exp. Date: ' .$row['exp_date'];
echo '<br /> DOB: ' .$row['dob'];
echo '</p>';
//echo "<a href='******' title='Printer Friendly Version' alt='Printer Friendly Version'><img src=\"*****\" class='rightfloat' border=0 height=33 width=33></a>";
} else {
echo "<img src=\"*****\" height=50 width=50 class='leftfloat' border=0>";
print "<h1>USER ID <br/>NOT FOUND</h1><br />";
print "<strong>OOPS!! THIS COULD BE AN ERROR</strong><br />";
print "<br />";
print "<div>*****</div>";
それはそれほど簡単な解決策ではないかもしれませんが、WP coreをロードしてcurrent_user_can()