Hello, this is the first example, where I am going to have a string that is over 50 characters and is super long, I don't know how long maybe around 1000 characters. Anyway this should be over 50 characters now ...
Hello, this is the first example, where I am going ...
$out = strlen($in) > 50 ? substr($in,0,50)."..." : $in;
.Ellipsis {
overflow: hidden;
white-space: nowrap;
text-overflow: Ellipsis;
mb_strimwidth("Hello World", 0, 10, "...");
Hello World
:トリミングされた文字列の最後に追加された文字列。これはHello W...
$str = $input;
if( strlen( $input) > 50) {
$str = explode( "\n", wordwrap( $input, 50));
$str = $str[0] . '...';
echo $str;
そうでない場合、substr( $input, 0, 50);
if (strlen($string) <=50) {
echo $string;
} else {
echo substr($string, 0, 50) . '...';
function truncate($string, $length, $stopanywhere=false) {
//truncates a string to a certain char length, stopping on a Word if not specified otherwise.
if (strlen($string) > $length) {
//limit hit!
$string = substr($string,0,($length -3));
if ($stopanywhere) {
//stop anywhere
$string .= '...';
} else{
//stop on a Word.
$string = substr($string,0,strrpos($string,' ')).'...';
return $string;
私は自分のウェブサイトでこのソリューションを使用しています。 $ strが$ maxより短い場合、変更されません。 $ strの最初の$ max文字間にスペースがない場合、$ maxの位置で残酷にカットされます。そうしないと、最後のWord全体の後に3つのドットが追加されます。
function short_str($str, $max = 50) {
$str = trim($str);
if (strlen($str) > $max) {
$s_pos = strpos($str, ' ');
$cut = $s_pos === false || $s_pos > $max;
$str = wordwrap($str, $max, ';;', $cut);
$str = explode(';;', $str);
$str = $str[0] . '...';
return $str;
* Return an elipsis given a string and a number of words
function elipsis ($text, $words = 30) {
// Check if string has more than X words
if (str_Word_count($text) > $words) {
// Extract first X words from string
preg_match("/(?:[^\s,\.;\?\!]+(?:[\s,\.;\?\!]+|$)){0,$words}/", $text, $matches);
$text = trim($matches[0]);
// Let's check if it ends in a comma or a dot.
if (substr($text, -1) == ',') {
// If it's a comma, let's remove it and add a Ellipsis
$text = rtrim($text, ',');
$text .= '...';
} else if (substr($text, -1) == '.') {
// If it's a dot, let's remove it and add a Ellipsis (optional)
$text = rtrim($text, '.');
$text .= '...';
} else {
// Doesn't end in dot or comma, just adding Ellipsis here
$text .= '...';
// Returns "ellipsed" text, or just the string, if it's less than X words wide.
return $text;
$description = 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Quibusdam ut placeat consequuntur pariatur iure eum ducimus quasi perferendis, laborum obcaecati iusto ullam expedita excepturi debitis nisi deserunt fugiat velit assumenda. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Incidunt, blanditiis nostrum. Nostrum cumque non rerum ducimus voluptas officia tempore modi, nulla nisi illum, voluptates dolor sapiente ut iusto earum. Esse? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. A eligendi perspiciatis natus autem. Necessitatibus eligendi doloribus corporis quia, quas laboriosam. Beatae repellat dolor alias. Perferendis, distinctio, laudantium? Dolorum, veniam, amet!';
echo elipsis($description, 30);
$string = 'This is your string';
if( strlen( $string ) > 50 ) {
$string = substr( $string, 0, 50 ) . '...';
$string = "Hello, this is the first example, where I am going to have a string that is over 50 characters and is super long, I don't know how long maybe around 1000 characters. Anyway this should be over 50 characters know...";
if(strlen($string) >= 50)
echo substr($string, 50); //prints everything after 50th character
echo substr($string, 0, 50); //prints everything before 50th character
このために str_split()
$str = "Hello, this is the first example, where I am going to have a string that is over 50 characters and is super long, I don't know how long maybe around 1000 characters. Anyway this should be over 50 characters know...";
$split = str_split($str, 50);
$final = $split[0] . "...";
echo $final;