Drupal as admin/build/modulesのようにモジュールリストを取得する方法は?
drush pm-list --type=Module --status=enabled
その他のオプションについては、チェックアウトしてください http://www.drupaltonight.com/drupal-articles/using-drush-get-list-enabled-modules
drush pm-list --type=Module --status=enabled
利用可能なすべてのモジュールをリストしたい場合、これはDrupal 6またはDrupal 7:
// include_once('.' . base_path() . drupal_get_path('module', 'system') . '/system.admin.inc');
// Above line was intentionally commented out (see below).
$drupal_version = (int) VERSION;
$list_modules_function = '';
if ($drupal_version >= 7 && $drupal_version < 8) {
$list_modules_function = 'system_rebuild_module_data';
else if ($drupal_version >= 6 && $drupal_version < 7) {
$list_modules_function = 'module_rebuild_cache';
if (empty($list_modules_function)) {
$output = t('Oops... Looks like you are not using either version 6 or version 7 of Drupal');
else if (!function_exists($list_modules_function)) {
$output = t('Oops... Unable to find the function !function(). Try uncommenting the top line of this code.', array('!function' => $list_modules_function));
else {
$output = "<dl>\n";
$list_modules = $list_modules_function();
foreach ($list_modules as $module) {
$output .= "<dt>" . check_plain($module->info["name"]) . "</dt>\n";
$output .= "<dd>" . check_plain($module->info["description"]) . "</dd>\n";
$output .= "</dl>\n";
print $output;
module_list($refresh = FALSE, $bootstrap_refresh = FALSE, $sort = FALSE, $fixed_list = NULL)
詳細はこちらです。 http://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/includes!module.inc/function/module_list/7
drush pml | grep commerce
drush pml | findstr commerce