jQueryがLaravel 5で正しく機能しない
// perform GET request on root and call method 'index' on the PagesController class
// (app/Http/Controllers/PagesController.php)
Route::get('/', 'PagesController@index');
// perform POST on 'data' and call method 'process' on the PagesController class
Route::post('data', 'PagesController@process');
<html lang="en">
{{-- this stops the default compatibility view for intranet sites in IE --}}
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=Edge, chrome=1" />
<title>Academic Intelligence</title>
{{-- LINKS --}}
{{-- local css file --}}
{!! HTML::style('css/style.css') !!}
{{-- bootstrap css (bootswatch readable style) --}}
{!! HTML::style('//maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootswatch/3.3.0/readable/bootstrap.min.css') !!}
{{-- SCRIPTS --}}
{{-- jquery --}}
{!! HTML::script('https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js') !!}
{{-- bootstrap js --}}
{!! HTML::script('//maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.1/js/bootstrap.min.js') !!}
{{-- TITLE BAR --}}
<div class="sg-titlebar">
<h1><a title="Newcastle University Homepage" accesskey="1" href="http://www.ncl.ac.uk/"/><span title="Newcastle University">Newcastle University</span></a></h1>
<h2><a href="https://resviz.ncl.ac.uk/wos/">Academic Intelligence</a></h2>
<div class="sg-content">
<nav class="navbar navbar-default" role="navigation">
<div class="container">
<div class="navbar-header">
<div class="collapse navbar-collapse" id="bs-example-navbar-collapse-1">
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
<li><a href="{{ action('PagesController@index') }}"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-home"></span></a></li>
<li><a href="{{ action('PagesController@about') }}">About</a></li>
</div> {{-- navbar-collapse --}}
</div> {{-- container --}}
</nav> {{-- navbar --}}
{{-- main content --}}
<section class="container">
{{-- unique section to other pages --}}
</section> {{-- main content; container --}}
</div> {{-- sg-content --}}
{{-- FOOTER --}}
{{-- this HTML is inserted into app.blade.php as content --}}
{{-- local script --}}
{!! HTML::script('js/script.js') !!}
<div class="row">
{{-- search form --}}
{{-- using Illuminate\Html\HtmlServiceProvider package --}}
{!! Form::open(['url' => 'data', 'id' => 'form']) !!}
<div class="form-group">
{{-- see http://getbootstrap.com/css/#grid for explanation of Bootstrap grid system --}}
<div class="col-lg-6 well bs-component">
{{-- 'journal(s) section of form' --}}
<div class="journal_fields_wrap">
{{-- 'journal(s)' section header --}}
<h4 class="form_title">Journal</h4>
{{-- buttons above 'journal(s)' input boxes --}}
<div class="journal_buttons">
{{-- loads a list of journals on Web of Science --}}
<a class="btn btn-success" target="_blank" href="http://ip-science.thomsonreuters.com/cgi-bin/jrnlst/jloptions.cgi?PC=D"
data-toggle="tooltip-down" title="Search Thomson Reuters for journals">Journal List</a>
{{-- add extra input field for journals --}}
{!! Form::button('<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus"></span> Add more fields', ['class' => 'add_journal_field_button btn btn-info']) !!}
</div> {{-- journal_buttons --}}
{{-- input box for journal(s) --}}
<div class="form_field">
{{-- parameters: textbox(name, default value, options array) --}}
{!! Form::text('journal1', null, ['class' => 'form-control', 'data-toggle' => 'tooltip-right', 'title' => 'Please enter only one journal per box']) !!}
</div> {{-- form_field --}}
</div> {{-- journal_fields_wrap --}}
{{-- 'keyword(s)' section of form --}}
<div class="title_fields_wrap">
{{-- 'keyword(s)' section header --}}
<h4 class="form_title">Keyword</h4>
{{-- buttons above 'keyword(s)' input boxes --}}
<div class="title_buttons">
{{-- add extra input field for keywords --}}
{!! Form::button('<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus"></span> Add more fields', ['class' => 'add_title_field_button btn btn-info']) !!}
</div> {{-- title_buttons --}}
{{-- input box for keyword(s) --}}
<div class="form_field">
{{-- parameters: textbox(name, default value, options array) --}}
{!! Form::text('title1', null, ['class' => 'form-control', 'data-toggle' => 'tooltip-right', 'title' => 'Please enter only one title per box']) !!}
</div> {{-- form_field --}}
</div> {{-- title_fields_wrap --}}
{{-- 'time span' section of form; header --}}
<h4 class="form_title">Time Span</h4></br>
{{-- 'From:' header --}}
{!! Form::label('select', 'From:', ['class' => 'col-lg-2 control-label']) !!}
<div class="col-lg-3">
{{-- parameters: selectbox(name, [data], default, [options]) --}}
{{-- data (years) provided by script.js --}}
{!! Form::select('timeStart', [], 'Select', ['class' => 'form-control', 'id' => 'select']) !!}
</div> {{-- col-lg-3 --}}
{{-- 'To:' header --}}
{!! Form::label('select', 'To:', ['class' => 'col-lg-2 control-label']) !!}
<div class="col-lg-3">
{{-- as other select box above --}}
{!! Form::select('timeEnd', [], 'Select', ['class' => 'form-control', 'id' => 'select']) !!}
</div> {{-- col-lg-3 --}
{{-- execute search; submit button --}}
{{-- parameters: button(text on button, [options]) --}}
{!! Form::button('<strong>Submit</strong><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-transfer"></span>', ['type' => 'submit', 'class' => 'btn btn-primary btn-lg', 'id' => 'submit']) !!}
</div> {{-- col-lg-6 --}}
<div class="col-lg-6 well bs-component">
{{-- bootstrap window --}}
<div class="modal-dialog">
<p>This application is optimised for Chrome.</p>
<p>In order to get the best results from your search,<br/>enter one or more journals.</p>
<p>Keywords and time spans are optional but can be<br/>used to refine your search.</p>
</div> {{-- modal-dialog --}}
</div> {{-- col-lg-6 --}}
</div> {{-- form-group --}}
{!! Form::close() !!}
</div> {{-- row --}}
<!-- d3 -->
{!! HTML::script('https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/d3/3.5.3/d3.min.js') !!}
<!-- local script -->
{!! HTML::script('js/graphs.js') !!}
<section class="graphs container">
<div class="row col-lg-12" id="header">
<div class="col-lg-1"></div>
<div class="panel panel-info col-lg-7">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h2 class="panel-title">Search Parameters</h2>
<div class="panel-body">
<div id="journalData"></div>
<div id="keywordData"></div>
<div id="timescaleData"></div>
</div> <!-- panel panel-info -->
<div class="dropdown col-lg-2">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="select" class="control-label">Change time span:</label>
<select class="form-control" id="timeSelect">
<option value="chart2" selected>User defined</option>
<option value="chart4">Last 10 years</option>
<option value="chart5">Last 5 years</option>
<option value="chart6">Last 2 years</option>
</div> <!-- dropdown -->
<div class="col-lg-2"></div>
</div> <!-- row -->
<div class="graph_fields_wrap row backdrop col-lg-12">
<div class="col-lg-6">
<h3 class="titles">Ranked Author Citations</h3>
<h4 class="titles">All time (from 1970)</h4>
<button class="pager" id="previous1" type="button" disabled><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left"></span> previous</button>
<button class="pager indexer" type="button" disabled>1 - 10</button>
<button class="pager" id="next1" type="button">next <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right"></span></button>
<div class="chart1 well bs-component"></div>
<div class="col-lg-6">
<h3 class="titles">Ranked Author Citations</h3>
<h4 class="titles" id="userTitle"></h4>
<button class="pager" id="previous2" type="button" disabled><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left"></span> previous</button>
<button class="pager indexer" type="button" disabled>1 - 10</button>
<button class="pager" id="next2" type="button">next <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right"></span></button>
<div class="chart2 well bs-component"></div>
</div> <!-- row -->
<div class="row col-lg-12">
<div class="row backdrop col-lg-7" id="impact">
<h3 class="titles">Weighted Citation Factor</h3>
<h4 class="titles">All time (from 1970)</h4>
<div class="well bs-component" id="rankChart">
<div class="chart3"></div>
</div> <!-- row -->
<div class="backdrop col-lg-5" id="algorithm">
<h3 class="titles">Explanation of Bubble Chart</h3>
<div class="well bs-component">
<p>The weighted citation factor applies a weighting to citations based on the year of publication. The more recent the citation, the higher the weighting.</p>
<p>This chart takes into account data from all years. The higher the weighted citation factor, the larger the bubble.</p>
</div> <!-- col-lg-12 -->
<div class="graph_fields_wrap2 row backdrop col-lg-12">
<div class="col-lg-6">
<h3 class="titles">Ranked Awarded Funds (£millions)</h3>
<h4 class="titles">All time, UK only</h4>
<div class="chart7 well bs-component"></div>
<div class="col-lg-6">
<h3 class="titles">Ranked Awarded Funds (£millions)</h3>
<h4 class="titles userTitle">, UK only</h4>
<div class="chart8 well bs-component"></div>
</div> <!-- row -->
<?php namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use App\Http\Requests;
use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use Request;
use App\SoapController;
use App\Models\SearchData;
use App\Models\SoapWrapper;
use App\Models\RestWrapper;
use App\Models\DataSort;
use App\Models\BubbleChartCompatible;
use DB;
use View;
use Laracasts\Utilities\JavaScript\JavaScriptFacade as JavaScript;
class PagesController extends Controller {
public function __construct()
// method index returns view 'home' (resources/views/home.blade.php)
public function index()
return view('pages.home');
// method process returns view 'data' (resources/views/data.blade.php)
public function process()
... processes data ...
// pass data to JavaScript (uses https://github.com/laracasts/PHP-Vars-To-Js-Transformer)
'allCited' => $allCited,
'userCited' => $userCited,
'tenCited' => $tenCited,
'fiveCited' => $fiveCited,
'twoCited' => $twoCited,
'valueData' => $valueData,
'allFunded' => $allFunds,
'userFunded' => $userFunds,
'tenFunded' => $tenFunds,
'fiveFunded' => $fiveFunds,
'twoFunded' => $twoFunds,
'searchData' => $searchParams
return View::make('pages.data');
$(document).ready(function() {
// pull data from PHP
var allCitedData = $.parseJSON(Graphs.allCited);
var userCitedData = $.parseJSON(Graphs.userCited);
var tenCitedData = $.parseJSON(Graphs.tenCited);
var fiveCitedData = $.parseJSON(Graphs.fiveCited);
var twoCitedData = $.parseJSON(Graphs.twoCited);
// VALUES; leave in JSON format
var valueData = Graphs.valueData;
var allFundedData = $.parseJSON(Graphs.allFunded);
var userFundedData = $.parseJSON(Graphs.userFunded);
var tenFundedData = $.parseJSON(Graphs.tenFunded);
var fiveFundedData = $.parseJSON(Graphs.fiveFunded);
var twoFundedData = $.parseJSON(Graphs.twoFunded);
var searchData = Graphs.searchData;
// different colour settings for graphs
var palette1 = {
fill: "steelblue",
hover: "brown"
var palette2 = {
fill: "seagreen",
hover: "darkorange"
var palette3 = {
fill: "darkblue",
hover: "darkmagenta"
var palette4 = {
fill: "darkolivegreen",
hover: "darkseagreen"
// set title for user defined graph
var graphTitle = $(".userTitle");
console.log(searchData.from + " to " + searchData.to);
graphTitle.prepend(searchData.from + " to " + searchData.to);
// change graph according to dropdown choice
var wrapperG = $(".graph_fields_wrap1"); // wrapper for div containing citations graphs
var wrapperF = $(".graph_fields_wrap2"); // wrapper for div containing funds graphs
var selector = $("#timeSelect"); // dropdown graph menu ID
// variables to log subset location in arrays (to use in slice)
var from1 = 0;
var to1 = 10;
var from2 = 0;
var to2 = 10;
var from3 = 0;
var to3 = 10;
var from4 = 0;
var to4 = 10;
var from5 = 0;
var to5 = 10;
var selected = "chart2";
// when the selection is changed in the dropdown menu do:
selector.on("change", function(e) {
// ignore default action for this event
// remove currently displayed graph, 1st child of div (1st graph is 0th)
// get value of currently selected
var selectedVal = $(this).val();
selected = selectedVal;
// check value of selected
// append new graph to wrapper div & run loadGraph to reprocess data
if (selectedVal == "chart2") {
wrapperG.append("<div class='col-lg-6'><h3 class='titles'>Ranked Author Citations</h3><h4 class='titles'>" + searchData.from + " to " + searchData.to + "</h4><button class='pager' id='previous2' type='button' disabled><span class='glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left'></span> previous</button><button class='pager indexer' type='button' disabled>1-10</button><button class='pager' id='next2' type='button'>next <span class='glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right'></span></button><div class='chart2 well bs-component'></div></div>").loadGraph(userCitedData.slice(0,10), selectedVal, palette2);
wrapperF.append("<div class='col-lg-6'><h3 class='titles'>Ranked Awarded Funds (£millions)</h3><h4 class='titles'>" + searchData.from + " to " + searchData.to + ", UK only</h4><div class='chart8 well bs-component'></div></div>").loadGraph(userFundedData.slice(0,10), "chart8", palette4);
} else if
... etc ...
/*********** PAGINATION *****************/
// ALL TIME CITED, chart1
// next author set
wrapperG.on("click", "#next1", function (e) {
// ignore default action for this event
// shift pointers up 10 for next subset of array
from1 += 10;
to1 += 10;
// check if at end of data
if (to1 > (allCitedData.length)) {
// remove currently displayed graph, 0th child of div
// load new graph before other graph (0th child of div)
wrapperG.prepend("<div class='col-lg-6'><h3 class='titles'>Ranked Author Citations</h3><h4 class='titles'>All time (from 1970)</h4><button class='pager' id='previous1' type='button'><span class='glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left'></span> previous</button><button class='pager indexer' type='button' disabled>" + (from1+1) + " - " + to1 + "</button><button class='pager' id='next1' type='button' disabled>next <span class='glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right'></span></button><div class='chart1 well bs-component'></div></div>").loadGraph((allCitedData.slice(from1,to1)), "chart1", palette1);
} else {
// remove currently displayed graph, 0th child of div
// load new graph before other graph (0th child of div)
wrapperG.prepend("<div class='col-lg-6'><h3 class='titles'>Ranked Author Citations</h3><h4 class='titles'>All time (from 1970)</h4><button class='pager' id='previous1' type='button'><span class='glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left'></span> previous</button><button class='pager indexer' type='button' disabled>" + (from1+1) + " - " + to1 + "</button><button class='pager' id='next1' type='button'>next <span class='glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right'></span></button><div class='chart1 well bs-component'></div></div>").loadGraph((allCitedData.slice(from1,to1)), "chart1", palette1);
// all time cited, previous author set
wrapperG.on("click", "#previous1", function (e) {
// ignore default action for this event
// shift pointers down 10 for previous subset of array
from1 -= 10;
to1 -= 10;
// check if at start of data
if (from1 == 0) {
// remove currently displayed graph, 0th child of div
// load new graph before other graph (0th child of div)
wrapperG.prepend("<div class='col-lg-6'><h3 class='titles'>Ranked Author Citations</h3><h4 class='titles'>All time (from 1970)</h4><button class='pager' id='previous1' type='button' disabled><span class='glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left'></span> previous</button><button class='pager indexer' type='button' disabled>" + (from1+1) + " - " + to1 + "</button><button class='pager' id='next1' type='button'>next <span class='glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right'></span></button><div class='chart1 well bs-component'></div></div>").loadGraph((allCitedData.slice(from1,to1)), "chart1", palette1);
} else {
// remove currently displayed graph, 0th child of div
// load new graph before other graph (0th child of div)
wrapperG.prepend("<div class='col-lg-6'><h3 class='titles'>Ranked Author Citations</h3><h4 class='titles'>All time (from 1970)</h4><button class='pager' id='previous1' type='button'><span class='glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left'></span> previous</button><button class='pager indexer' type='button' disabled>" + (from1+1) + " - " + to1 + "</button><button class='pager' id='next1' type='button'>next <span class='glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right'></span></button><div class='chart1 well bs-component'></div></div>").loadGraph((allCitedData.slice(from1,to1)), "chart1", palette1);
// OPTIONS CITED, charts 2, 4, 5 & 6
// optional cited, next author set
wrapperG.on("click", "#next2", function (e) {
// ignore default action for this event
// remove currently displayed graph, 1st child of div (1st graph is 0th)
// check selectedVal to see which graph to append
switch(selected) {
case ("chart2"):
// shift pointers up 10 for next subset of array
from2 += 10;
to2 += 10;
// check if at end of data
if (to2 >= (userCitedData.length)) {
// load new graph after other graph (1st child of div)
wrapperG.append("<div class='col-lg-6'><h3 class='titles'>Ranked Author Citations</h3><h4 class='titles'>" + searchData.from + " to " + searchData.to + "</h4><button class='pager' id='previous2' type='button'><span class='glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left'></span> previous</button><button class='pager indexer' type='button' disabled>" + (from2+1) + " - " + to2 + "</button><button class='pager' id='next2' type='button' disabled>next <span class='glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right'></span></button><div class='chart2 well bs-component'></div></div>").loadGraph((userCitedData.slice(from2,to2)), "chart2", palette2);
} else {
wrapperG.append("<div class='col-lg-6'><h3 class='titles'>Ranked Author Citations</h3><h4 class='titles'>" + searchData.from + " to " + searchData.to + "</h4><button class='pager' id='previous2' type='button'><span class='glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left'></span> previous</button><button class='pager indexer' type='button' disabled>" + (from2+1) + " - " + to2 + "</button><button class='pager' id='next2' type='button'>next <span class='glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right'></span></button><div class='chart2 well bs-component'></div></div>").loadGraph((userCitedData.slice(from2,to2)), "chart2", palette2);
... etc ...
// optional cited, previous author set
wrapperG.on("click", "#previous2", function (e) {
// ignore default action for this event
// remove currently displayed graph, 1st child of div (1st graph is 0th)
// check selectedVal to see which graph to append
switch(selected) {
case ("chart2"):
// shift pointers down 10 for previous subset of array
from2 -= 10;
to2 -= 10;
// check if at start of data
if (from2 == 0) {
// load new graph after other graph (1st child of div)
wrapperG.append("<div class='col-lg-6'><h3 class='titles'>Ranked Author Citations</h3><h4 class='titles'>" + searchData.from + " to " + searchData.to + "</h4><button class='pager' id='previous2' type='button' disabled><span class='glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left'></span> previous</button><button class='pager indexer' type='button' disabled>" + (from2+1) + " - " + to2 + "</button><button class='pager' id='next2' type='button'>next <span class='glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right'></span></button><div class='chart2 well bs-component'></div></div>").loadGraph((userCitedData.slice(from2,to2)), "chart2", palette2);
} else {
wrapperG.append("<div class='col-lg-6'><h3 class='titles'>Ranked Author Citations</h3><h4 class='titles'>" + searchData.from + " to " + searchData.to + "</h4><button class='pager' id='previous2' type='button'><span class='glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left'></span> previous</button><button class='pager indexer' type='button' disabled>" + (from2+1) + " - " + to2 + "</button><button class='pager' id='next2' type='button'>next <span class='glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right'></span></button><div class='chart2 well bs-component'></div></div>").loadGraph((userCitedData.slice(from2,to2)), "chart2", palette2);
case ("chart4"):
... etc ...
// create array to store various chart names
var fundedCharts = [
// Immediately Invoked Function Expression: allows '$' to work with any other plugins
(function ($) {
// add function to '$.fn' object (contains all jQuery object methods)
$.fn.loadGraph = function(graphData, graphSelect, graphColour) {
... creates graph from data ...
} (jQuery));
// bubble chart
(function ($) {
$.fn.loadBubbles = function(graphData, graphSelect) {
... creates bubble chart from data ...
} (jQuery));
// load initial graphs to page, 1st 10 authors
$(".chart1").loadGraph(allCitedData.slice(0,10), "chart1", palette1);
$(".chart2").loadGraph(userCitedData.slice(0,10), "chart2", palette2);
$(".chart3").loadBubbles(valueData, "chart3");
$(".chart7").loadGraph(allFundedData.slice(0,10), "chart7", palette3);
$(".chart8").loadGraph(userFundedData.slice(0,10), "chart8", palette4);
グラフをロードするためにデータをビューに取得するために、 https://github.com/laracasts/PHP-Vars-To-Js-Transformer を使用しました。これを使用すると、javascript.js
return [
'bind_js_vars_to_this_view' => 'pages.data',
'js_namespace' => 'Graphs'
_selector.on("change", function(e) {
_$(document).on('change', '#timeSelect', function(e) {
これは私のために働いた。 jqueryは正常に読み込まれていましたが、機能していませんでした。 bootstrapおよびjqueryスクリプトをlaravelに含まれているため、呼び出す必要があるかどうかはわかりません。
<script src="{{ asset('js/app.js') }}" defer ><script>
<script src="{{ asset('js/app.js') }}" ></script>
_は機能しておらず、ラップもされていません。すべてのコードを$( document ).ready()
_$( document ).ready(function() {
または、すべてのコードをページの下部に配置します $(document).ready(function(){}); vsスクリプトをページの下部に配置します