


 created_at |ステータス
 --------------------- + ------------- 
 2016-04- 05 1:27:15 | info 
 2016-04-05 3:27:15 | info 
 2016-04-05 5:27:15 |警告
 2016-04-05 10:27:15 | info 
 2016-04-05 11:27:15 |警告


ステータス| 2016-04-05 1:00:00 | 2016-04-05 4:00:00 | 2016-04-05 8:00:00 | 2016-04-05 12:00:00 
 --------- + -------------------- + ---- ---------------- + -------------------- + ------------ ------- 
情報| 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 
警告| 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 



代わりに_2016-04-05 0:27:15_を想定 _2016-04-05 1:27:15_ 基礎となる表では、質問は私にとってより理にかなっています:

_CREATE TABLE tbl (created_at timestamp, status text);
  ('2016-04-05 00:27:15', 'info')
, ('2016-04-05 03:27:15', 'info')
, ('2016-04-05 05:27:15', 'warn')
, ('2016-04-05 10:27:15', 'info')
, ('2016-04-05 11:27:15', 'warn');

ロジックは、次の境界までに発生したイベントをカウントし、excludeします。これは見落とされがちな関数 width_bucket() に完全に適合します。正確には、Postgres 9.5で導入されたarbitrary境界を持つバリアントが必要です(OPの境界には通常のパターンがないため)。マニュアルから直接説明:

_width_bucket(operand anyelement, thresholds anyarray)

バケットの下限をリストする配列を指定すると、operandが割り当てられるバケット番号を返します。最初の下限より小さい入力に対しては_0_を返します。 thresholds配列ソートする必要があります、最初に最小、または予期しない結果が得られます

regularバケットでは、 Postgres 9.1で利用可能な別のバリアントを使用することもできます
列名と同じ境界を再利用してcrosstab()と組み合わせます(残りのクエリはPostgres 9.1で動作します):

_SELECT * FROM crosstab(
 $$SELECT status
        , width_bucket(created_at, '{2016-04-05 01:00
                                   , 2016-04-05 04:00
                                   , 2016-04-05 08:00
                                   , 2016-04-05 12:00}'::timestamp[])
        , count(*)::int
   FROM   tbl
   WHERE  created_at < '2016-04-05 12:00'  -- exclude later rows
   GROUP  BY 1, 2
   ORDER  BY 1, 2$$
, 'SELECT generate_series(0,3)'
   ) AS t(status text, "2016-04-05 01:00" int
                     , "2016-04-05 04:00" int
                     , "2016-04-05 08:00" int
                     , "2016-04-05 12:00" int);


_ status | 2016-04-05 01:00 | 2016-04-05 04:00 | 2016-04-05 08:00 | 2016-04-05 12:00
 info   |                1 |                1 |                  |  1
 warn   |                  |                  |                1 |  1

2番目のクロス集計パラメーター('SELECT generate_series(0,3)')は、実行されたときのクエリ文字列で、すべてのターゲット列に対して1行を返します。どちらの側にもない値-生データ内にない、または2番目のパラメーターによって生成されない-はすべて単に無視されます




_SELECT status
     , COALESCE(t0, 0) AS "2016-04-05 01:00"
     , COALESCE(t1, 0) AS "2016-04-05 04:00"
     , COALESCE(t2, 0) AS "2016-04-05 08:00"
     , COALESCE(t3, 0) AS "2016-04-05 12:00"
FROM   crosstab(
 $$SELECT status
        , width_bucket(created_at, '{2016-04-05 01:00
                                   , 2016-04-05 04:00
                                   , 2016-04-05 08:00
                                   , 2016-04-05 12:00}'::timestamp[])
        , count(*)::int
   FROM   tbl
   WHERE  created_at < '2016-04-05 12:00'
   GROUP  BY 1, 2
   ORDER  BY 1, 2$$
, 'SELECT generate_series(0,3)'
   ) AS t(status text, t0 int, t1 int, t2 int, t3 int);


_ status | 2016-04-05 01:00 | 2016-04-05 04:00 | 2016-04-05 08:00 | 2016-04-05 12:00
 info   |                1 |                1 |                0 |  1
 warn   |                0 |                0 |                1 |  1


statusごとの合計を追加するには、Postgres 9.5以降で新しい _GROUPING SETS_を使用します

_SELECT status
     , COALESCE(t0, 0) AS "2016-04-05 01:00"
     , COALESCE(t1, 0) AS "2016-04-05 04:00"
     , COALESCE(t2, 0) AS "2016-04-05 08:00"
     , COALESCE(t3, 0) AS "2016-04-05 12:00"
     , COALESCE(t4, 0) AS total
FROM   crosstab(
 $$SELECT status, COALESCE(slot, -1), ct  -- special slot for totals
   FROM  (
      SELECT status
           , width_bucket(created_at, '{2016-04-05 01:00
                                      , 2016-04-05 04:00
                                      , 2016-04-05 08:00
                                      , 2016-04-05 12:00}'::timestamp[]) AS slot
           , count(*)::int AS ct
      FROM   tbl
      WHERE  created_at < '2016-04-05 12:00'
      GROUP  BY GROUPING SETS ((1, 2), 1)  -- add totals per status
      ORDER  BY 1, 2
      ) sub$$
 , 'VALUES (0), (1), (2), (3), (-1)'  -- switched to VALUES for more sophisticated series
   ) AS t(status text, t0 int, t1 int, t2 int, t3 int, t4 int);_


_...  | total
... -+-------
...  |     3
...  |     2


これは、不明確な質問ではなく、コメントでの @Véraceの要求 への返信です。


これに答えるために、私は次のことをしました。 (次の3つのスレッドが役に立った- 12 および。また、generate_seriesCROSSTABherehere を使用すると便利です)。これはする必要がありますは9.1で動作しますが、テストは行われていませんが、ドキュメントでは、9.1以降のものが使用されていないことが示されています。


ntest=# create table pv_tab(created_at timestamp, status varchar(10));


INSERT INTO pv_tab VALUES('2016-04-05 01:27:15', 'info');
INSERT INTO pv_tab VALUES('2016-04-05 03:27:15', 'info');
INSERT INTO pv_tab VALUES('2016-04-05 05:27:15', 'warn');
INSERT INTO pv_tab VALUES('2016-04-05 10:27:15', 'info');
INSERT INTO pv_tab VALUES('2016-04-05 11:27:15', 'warn');
INSERT INTO pv_tab VALUES('2016-04-05 00:27:15', 'info');
INSERT INTO pv_tab VALUES('2016-04-05 00:24:15', 'info');
INSERT INTO pv_tab VALUES('2016-04-05 00:24:13', 'warn');
INSERT INTO pv_tab VALUES('2016-04-05 00:24:13', 'warn');
INSERT INTO pv_tab VALUES('2016-04-05 01:24:13', 'warn');
INSERT INTO pv_tab VALUES('2016-04-05 01:24:13', 'info');
INSERT INTO pv_tab VALUES('2016-04-05 01:12:13', 'info');
INSERT INTO pv_tab VALUES('2016-04-05 01:12:22', 'info');
INSERT INTO pv_tab VALUES('2016-04-05 02:05:45', 'info');
INSERT INTO pv_tab VALUES('2016-04-05 02:34:45', 'warn');
INSERT INTO pv_tab VALUES('2016-04-05 10:34:45', 'warn');
INSERT INTO pv_tab VALUES('2016-04-05 10:35:45', 'warn');
INSERT INTO pv_tab VALUES('2016-04-05 10:36:45', 'warn');
INSERT INTO pv_tab VALUES('2016-04-05 10:36:45', 'info');
INSERT INTO pv_tab VALUES('2016-04-05 10:36:34', 'info');
(20 rows)


stat        slot1   slot2   slot3   slot4  slot5  slot6   Total
----        -----   -----   -----   -----  -----  -----   -----
info            6       2       0       3      0      0      11
warn            3       1       1       4      0      0       9


WITH time_slots AS

      -- Here I put the "created_at" values into "buckets" - it would
      -- not be desirable to have too many of these buckets - certainly
      -- any more than 12 would make the `SQL` and result unwieldy!

      -- I recommend that you create 2hr slots - 00:00 - 02:00, &c.
      -- This `CTE` splits the times into the various slots sample slots
      -- 1-4 - you can, of course, have more but it makes the `SQL` and 
      -- the answer more messy. Here, I;ve deliberately only used 4
      -- out of 6 in order to illustrate dealing with sparse data in 
      -- the result. (I used the OP;s initial slots - easy to change).

      WHEN created_at <  ''2016-04-05 02:00'' THEN 1
      WHEN created_at >= ''2016-04-05 02:00'' AND created_at < ''2016-04-05 04:00'' THEN 2
      WHEN created_at >= ''2016-04-05 04:00'' AND created_at < ''2016-04-05 08:00'' THEN 3
      WHEN created_at >= ''2016-04-05 08:00'' AND created_at < ''2016-04-05 12:00'' THEN 4
    END AS time_slot,
    COUNT(status) AS stat_count
  FROM pv_tab
  GROUP BY status, time_slot
  ORDER BY status, time_slot
statuae AS
  -- Get all statuses. Hardly necessary when there are only two, but
  -- could be an issue later if more values are required ("unknown"..  &c.).
  SELECT DISTINCT(status) AS stati
  FROM pv_tab
all_slots (slots) AS
  -- This `CTE` is necessary to perform a cross-join between statuses 
  -- and slots. This is because the `CROSSTAB` table function doesn;t 
  -- appear to play well with `NULL`s - see my question to Erwin
  -- Brandstetter in comments.
  SELECT generate_series(1, 6) -- six (should be) 2 hour slots. In any case, it is arbitrary!
stat_slots AS
  -- Here the statuses slots are cross-joined - i.e. all slots with all statuses.
  SELECT statuae.stati, all_slots.slots
  FROM statuae, all_slots
individual_stati AS
  -- `Left-join` the complete status/slot table with the actual slots in
  -- the sample table. NULL counts are `COALESCE`ed into 0 - necessary, otherwise
  -- `NULL`s "back up" the result and leaves blanks in the right-most 
  -- columns - and the totals appear in what should be slots. 
  SELECT ss.stati AS status, ss.slots AS time_slot, COALESCE(ts.stat_count, 0) AS counts
  FROM stat_slots ss
  LEFT JOIN time_slots ts
  ON ss.stati = ts.status AND ss.slots = ts.time_slot
  ORDER BY 1, 2
total_stati AS
  -- This is just pure showing off :-). I;m using this `CTE` to add
  -- a totals field to the query. Not asked for by the OP - can be
  -- ripped out! I got the idea for this from the 3rd link (top of post).
  SELECT status, 7 AS time_slot, count(status) AS counts -- 7 - an exta slot for totals
  FROM pv_tab
  GROUP BY status
-- Final query bringing it all together - Nice, simple and elegant. :-)
SELECT status, time_slot, counts FROM individual_stati
SELECT status, time_slot, counts FROM total_stati
) AS My_Tab("stat" varchar(10), "slot1" bigint, "slot2" bigint, "slot3" bigint, "slot4" bigint, "slot5" bigint, "slot6" bigint, "Total" bigint);