2015-03-06 01:57:56: pid 2760: LOG: Setting up socket for
2015-03-06 01:57:56: pid 2760: LOG: Setting up socket for :::9999
2015-03-06 01:57:56: pid 2760: LOG: pgpool-II successfully started. version 3.4.
0 (tataraboshi)
2015-03-06 01:57:56: pid 2760: LOG: find_primary_node: checking backend no 0
2015-03-06 01:57:56: pid 2760: LOG: find_primary_node: primary node id is 0
2015-03-06 01:58:02: pid 2792: ERROR: unable to read message length
2015-03-06 01:58:02: pid 2792: DETAIL: message length (8) in slot 1 does not mat
ch with slot 0(12)
2015-03-06 01:55:07: pid 2680: LOG: find_primary_node: primary node id is 0
2015-03-06 01:55:42: pid 2712: DEBUG: I am 2712 accept fd 6
2015-03-06 01:55:42: pid 2712: DEBUG: reading startup packet
2015-03-06 01:55:42: pid 2712: DETAIL: Protocol Major: 1234 Minor: 5679 database
: user:
2015-03-06 01:55:42: pid 2712: DEBUG: selecting backend connection
2015-03-06 01:55:42: pid 2712: DETAIL: SSLRequest from client
2015-03-06 01:55:42: pid 2712: DEBUG: reading startup packet
2015-03-06 01:55:42: pid 2712: DETAIL: application_name: psql
2015-03-06 01:55:42: pid 2712: DEBUG: reading startup packet
2015-03-06 01:55:42: pid 2712: DETAIL: Protocol Major: 3 Minor: 0 database: post
gres user: enterprisedb
2015-03-06 01:55:42: pid 2712: DEBUG: creating new connection to backend
2015-03-06 01:55:42: pid 2712: DETAIL: connecting 0 backend
2015-03-06 01:55:42: pid 2712: DEBUG: creating new connection to backend
2015-03-06 01:55:42: pid 2712: DETAIL: connecting 1 backend
2015-03-06 01:55:42: pid 2712: DEBUG: reading message length
2015-03-06 01:55:42: pid 2712: DETAIL: slot: 0 length: 12
2015-03-06 01:55:42: pid 2712: DEBUG: reading message length
2015-03-06 01:55:42: pid 2712: DETAIL: slot: 1 length: 8
2015-03-06 01:55:42: pid 2712: ERROR: unable to read message length
2015-03-06 01:55:42: pid 2712: DETAIL: message length (8) in slot 1 does not mat
ch with slot 0(12)
[enterprisedb@testing_ppas93]$ psql -h localhost -p 9999 -d postgres
psql: server closed the connection unexpectedly
This probably means the server terminated abnormally
before or while processing the request
Pgpool IIを使用して、2つのサーバー(Googleクラウドのマスター、ローカルのスレーブ、centos x64、データベース:Postgres Plus Advanced Server 9.3)間のフェイルオーバーイベントを制御します。データベースをポート9999で接続しようとすると(例:psql -h localhost -p 9999 -d postgres
上記のエラーについて、pgpoolとスレーブサーバー間の接続のため、スレーブのpg_hba.conf for pgpool Hostfromを変更するとmd5を信頼する、それは正常に動作します。