Azure ARM vms(クラシックではありません)とNICに現在関連付けられているIPアドレスのリストを取得するためにPowershellを作成しようとしています。
$nic = (((Get-AzureRmVM).NetworkProfile).NetworkInterfaces).Id
ForEach ($i in $nic) {
$nicname = $i.substring($i.LastIndexOf("/")+1)
Get-AzureRmNetworkInterface -Name $nicname -ResourceGroupName RGTEST | Get-AzureRmNetworkInterfaceIpConfig | select-object PrivateIpAddress,PrivateIpAllocationMethod
Get-AzureRmNetworkInterfaceは、NIC NameとResourceGroupNameで渡された場合にのみ機能するようですが、VM)からRGnameを取得できないようです。渡されます。
このコードを使用して、すべてのARM VM、それらのプライベートIPアドレス、および割り当て方法を取得します。これは、リソースグループ間で機能します。
$vms = get-azurermvm
$nics = get-azurermnetworkinterface | where VirtualMachine -NE $null #skip Nics with no VM
foreach($nic in $nics)
$vm = $vms | where-object -Property Id -EQ $
$prv = $nic.IpConfigurations | select-object -ExpandProperty PrivateIpAddress
$alloc = $nic.IpConfigurations | select-object -ExpandProperty PrivateIpAllocationMethod
Write-Output "$($vm.Name) : $prv , $alloc"
$rg = Get-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name "MyResourceGroup01"
$vm = Get-AzureRmVM -ResourceGroupName $rg.ResourceGroupName -Name "MyVM01"
$nic = Get-AzureRmNetworkInterface -ResourceGroupName $rg.ResourceGroupName -Name $(Split-Path -Leaf $VM.NetworkProfile.NetworkInterfaces[0].Id)
$nic | Get-AzureRmNetworkInterfaceIpConfig | Select-Object Name,PrivateIpAddress,@{'label'='PublicIpAddress';Expression={Set-Variable -name pip -scope Global -value $(Split-Path -leaf $_.PublicIpAddress.Id);$pip}}
(Get-AzureRmPublicIpAddress -ResourceGroupName $rg.ResourceGroupName -Name $pip).IpAddress
Name PrivateIpAddress PublicIpAddress
---- ---------------- ---------------
ipconfig1 MyVM01-pip
これは、関連するVMプライベート/パブリックIPアドレス情報をさまざまなタスクに使用するために使用するスクリプトです。Widows10Parallelsを備えたMACを使用しているため、MACOSまたはWindowsOSから実行されます。 VM互換性のために実行しています。必要に応じて使用してください。
#Login to Azure from PowerShell
#Below works in MAC/Linux PowerShell 6.0.1+ and Windows WMF 4.0+
#pwsh on MAC OS or powershell_ise.exe on Windows
#Connect-AzureRmAccount (Login-AzureRMAcount and Add-AzureRMAccount are the older Azure cmdlets)
# Goto URL and the password it provides example Q9KZ3HGN2
# You may need to select-azurermsubscription -subscriptionid $SubscriptionID #Define $SubscriptionID = 'replace everything with your actual subscription xxx-xxxx-xxx'
#Example location using the . way of running a script or just cut and paste to PowerShell
#Example location using the . way of running a script
#MAC PWSH syntax
#. ~/Documents/Scripts/AzureRM/PS_AzureRM_Get_VMs.ps1
#Windows PowerShell.exe/PowerShell_ISE.exe syntax
#. $env:userprofile\Scripts\AzureRM\PS_AzureRM_Get_VMs.ps1
#Get Date Time
$Date = ([DateTime]::Now).ToString("yyyyMMdd")
$Time = ([DateTime]::Now).ToString("HHmmss")
#Change to Windows Path if running in Windows $env:USERPROFILE
If ($($env:USERPROFILE)) {
} Else {
# Make Directory if not exist
New-Item -ErrorAction Ignore -ItemType directory -Path $fldrPath
#Make Imports Folder
New-Item -ErrorAction Ignore -ItemType directory -Path $fldrPathimports
#Make Exports Folder Directory
New-Item -ErrorAction Ignore -ItemType directory -Path $fldrPathexports
#Assign the variable to the export file Prefix
#Create a Table to use for filtering the results
$VMInfo = New-Object System.Data.DataTable
#Now Add some columns for use later
$VMInfo.Columns.Add((New-Object System.Data.DataColumn 'ResourceGroup',([String])))
$VMInfo.Columns.Add((New-Object System.Data.DataColumn 'VM',([String])))
$VMInfo.Columns.Add((New-Object System.Data.DataColumn 'Location',([String])))
$VMInfo.Columns.Add((New-Object System.Data.DataColumn 'VM_ID',([String])))
$VMInfo.Columns.Add((New-Object System.Data.DataColumn 'VM_NIC',([String])))
$VMInfo.Columns.Add((New-Object System.Data.DataColumn 'IP',([String])))
$VMInfo.Columns.Add((New-Object System.Data.DataColumn 'Public_IP_Name',([String])))
$VMInfo.Columns.Add((New-Object System.Data.DataColumn 'Public_IP',([String])))
$VMInfo.Columns.Add((New-Object System.Data.DataColumn 'IP_MAC',([String])))
$VMInfo.Columns.Add((New-Object System.Data.DataColumn 'Priv_Dyn',([String])))
$VMInfo.Columns.Add((New-Object System.Data.DataColumn 'Status',([String])))
$VMInfo.Columns.Add((New-Object System.Data.DataColumn 'Date_Time',([String])))
$VMInfo_Array_Count=($VMInfo | Measure-Object | Select Count).Count
#List the Array to show it='s empty
Write-Host "Created Array VMInfo with $VMInfo_Array_Count objects"
$Date_Time=([DateTime]::Now).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd")+" "+([DateTime]::Now).ToString("HH:mm:ss")
#Check the OS type
If ($($ENV:OS)) {$OSTYPE="WINDOWS";Write-Host "The OS is"$OSTYPE" Based"} Else {$OSTYPE="LINUX";Write-Host "The OS is"$OSTYPE" Based"}
#Get the VM's
$VMs = Get-AzureRmVM
$VMstatus = Get-AzureRmVM -Status
#Get the NIC and their properties for matching against the VMs
$NICs = get-azurermnetworkinterface | where VirtualMachine -NE $null #skip NICs with no VM
#Get the Public IPs for matching against the VMs
#Public IPs work only if the naming convention starts with the VM Name used in Azure
$PublicIPs=Get-AzureRmPublicIpAddress | Select-Object Name,ResourceGroupName,IpAddress
#Now Loop through the NICs in Azure and match against the VMs and the Public IPs
ForEach ($nic in $NICs)
#Get the VM Info
$VM = $VMs | where-object -Property Id -EQ $
$VM_Name = $($
$VM_Location = $($VM.Location)
$VM_Resourcegroup = $($VM.ResourceGroupName)
$VM_ID = $($VM.VMid)
$VM_NIC = $nic.Name -Join ';'
$VM_Status = (($VMstatus | Where {$_.ResourceGroupName -eq $VM_Resourcegroup -and $_.Name -eq $VM_Name}).PowerState).Replace('VM ', '')
$VM_IP = ($nic.IpConfigurations | select-object -ExpandProperty PrivateIpAddress) -Join ';'
$VMPIPName = ($nic.IpConfigurations.PublicIpAddress.Id -Split '/')[-1]
$VM_PublicIP = ($PublicIPs | Where-Object {$_.ResourcegroupName -eq $VM_Resourcegroup -and $_.Name -like "$VMPIPName"} | Select IpAddress).IpAddress
$VM_IP_MAC = (($nic | Select MacAddress).MacAddress) -Join ';'
$VM_Alloc = $nic.IpConfigurations | select-object -ExpandProperty PrivateIpAllocationMethod
#Uncomment this to check the values before going into the Array $VMINFO
#Write-Output "$($VM.ResourceGroupName), $($VM.Name), $($VM.VMid), $($VM.Location), $VM_IP, $VM_PublicIP, $VM_IP_MAC, $VM_Alloc"
#Now populate the $VMInfo array
$row = $VMInfo.NewRow()
$TotalTime=(NEW-TIMESPAN –Start $DateStart –End $(GET-DATE))
Write-Host "Script Ran in $($TotalTime.Hours) hours and $($TotalTime.Minutes) minutes and $($TotalTime.Seconds) seconds"
#Export the Info
Write-Host "Exporting VMINFO Report to `n`t$($VMInfo_Export)"
$VMInfo | Export-CSV -NoTypeInformation -Path $VMInfo_Export
#Depending on OS run the Open/Start command for the CSV Export
If ($OSTYPE -eq "LINUX") {open $VMInfo_Export} `
ElseIf ($OSTYPE -eq "WINDOWS") {start $VMInfo_Export} `
Else {Write-Host "Unknown OS"}
##### ###### #####
####### ###### #####
## Extra Tasks to Filter the Exports
##### ###### #####
####### ###### #####
#Get the Array Size
$VMInfo_Array_Count=($VMInfo | Measure-Object | Select Count).Count
#ECHO the Array size
Write-Host "`n`n***** *****"
Write-Host "Array VMInfo has $VMInfo_Array_Count objects"
Write-Host "***** *****"
#Shows Configured Resource Group Names
$VMInfo_ResourceGroupNames=($vminfo | Select ResourceGroup -Unique).ResourceGroup
#ECHO Configured Resource Group Names
Write-Host "`n`n***** *****"
Write-Host "***** List of Groups*****"
Write-Host "***** *****"
#Get DC's from resource Group Name
$VMInfo_GetDCs=$vminfo | where {$_.ResourceGroup -eq $VM_Environment -and $_.VM -like "*dc*"}
#ECHO DC's from resource Group Name
Write-Host "`n`n***** *****"
Write-Host "***** List of DC's"
Write-Host "***** *****"
#Get Public IP VMs
$VMInfo_PublicIPs=$vminfo | Where {$_.Public_IP -like "*.*"}
#ECHO Public IP VMs
Write-Host "`n`n***** *****"
Write-Host "***** *****"
Write-Host "***** List of Public IP VMs"
Write-Host "***** *****"