私はpythonに比較的慣れておらず、numpyとscipyの使い方を学ぼうとしています。LASデータ[x、y、z、強度、分類]で構成されるnumpy配列を持っています。IポイントのcKDTreeを作成し、 query_ball_point を使用して最も近いネイバーを見つけました。query_ball_pointによって返されるネイバーのz値の標準偏差を見つけたいと思います。これは、ポイントとそのインデックスのリストを返します。隣人。
# Import modules
from liblas import file
import numpy as np
import scipy.spatial
if __name__=="__main__":
'''Read LAS file and create an array to hold X, Y, Z values'''
# Get file
las_file = r"E:\Testing\kd-tree_testing\LE_K20_clipped.las"
# Read file
f = file.File(las_file, mode='r')
# Get number of points from header
num_points = int(f.__len__())
# Create empty numpy array
PointsXYZIC = np.empty(shape=(num_points, 5))
# Load all LAS points into numpy array
counter = 0
for p in f:
newrow = [p.x, p.y, p.z, p.intensity, p.classification]
PointsXYZIC[counter] = newrow
counter += 1
'''Filter array to include classes 1 and 2'''
# the values to filter against
unclassified = 1
ground = 2
# Create an array of booleans
filter_array = np.any([PointsXYZIC[:, 4] == 1, PointsXYZIC[:, 4] == 2], axis=0)
# Use the booleans to index the original array
filtered_rows = PointsXYZIC[filter_array]
'''Create a KD tree structure and segment the point cloud'''
tree = scipy.spatial.cKDTree(filtered_rows, leafsize=10)
'''For each point in the point cloud use the KD tree to identify nearest neighbors,
with a K radius'''
k = 5 #meters
for pntIndex in range(len(filtered_rows)):
neighbor_list = tree.query_ball_point(filtered_rows[pntIndex], k)
zList = []
for neighbor in neighbor_list:
neighbor_z = filtered_rows[neighbor, 2]
filter_indices = [1,3,5]
print numpy.array([11,13,155,22,0xff,32,56,88])[filter_indices]
import numpy as np
filter_indices = [1, 2]
axis = 0
array = np.array([[1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
[10, 20, 30, 40, 50],
[100, 200, 300, 400, 500]])
print(np.take(array, filter_indices, axis))
# [[ 10 20 30 40 50]
# [100 200 300 400 500]]
axis = 1
print(np.take(array, filter_indices, axis))
# [[ 2 3]
# [ 20 30]
# [200 300]]
すべてのインデックスに1次元配列を指定することで、多次元配列に拡張できます。したがって、2次元配列の場合はfilter_indices=np.array([[1,0],[0,1]]) array=np.array([[0,1],[1,2]]) print(array[filter_indices[:,0],filter_indices[:,1])