例えば。 B4は、7つのノードとそれらを接続する6つのエッジによって定義されるブロックです。ここでのほとんどの例と同様に、他のブロックは4つのノードとそれらを接続する4つのエッジによって定義されます。また、B1のneighbourhoodにはB2(およびその逆)一方、B2にはB3。
OSMからストリートデータを取得するために osmnx を使用しています。
import osmnx as ox
import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
G = ox.graph_from_address('Nørrebrogade 20, Copenhagen Municipality',
def plot_cliques(graph, number_of_nodes, degree):
ug = ox.save_load.get_undirected(graph)
cliques = nx.find_cliques(ug)
cliques_nodes = [clq for clq in cliques if len(clq) >= number_of_nodes]
print("{} cliques with more than {} nodes.".format(len(cliques_nodes), number_of_nodes))
nodes = set(n for clq in cliques_nodes for n in clq)
h = ug.subgraph(nodes)
deg = nx.degree(h)
nodes_degree = [n for n in nodes if deg[n] >= degree]
k = h.subgraph(nodes_degree)
nx.draw(k, node_size=5)
これは Hashemi Emadのアイデア の実装です。開始位置がきつい円で反時計回りに進む方法が存在するように選択されている限り、うまく機能します。一部のエッジ、特にマップの外側では、これは不可能です。良い開始位置を選択する方法、またはソリューションをフィルターする方法はわかりませんが、おそらく他の誰かが持っています。
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8
Find house blocks in osmnx graphs.
import numpy as np
import networkx as nx
import osmnx as ox
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt; plt.ion()
from matplotlib.path import Path
from matplotlib.patches import PathPatch
ox.config(log_console=True, use_cache=True)
def k_core(G, k):
H = nx.Graph(G, as_view=True)
core_nodes = nx.k_core(H, k)
H = H.subgraph(core_nodes)
return G.subgraph(core_nodes)
def get_vector(G, n1, n2):
dx = np.diff([G.nodes.data()[n]['x'] for n in (n1, n2)])
dy = np.diff([G.nodes.data()[n]['y'] for n in (n1, n2)])
return np.array([dx, dy])
def angle_between(v1, v2):
# https://stackoverflow.com/a/31735642/2912349
ang1 = np.arctan2(*v1[::-1])
ang2 = np.arctan2(*v2[::-1])
return (ang1 - ang2) % (2 * np.pi)
def step_counterclockwise(G, Edge, path):
start, stop = Edge
v1 = get_vector(G, stop, start)
neighbors = set(G.neighbors(stop))
candidates = list(set(neighbors) - set([start]))
if not candidates:
raise Exception("Ran into a dead end!")
angles = np.zeros_like(candidates, dtype=float)
for ii, neighbor in enumerate(candidates):
v2 = get_vector(G, stop, neighbor)
angles[ii] = angle_between(v1, v2)
next_node = candidates[np.argmin(angles)]
if next_node in path:
# next_node might not be the same as the first node in path;
# therefor, we backtrack until we end back at next_node
closed_path = [next_node]
for node in path[::-1]:
if node == next_node:
return closed_path[::-1] # reverse to have counterclockwise path
return step_counterclockwise(G, (stop, next_node), path)
def get_city_block_patch(G, boundary_nodes, *args, **kwargs):
xy = []
for node in boundary_nodes:
x = G.nodes.data()[node]['x']
y = G.nodes.data()[node]['y']
xy.append((x, y))
path = Path(xy, closed=True)
return PathPatch(path, *args, **kwargs)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# load data
# # DO CACHE RESULTS -- otherwise you can get banned for repeatedly querying the same address
# G = ox.graph_from_address('Nørrebrogade 20, Copenhagen Municipality',
# network_type='all', distance=500)
# G_projected = ox.project_graph(G)
# ox.save_graphml(G_projected, filename='network.graphml')
G = ox.load_graphml('network.graphml')
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Prune nodes and edges that should/can not be part of a cycle;
# this also reduces the chance of running into a dead end when stepping counterclockwise
H = k_core(G, 2)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# pick an Edge and step counterclockwise until you complete a circle
# random Edge
total_edges = len(H.edges)
idx = np.random.choice(total_edges)
start, stop, _ = list(H.edges)[idx]
# good Edge
# start, stop = 1204573687, 4555480822
# bad Edge
# start, stop = 1286684278, 5818325197
steps = step_counterclockwise(H, (start, stop), [start, stop])
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# plot
patch = get_city_block_patch(G, steps, facecolor='red', edgecolor='red', zorder=-1)
node_size = [100 if node in steps else 20 for node in G.nodes]
node_color = ['crimson' if node in steps else 'black' for node in G.nodes]
fig1, ax1 = ox.plot_graph(G, node_size=node_size, node_color=node_color, Edge_color='k', Edge_linewidth=1)