dd= [[foo 0.567 0.611]
[bar 0.469 0.479]
[noo 0.220 0.269]
[tar 0.480 0.508]
[boo 0.324 0.324]]
配列をfooを選択してループし、シングルトンとして0.567 0.611をフロートとして取得するにはどうすればよいでしょうか。次に、バーを選択し、シングルトンとして浮動小数点数として0.469 0.479を取得します.....
dv= dd[:,1]
[[0.567 foo2 0.611]
[0.469 bar2 0.479]
[0.220 noo2 0.269]
[0.480 tar2 0.508]
[0.324 boo2 0.324]]
M[row_index,1:] # selects all but 1st col from row given by 'row_index'
M[row_index,[0,2]] # selects 1st & 3rd cols from row given by 'row_index'
質問の小さな複雑さは、row_indexに文字列を使用することだけです。そのため、文字列を削除して(フロートの2D NumPy配列を作成できるようにする)、数値の行インデックスで置き換える必要があります。次にルックアップテーブルを作成して、文字列を数値行インデックスでマップします。
>>> import numpy as NP
>>> # create a look-up table so you can remove the strings from your python nested list,
>>> # which will allow you to represent your data as a 2D NumPy array with dtype=float
>>> keys
['foo', 'bar', 'noo', 'tar', 'boo']
>>> values # 1D index array comprised of one float value for each unique string in 'keys'
array([0., 1., 2., 3., 4.])
>>> LuT = dict(Zip(keys, values))
>>> # add an index to data by inserting 'values' array as first column of the data matrix
>>> A = NP.hstack((vals, A))
>>> A
NP.array([ [ 0., .567, .611],
[ 1., .469, .479],
[ 2., .22, .269],
[ 3., .48, .508],
[ 4., .324, .324] ])
>>> # so now to look up an item, by 'key':
>>> # write a small function to perform the look-ups:
>>> def select_row(key):
return A[LuT[key],1:]
>>> select_row('foo')
array([ 0.567, 0.611])
>>> select_row('noo')
array([ 0.22 , 0.269])
>>> # e.g., move index to column 1 (as in your Q)
>>> A = NP.roll(A, 1, axis=1)
>>> A
array([[ 0.611, 1. , 0.567],
[ 0.479, 2. , 0.469],
[ 0.269, 3. , 0.22 ],
[ 0.508, 4. , 0.48 ],
[ 0.324, 5. , 0.324]])
>>> # the original function is changed slightly, to select non-adjacent columns:
>>> def select_row2(key):
return A[LuT[key],[0,2]]
>>> select_row2('foo')
array([ 0.611, 0.567])
dv = dd[:,0]
dc = {}
ind = 0 # this corresponds to the column with the names
for row in dd:
dc[row[ind]] = row[1:]