私はpython IDL関数で再実装しようとしています:
_>>> a=np.arange(24).reshape((4,6))
>>> a
array([[ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
[ 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11],
[12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17],
[18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23]])
_>>> b = rebin(a, (2, 3))
>>> b
array([[ 3.5, 5.5, 7.5],
[ 15.5, 17.5, 19.5]])
つまり、b[0,0] = np.mean(a[:2,:2]), b[0,1] = np.mean(a[:2,2:4])
リンクした回答 (わかりやすくするため)に基づく例を次に示します。
>>> import numpy as np
>>> a = np.arange(24).reshape((4,6))
>>> a
array([[ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
[ 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11],
[12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17],
[18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23]])
>>> a.reshape((2,a.shape[0]//2,3,-1)).mean(axis=3).mean(1)
array([[ 3.5, 5.5, 7.5],
[ 15.5, 17.5, 19.5]])
def rebin(a, shape):
sh = shape[0],a.shape[0]//shape[0],shape[1],a.shape[1]//shape[1]
return a.reshape(sh).mean(-1).mean(1)
def bin_ndarray(ndarray, new_shape, operation='sum'):
Bins an ndarray in all axes based on the target shape, by summing or
Number of output dimensions must match number of input dimensions and
new axes must divide old ones.
>>> m = np.arange(0,100,1).reshape((10,10))
>>> n = bin_ndarray(m, new_shape=(5,5), operation='sum')
>>> print(n)
[[ 22 30 38 46 54]
[102 110 118 126 134]
[182 190 198 206 214]
[262 270 278 286 294]
[342 350 358 366 374]]
operation = operation.lower()
if not operation in ['sum', 'mean']:
raise ValueError("Operation not supported.")
if ndarray.ndim != len(new_shape):
raise ValueError("Shape mismatch: {} -> {}".format(ndarray.shape,
compression_pairs = [(d, c//d) for d,c in Zip(new_shape,
flattened = [l for p in compression_pairs for l in p]
ndarray = ndarray.reshape(flattened)
for i in range(len(new_shape)):
op = getattr(ndarray, operation)
ndarray = op(-1*(i+1))
return ndarray
_def get_row_compressor(old_dimension, new_dimension):
dim_compressor = np.zeros((new_dimension, old_dimension))
bin_size = float(old_dimension) / new_dimension
next_bin_break = bin_size
which_row = 0
which_column = 0
while which_row < dim_compressor.shape[0] and which_column < dim_compressor.shape[1]:
if round(next_bin_break - which_column, 10) >= 1:
dim_compressor[which_row, which_column] = 1
which_column += 1
Elif next_bin_break == which_column:
which_row += 1
next_bin_break += bin_size
partial_credit = next_bin_break - which_column
dim_compressor[which_row, which_column] = partial_credit
which_row += 1
dim_compressor[which_row, which_column] = 1 - partial_credit
which_column += 1
next_bin_break += bin_size
dim_compressor /= bin_size
return dim_compressor
def get_column_compressor(old_dimension, new_dimension):
return get_row_compressor(old_dimension, new_dimension).transpose()
...たとえば、get_row_compressor(5, 3)
_[[ 0.6 0.4 0. 0. 0. ]
[ 0. 0.2 0.6 0.2 0. ]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0.4 0.6]]
そしてget_column_compressor(3, 2)
_[[ 0.66666667 0. ]
[ 0.33333333 0.33333333]
[ 0. 0.66666667]]
_def compress_and_average(array, new_shape):
# Note: new shape should be smaller in both dimensions than old shape
return np.mat(get_row_compressor(array.shape[0], new_shape[0])) * \
np.mat(array) * \
np.mat(get_column_compressor(array.shape[1], new_shape[1]))
_compress_and_average(np.array([[50, 7, 2, 0, 1],
[0, 0, 2, 8, 4],
[4, 1, 1, 0, 0]]), (2, 3))
_[[ 21.86666667 2.66666667 2.26666667]
[ 1.86666667 1.46666667 1.86666667]]
私はラスターをダウンスケールしようとしていました-およそ6000 x 2000サイズのラスターを取り、それを以前のビンサイズ全体で適切に値を平均化した任意のサイズの小さなラスターに変換しました。 SciPyを使用するソリューションを見つけましたが、使用している共有ホスティングサービスにSciPyをインストールできなかったため、代わりにこの関数を作成しました。行と列をループすることを含まない、これを行うより良い方法があると思われますが、これはうまくいくようです。
def resize_array(a, new_rows, new_cols):
This function takes an 2D numpy array a and produces a smaller array
of size new_rows, new_cols. new_rows and new_cols must be less than
or equal to the number of rows and columns in a.
rows = len(a)
cols = len(a[0])
yscale = float(rows) / new_rows
xscale = float(cols) / new_cols
# first average across the cols to shorten rows
new_a = np.zeros((rows, new_cols))
for j in range(new_cols):
# get the indices of the original array we are going to average across
the_x_range = (j*xscale, (j+1)*xscale)
firstx = int(the_x_range[0])
lastx = int(the_x_range[1])
# figure out the portion of the first and last index that overlap
# with the new index, and thus the portion of those cells that
# we need to include in our average
x0_scale = 1 - (the_x_range[0]-int(the_x_range[0]))
xEnd_scale = (the_x_range[1]-int(the_x_range[1]))
# scale_line is a 1d array that corresponds to the portion of each old
# index in the_x_range that should be included in the new average
scale_line = np.ones((lastx-firstx+1))
scale_line[0] = x0_scale
scale_line[-1] = xEnd_scale
# Make sure you don't screw up and include an index that is too large
# for the array. This isn't great, as there could be some floating
# point errors that mess up this comparison.
if scale_line[-1] == 0:
scale_line = scale_line[:-1]
lastx = lastx - 1
# Now it's linear algebra time. Take the dot product of a slice of
# the original array and the scale_line
new_a[:,j] = np.dot(a[:,firstx:lastx+1], scale_line)/scale_line.sum()
# Then average across the rows to shorten the cols. Same method as above.
# It is probably possible to simplify this code, as this is more or less
# the same procedure as the block of code above, but transposed.
# Here I'm reusing the variable a. Sorry if that's confusing.
a = np.zeros((new_rows, new_cols))
for i in range(new_rows):
the_y_range = (i*yscale, (i+1)*yscale)
firsty = int(the_y_range[0])
lasty = int(the_y_range[1])
y0_scale = 1 - (the_y_range[0]-int(the_y_range[0]))
yEnd_scale = (the_y_range[1]-int(the_y_range[1]))
scale_line = np.ones((lasty-firsty+1))
scale_line[0] = y0_scale
scale_line[-1] = yEnd_scale
if scale_line[-1] == 0:
scale_line = scale_line[:-1]
lasty = lasty - 1
a[i:,] = np.dot(scale_line, new_a[firsty:lasty+1,])/scale_line.sum()
return a