Pylintは、関数 "deletdcmfiles()"を呼び出している最後の行で文句を言います。 「最後の改行がありません」。私はpythonを初めて使用しましたが、これを引き起こしている原因がわかりませんか?
This program will go through all Work subdirectorys in "D:\\Archvies" folder
and delete all DCM files older then three months.
import os.path
import glob
import time
#Create a list of Work directorys in Archive folder
WORKDIR = glob.glob("D:\\Archives\\ASP*\\Work*")
#Variable holds three months of time in seconds
THREEMONTHSOLD = (time.time()) - (90 * 86400)
def deletdcmfiles():
This function will go through all Work subdirectorys in "D:\\Archvies" folder
and delete all DCM files older then three months.
#Variable to keep counter of deleted files
deleted_files = 0
#Loop through each Work subdirectory and delete all .DCM files older then 3 months
for mydir in enumerate(WORKDIR):
#Store all directory files in a list
dcmfiles = glob.glob(mydir[1] + "\\" + "*.dcm")
#Compare Modified Date of each DCM file and delete if older then 3 Months
for file in enumerate(dcmfiles):
if os.path.getmtime(file[1]) < THREEMONTHSOLD:
print("Deleted " + file[1] + " " + time.ctime(os.path.getmtime(file[1])))
deleted_files += 1
print("Total Files Deleted :" + str(deleted_files))
#Run program
ファイルの最後に空の新しい行が必要です。追加するだけ ENTER 最後の行の終わりで大丈夫です。