B = 54.4786674627
L = 17.0470721369
n = [(54.5, 17.041667, 31.993), (54.5, 17.083333, 31.911), (54.458333, 17.041667, 31.945), (54.458333, 17.083333, 31.866)]
z01 z11
z00 z10
import math
z00 = n[0][2]
z01 = n[1][2]
z10 = n[2][2]
z11 = n[3][2]
c = 0.016667 #grid spacing
x0 = 56 #latitude of Origin of grid
y0 = 13 #longitude of Origin of grid
i = math.floor((L-y0)/c)
j = math.floor((B-x0)/c)
t = (B - x0)/c - j
z0 = (1-t)*z00 + t*z10
z1 = (1-t)*z01 + t*z11
s = (L-y0)/c - i
z = (1-s)*z0 + s*z1
z01 z0 z11
z00 z1 z10
これは、再利用可能な関数です。 doctestsとデータ検証が含まれています。
def bilinear_interpolation(x, y, points):
'''Interpolate (x,y) from values associated with four points.
The four points are a list of four triplets: (x, y, value).
The four points can be in any order. They should form a rectangle.
>>> bilinear_interpolation(12, 5.5,
... [(10, 4, 100),
... (20, 4, 200),
... (10, 6, 150),
... (20, 6, 300)])
# See formula at:
points = sorted(points) # order points by x, then by y
(x1, y1, q11), (_x1, y2, q12), (x2, _y1, q21), (_x2, _y2, q22) = points
if x1 != _x1 or x2 != _x2 or y1 != _y1 or y2 != _y2:
raise ValueError('points do not form a rectangle')
if not x1 <= x <= x2 or not y1 <= y <= y2:
raise ValueError('(x, y) not within the rectangle')
return (q11 * (x2 - x) * (y2 - y) +
q21 * (x - x1) * (y2 - y) +
q12 * (x2 - x) * (y - y1) +
q22 * (x - x1) * (y - y1)
) / ((x2 - x1) * (y2 - y1) + 0.0)
if __name__ == '__main__':
import doctest
>>> n = [(54.5, 17.041667, 31.993),
(54.5, 17.083333, 31.911),
(54.458333, 17.041667, 31.945),
(54.458333, 17.083333, 31.866),
>>> bilinear_interpolation(54.4786674627, 17.0470721369, n)
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from scipy.interpolate import griddata
>>> n = np.array([(54.5, 17.041667, 31.993),
(54.5, 17.083333, 31.911),
(54.458333, 17.041667, 31.945),
(54.458333, 17.083333, 31.866)])
>>> griddata(n[:,0:2], n[:,2], [(54.4786674627, 17.0470721369)], method='linear')
array([ 31.95817681])
here からヒントを得て、次のスニペットを思いつきました。 APIは同じテーブルを何度も再利用できるように最適化されています。
from bisect import bisect_left
class BilinearInterpolation(object):
""" Bilinear interpolation. """
def __init__(self, x_index, y_index, values):
self.x_index = x_index
self.y_index = y_index
self.values = values
def __call__(self, x, y):
# local lookups
x_index, y_index, values = self.x_index, self.y_index, self.values
i = bisect_left(x_index, x) - 1
j = bisect_left(y_index, y) - 1
x1, x2 = x_index[i:i + 2]
y1, y2 = y_index[j:j + 2]
z11, z12 = values[j][i:i + 2]
z21, z22 = values[j + 1][i:i + 2]
return (z11 * (x2 - x) * (y2 - y) +
z21 * (x - x1) * (y2 - y) +
z12 * (x2 - x) * (y - y1) +
z22 * (x - x1) * (y - y1)) / ((x2 - x1) * (y2 - y1))
table = BilinearInterpolation(
x_index=(54.458333, 54.5),
y_index=(17.041667, 17.083333),
values=((31.945, 31.866), (31.993, 31.911))
print(table(54.4786674627, 17.0470721369))
# 31.957986883136307
このバージョンにはエラーチェックがなく、インデックスの境界(またはそれ以降)で使用しようとすると問題が発生します。エラーチェックとオプションの外挿を含むコードの完全版については、 ここ を参照してください。
matplotlibのinterp関数 も参照できます。
z00 = n[0][2]
z01 = n[1][2]
z10 = n[2][2]
z11 = n[3][2]
# Let's assume L is your x-coordinate and B is the Y-coordinate
dx = n[2][0] - n[0][0] # The x-gap between your sample points
dy = n[1][1] - n[0][1] # The Y-gap between your sample points
dx1 = (L - n[0][0]) / dx # How close is your point to the left?
dx2 = 1 - dx1 # How close is your point to the right?
dy1 = (B - n[0][1]) / dy # How close is your point to the bottom?
dy2 = 1 - dy1 # How close is your point to the top?
left = (z00 * dy1) + (z01 * dy2) # First interpolate along the y-axis
right = (z10 * dy1) + (z11 * dy2)
z = (left * dx1) + (right * dx2) # Then along the x-axis
def bilinear_interpolation(x, y, z01, z11, z00, z10):
def linear_interpolation(x, z0, z1):
return z0 * x + z1 * (1 - x)
return linear_interpolation(y, linear_interpolation(x, z01, z11),
linear_interpolation(x, z00, z10))