from datetime import date
def calculate_age(born):
today = date.today()
return today.year - born.year - ((today.month, today.day) < (born.month, born.day))
from datetime import date
def calculate_age(born):
today = date.today()
birthday = born.replace(year=today.year)
except ValueError: # raised when birth date is February 29 and the current year is not a leap year
birthday = born.replace(year=today.year, month=born.month+1, day=1)
if birthday > today:
return today.year - born.year - 1
return today.year - born.year
更新:Danny's solution を使用してください。
from datetime import date
days_in_year = 365.2425
age = int((date.today() - birth_date).days / days_in_year)
Python 3では、datetime.timedelta
from datetime import date, timedelta
age = (date.today() - birth_date) // timedelta(days=365.2425)
@ [Tomasz Zielinski]と@Williamsで示唆されているように、 python-dateutil は5行だけでできます。
from dateutil.relativedelta import *
from datetime import date
today = date.today()
dob = date(1982, 7, 5)
age = relativedelta(today, dob)
>>relativedelta(years=+33, months=+11, days=+16)`
import datetime
import dateutil
def birthday(date):
# Get the current date
now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
now = now.date()
# Get the difference between the current date and the birthday
age = dateutil.relativedelta.relativedelta(now, date)
age = age.years
return age
from datetime import date
def age(birth_date):
today = date.today()
y = today.year - birth_date.year
if today.month < birth_date.month or today.month == birth_date.month and today.day < birth_date.day:
y -= 1
return y
from datetime import date
birth_date = date(1980, 5, 26)
years = date.today().year - birth_date.year
if (datetime.now() - birth_date.replace(year=datetime.now().year)).days >= 0:
age = years
age = years - 1
from datetime import date
birth_date = date(1980, 5, 26)
today = date.today()
years = today.year - birth_date.year
if all((x >= y) for x,y in Zip(today.timetuple(), birth_date.timetuple()):
age = years
age = years - 1
このシナリオの古典的な落とし穴は、2月29日に生まれた人々とどう関係するかです。例:投票、車の運転、アルコールの購入などのために18歳である必要があります... 2004-02-29に生まれた場合、そのようなことを行うことが許可されている最初の日は2022-02です-28、または2022-03-01? AFAICT、大部分は最初ですが、いくつかの大喜びは後者を言うかもしれません。
def age_in_years(from_date, to_date, leap_day_anniversary_Feb28=True):
age = to_date.year - from_date.year
anniversary = from_date.replace(year=to_date.year)
except ValueError:
assert from_date.day == 29 and from_date.month == 2
if leap_day_anniversary_Feb28:
anniversary = datetime.date(to_date.year, 2, 28)
anniversary = datetime.date(to_date.year, 3, 1)
if to_date < anniversary:
age -= 1
return age
if __== "__main__":
import datetime
tests = """
2004 2 28 2010 2 27 5 1
2004 2 28 2010 2 28 6 1
2004 2 28 2010 3 1 6 1
2004 2 29 2010 2 27 5 1
2004 2 29 2010 2 28 6 1
2004 2 29 2010 3 1 6 1
2004 2 29 2012 2 27 7 1
2004 2 29 2012 2 28 7 1
2004 2 29 2012 2 29 8 1
2004 2 29 2012 3 1 8 1
2004 2 28 2010 2 27 5 0
2004 2 28 2010 2 28 6 0
2004 2 28 2010 3 1 6 0
2004 2 29 2010 2 27 5 0
2004 2 29 2010 2 28 5 0
2004 2 29 2010 3 1 6 0
2004 2 29 2012 2 27 7 0
2004 2 29 2012 2 28 7 0
2004 2 29 2012 2 29 8 0
2004 2 29 2012 3 1 8 0
for line in tests.splitlines():
nums = [int(x) for x in line.split()]
if not nums:
datea = datetime.date(*nums[0:3])
dateb = datetime.date(*nums[3:6])
expected, anniv = nums[6:8]
age = age_in_years(datea, dateb, anniv)
print datea, dateb, anniv, age, expected, age == expected
2004-02-28 2010-02-27 1 5 5 True
2004-02-28 2010-02-28 1 6 6 True
2004-02-28 2010-03-01 1 6 6 True
2004-02-29 2010-02-27 1 5 5 True
2004-02-29 2010-02-28 1 6 6 True
2004-02-29 2010-03-01 1 6 6 True
2004-02-29 2012-02-27 1 7 7 True
2004-02-29 2012-02-28 1 7 7 True
2004-02-29 2012-02-29 1 8 8 True
2004-02-29 2012-03-01 1 8 8 True
2004-02-28 2010-02-27 0 5 5 True
2004-02-28 2010-02-28 0 6 6 True
2004-02-28 2010-03-01 0 6 6 True
2004-02-29 2010-02-27 0 5 5 True
2004-02-29 2010-02-28 0 5 5 True
2004-02-29 2010-03-01 0 6 6 True
2004-02-29 2012-02-27 0 7 7 True
2004-02-29 2012-02-28 0 7 7 True
2004-02-29 2012-02-29 0 8 8 True
2004-02-29 2012-03-01 0 8 8 True
{{ birth_date|timesince }}
Danny's Solution を拡張しますが、若い人たちの年齢を報告するあらゆる種類の方法を使用します(注、今日はdatetime.date(2015,7,17)
def calculate_age(born):
Converts a date of birth (dob) datetime object to years, always rounding down.
When the age is 80 years or more, just report that the age is 80 years or more.
When the age is less than 12 years, rounds down to the nearest half year.
When the age is less than 2 years, reports age in months, rounded down.
When the age is less than 6 months, reports the age in weeks, rounded down.
When the age is less than 2 weeks, reports the age in days.
today = datetime.date.today()
age_in_years = today.year - born.year - ((today.month, today.day) < (born.month, born.day))
months = (today.month - born.month - (today.day < born.day)) %12
age = today - born
age_in_days = age.days
if age_in_years >= 80:
return 80, 'years or older'
if age_in_years >= 12:
return age_in_years, 'years'
Elif age_in_years >= 2:
half = 'and a half ' if months > 6 else ''
return age_in_years, '%syears'%half
Elif months >= 6:
return months, 'months'
Elif age_in_days >= 14:
return age_in_days/7, 'weeks'
return age_in_days, 'days'
print '%d %s' %calculate_age(datetime.date(1933,6,12)) # >=80 years
print '%d %s' %calculate_age(datetime.date(1963,6,12)) # >=12 years
print '%d %s' %calculate_age(datetime.date(2010,6,19)) # >=2 years
print '%d %s' %calculate_age(datetime.date(2010,11,19)) # >=2 years with half
print '%d %s' %calculate_age(datetime.date(2014,11,19)) # >=6 months
print '%d %s' %calculate_age(datetime.date(2015,6,4)) # >=2 weeks
print '%d %s' %calculate_age(datetime.date(2015,7,11)) # days old
80 years or older
52 years
5 years
4 and a half years
7 months
6 weeks
7 days
または、彼が2012-12-17T00:00:00で生まれた場合、2013-01-12T00:00での彼の年齢: 00は26日になります
または、彼が2000-02-29T00:00:00で生まれた場合、2012-02-29T00:00での彼の年齢: 00は12年になります
def get_person_age(date_birth, date_today):
At top level there are three possibilities : Age can be in days or months or years.
For age to be in years there are two cases: Year difference is one or Year difference is more than 1
For age to be in months there are two cases: Year difference is 0 or 1
For age to be in days there are 4 possibilities: Year difference is 1(20-dec-2012 - 2-jan-2013),
Year difference is 0, Months difference is 0 or 1
years_diff = date_today.year - date_birth.year
months_diff = date_today.month - date_birth.month
days_diff = date_today.day - date_birth.day
age_in_days = (date_today - date_birth).days
age = years_diff
age_string = str(age) + " years"
# age can be in months or days.
if years_diff == 0:
if months_diff == 0:
age = age_in_days
age_string = str(age) + " days"
Elif months_diff == 1:
if days_diff < 0:
age = age_in_days
age_string = str(age) + " days"
age = months_diff
age_string = str(age) + " months"
if days_diff < 0:
age = months_diff - 1
age = months_diff
age_string = str(age) + " months"
# age can be in years, months or days.
Elif years_diff == 1:
if months_diff < 0:
age = months_diff + 12
age_string = str(age) + " months"
if age == 1:
if days_diff < 0:
age = age_in_days
age_string = str(age) + " days"
Elif days_diff < 0:
age = age-1
age_string = str(age) + " months"
Elif months_diff == 0:
if days_diff < 0:
age = 11
age_string = str(age) + " months"
age = 1
age_string = str(age) + " years"
age = 1
age_string = str(age) + " years"
# The age is guaranteed to be in years.
if months_diff < 0:
age = years_diff - 1
Elif months_diff == 0:
if days_diff < 0:
age = years_diff - 1
age = years_diff
age = years_diff
age_string = str(age) + " years"
if age == 1:
age_string = age_string.replace("years", "year").replace("months", "month").replace("days", "day")
return age_string
def get_todays_date():
This function returns todays date in proper date object format
return datetime.now()
def get_date_format(str_date):
This function converts string into date type object
str_date = str_date.split("T")[0]
return datetime.strptime(str_date, "%Y-%m-%d")
Danny W. Adair Answer に拡張して、月を取得する
def calculate_age(b):
t = date.today()
c = ((t.month, t.day) < (b.month, b.day))
c2 = (t.day< b.day)
return t.year - b.year - c,c*12+t.month-b.month-c2
def age_in_years(from_date, to_date=datetime.date.today()):
if (DEBUG):
logger.debug("def age_in_years(from_date='%s', to_date='%s')" % (from_date, to_date))
if (from_date>to_date): # swap when the lower bound is not the lower bound
logger.debug('Swapping dates ...')
tmp = from_date
from_date = to_date
to_date = tmp
age_delta = to_date.year - from_date.year
month_delta = to_date.month - from_date.month
day_delta = to_date.day - from_date.day
if (DEBUG):
logger.debug("Delta's are : %i / %i / %i " % (age_delta, month_delta, day_delta))
if (month_delta>0 or (month_delta==0 and day_delta>=0)):
return age_delta
return (age_delta-1)
少し変更 ダニーの解 読みやすく理解しやすい
from datetime import date
def calculate_age(birth_date):
today = date.today()
age = today.year - birth_date.year
full_year_passed = (today.month, today.day) < (birth_date.month, birth_date.day)
if not full_year_passed:
age -= 1
return age
def age(date_of_birth):
if date_of_birth > datetime.date.today().replace(year = date_of_birth.year):
return datetime.date.today().year - date_of_birth.year - 1
return datetime.date.today().year - date_of_birth.year
import datetime
# your model
def age(self):
if self.birthdate > datetime.date.today().replace(year = self.birthdate.year):
return datetime.date.today().year - self.birthdate.year - 1
return datetime.date.today().year - self.birthdate.year
import datetime
age_years=int((td-bd).days /365.25)