from sklearn import metrics
fpr, tpr, thresholds = metrics.roc_curve(Y_test,p)
知っている metrics.roc_auc_score
答えるのは遅くなりましたが、考えが役立つかもしれません。 Rでepi
パッケージを使用してこれを行うことができます (here!) 、しかし、Pythonで同様のパッケージまたは例を見つけることができませんでした。
最適なカットオフポイントは、true positive rate
はhighおよびfalse positive rate
import pandas as pd
import statsmodels.api as sm
import pylab as pl
import numpy as np
from sklearn.metrics import roc_curve, auc
# read the data in
df = pd.read_csv("http://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/data/binary.csv")
# rename the 'rank' column because there is also a DataFrame method called 'rank'
df.columns = ["admit", "gre", "gpa", "prestige"]
# dummify rank
dummy_ranks = pd.get_dummies(df['prestige'], prefix='prestige')
# create a clean data frame for the regression
cols_to_keep = ['admit', 'gre', 'gpa']
data = df[cols_to_keep].join(dummy_ranks.ix[:, 'prestige_2':])
# manually add the intercept
data['intercept'] = 1.0
train_cols = data.columns[1:]
# fit the model
result = sm.Logit(data['admit'], data[train_cols]).fit()
print result.summary()
# Add prediction to dataframe
data['pred'] = result.predict(data[train_cols])
fpr, tpr, thresholds =roc_curve(data['admit'], data['pred'])
roc_auc = auc(fpr, tpr)
print("Area under the ROC curve : %f" % roc_auc)
# The optimal cut off would be where tpr is high and fpr is low
# tpr - (1-fpr) is zero or near to zero is the optimal cut off point
i = np.arange(len(tpr)) # index for df
roc = pd.DataFrame({'fpr' : pd.Series(fpr, index=i),'tpr' : pd.Series(tpr, index = i), '1-fpr' : pd.Series(1-fpr, index = i), 'tf' : pd.Series(tpr - (1-fpr), index = i), 'thresholds' : pd.Series(thresholds, index = i)})
# Plot tpr vs 1-fpr
fig, ax = pl.subplots()
pl.plot(roc['1-fpr'], color = 'red')
pl.xlabel('1-False Positive Rate')
pl.ylabel('True Positive Rate')
pl.title('Receiver operating characteristic')
最適なカットオフポイントは0.317628であるため、これより上には1または0のラベルを付けることができます。 1-fpr)は、現在の例ではゼロに最も近いです。
1-fpr fpr tf thresholds tpr
171 0.637363 0.362637 0.000433 0.317628 0.637795
def Find_Optimal_Cutoff(target, predicted):
""" Find the optimal probability cutoff point for a classification model related to event rate
target : Matrix with dependent or target data, where rows are observations
predicted : Matrix with predicted data, where rows are observations
list type, with optimal cutoff value
fpr, tpr, threshold = roc_curve(target, predicted)
i = np.arange(len(tpr))
roc = pd.DataFrame({'tf' : pd.Series(tpr-(1-fpr), index=i), 'threshold' : pd.Series(threshold, index=i)})
roc_t = roc.ix[(roc.tf-0).abs().argsort()[:1]]
return list(roc_t['threshold'])
# Add prediction probability to dataframe
data['pred_proba'] = result.predict(data[train_cols])
# Find optimal probability threshold
threshold = Find_Optimal_Cutoff(data['admit'], data['pred_proba'])
print threshold
# [0.31762762459360921]
# Find prediction to the dataframe applying threshold
data['pred'] = data['pred_proba'].map(lambda x: 1 if x > threshold else 0)
# Print confusion Matrix
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix
confusion_matrix(data['admit'], data['pred'])
# array([[175, 98],
# [ 46, 81]])
optimal_idx = np.argmax(tpr - fpr)
optimal_threshold = thresholds[optimal_idx]
バニラPython YoudenのJスコアの実装
def cutoff_youdens_j(fpr,tpr,thresholds):
j_scores = tpr-fpr
j_ordered = sorted(Zip(j_scores,thresholds))
return j_ordered[-1][1]
optimize_idx = np.argmax(tpr-fpr)optimize_threshold = thresholds [optimal_idx]
ほぼ正しいです。 abs値を取得する必要があります。
optimal_idx = np.argmin(np.abs(tpr - fpr)) // Edit: Change to argmin!
optimal_threshold = thresholds[optimal_idx]
言及された参考文献によると-> http://www.medicalbiostatistics.com/roccurve.pdf p.6別の可能性が見つかりました:
opt_idx = np.argmin(np.sqrt(np.square(1-tpr)+ np.square(fpr)))