//Returns an array containing two Observables
//One whose elements pass the filter, and another whose elements don't
var items = observableSource.partition((x) => x % 2 == 0);
var evens = items[0];
var odds = items[1];
//Only even numbers
//Only odd numbers
//Uses a key selector and equality comparer to generate an Observable of GroupedObservables
observableSource.groupBy((value) => value % 2, (value) => value)
.subscribe(groupedObservable => {
groupedObservable.subscribe(groupedObservable.key ? oddObserver : evenObserver);
//Propagates one of the sources based on a particular condition
//!!Only one Observable will be subscribed to!!
Rx.Observable.if(() => value > 5, Rx.Observable.just(5), Rx.Observable.from([1,2, 3]))
case (RxJS 4でのみ利用可能)
//Similar to `if` but it takes an object and only propagates based on key matching
//It takes an optional argument if none of the items match
//!!Only one Observable will be subscribed to!!
Rx.Observable.case(() => "blah",
blah : //..Observable,
foo : //..Another Observable,
bar : //..Yet another
}, Rx.Observable.throw("Should have matched!"))