Multipart/formまたはtransfer-encodingチャンクファイルのアップロードを受信できるspring mvcメソッドを記述しようとしています。各タイプを処理する個別のメソッドを作成できますが、同じREST POST uri suchとして:
@RequestMapping(value = { "/testupload" }, method = RequestMethod.POST, produces =
public @ResponseBody
ResponseEntity<MessageResponseModel> testUpload(
@RequestParam(value = "filedata", required = false) MultipartFile filedata,
final HttpServletRequest request) throws IOException {
InputStream is = null;
if (filedata == null) {
is = request.getInputStream();
else {
is = filedata.getInputStream();
byte[] bytes = IOUtils.toByteArray(is);
System.out.println("read " + bytes.length + " bytes.");
return new ResponseEntity<MessageResponseModel>(null, null, HttpStatus.OK);
org.springframework.web.multipart.MultipartException: \
The current request is not a multipart request
@RequestMapping(value = { "/testupload" }, method = RequestMethod.POST, produces =
public @ResponseBody
ResponseEntity<MessageResponseModel> testUpload(
final HttpServletRequest request) throws IOException {
InputStream is = null;
is = request.getInputStream();
byte[] bytes = IOUtils.toByteArray(is);
System.out.println("read " + bytes.length + " bytes.");
return new ResponseEntity<MessageResponseModel>(null, null, HttpStatus.OK);
@RequestMapping(value = { "/testupload" }, method = RequestMethod.POST, produces =
public @ResponseBody
ResponseEntity<MessageResponseModel> testUpload(
@RequestParam MultipartFile filedata) throws IOException {
InputStream is = null;
is = filedata.getInputStream();
byte[] bytes = IOUtils.toByteArray(is);
System.out.println("read " + bytes.length + " bytes.");
return new ResponseEntity<MessageResponseModel>(null, null, HttpStatus.OK);
私のコードからの抜粋(Spring 3.2、AngularJSによるblueimpファイルのアップロード):
* Handles chunked file upload, when file exceeds defined chunked size.
* This method is also called by modern browsers and IE >= 10
@RequestMapping(value = "/content-files/upload/", method = RequestMethod.POST, headers = "content-type!=multipart/form-data")
public UploadedFile uploadChunked(
final HttpServletRequest request,
final HttpServletResponse response) {
request.getHeader("content-range");//Content-Range:bytes 737280-819199/845769
request.getHeader("content-length"); //845769
request.getHeader("content-disposition"); // Content-Disposition:attachment; filename="Screenshot%20from%202012-12-19%2017:28:01.png"
request.getInputStream(); //actual content.
//Regex for content range: Pattern.compile("bytes ([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)");
//Regex for filename: Pattern.compile("(?<=filename=\").*?(?=\")");
//return whatever you want to json
return new UploadedFile();
* Default Multipart file upload. This method should be invoked only by those that do not
* support chunked upload.
* If browser supports chunked upload, and file is smaller than chunk, it will invoke
* uploadChunked() method instead.
* This is instead a fallback method for IE <=9
@RequestMapping(value = "/content-files/upload/", method = RequestMethod.POST, headers = "content-type=multipart/form-data")
public HttpEntity<UploadedFile> uploadMultipart(
final HttpServletRequest request,
final HttpServletResponse response,
@RequestParam("file") final MultipartFile multiPart) {
//handle regular MultipartFile
// IE <=9 offers to save file, if it is returned as json, so set content type to plain.
HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
return new HttpEntity<>(new UploadedFile(), headers);
これで開始できます。 IE8、IE9、IE10、Chrome、FFで行われた最小限のテスト。もちろん問題があるかもしれませんし、おそらくコンテンツ範囲を抽出する簡単な方法があるかもしれませんが、私にとってはうまくいきます。
package com.faisalbhagat.web.controller;
@RequestMapping(value = { "" })
public class UploadController {
@RequestMapping(value = "/uploadMyFile", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String handleFileUpload(MultipartHttpServletRequest request)
throws Exception {
Iterator<String> itrator = request.getFileNames();
MultipartFile multiFile = request.getFile(;
try {
// just to show that we have actually received the file
System.out.println("File Length:" + multiFile.getBytes().length);
System.out.println("File Type:" + multiFile.getContentType());
String fileName=multiFile.getOriginalFilename();
System.out.println("File Name:" +fileName);
String path=request.getServletContext().getRealPath("/");
//making directories for our required path.
byte[] bytes = multiFile.getBytes();
File directory= new File(path+ "/uploads");
// saving the file
File file=new File(directory.getAbsolutePath()+System.getProperty("file.separator")+picture.getName());
BufferedOutputStream stream = new BufferedOutputStream(
new FileOutputStream(file));
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
throw new Exception("Error while loading the file");
return toJson("File Uploaded successfully.")
public String toJson(Object data)
ObjectMapper mapper=new ObjectMapper();
StringBuilder builder=new StringBuilder();
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
return builder.toString();
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