



@@ versionは次を返します:

Microsoft SQL Server 2012(SP3)(KB3072779)-11.0.6020.0(X64)2015年10月20日15:36:27 Copyright(c)Microsoft Corporation Enterprise Edition:Core-based Licensing(64-bit)on Windows NT 6.1(Build 7601 :サービスパック1)


Error: 701, Severity: 17, State: 54.
There is insufficient system memory in resource pool 'default' to run this query.
Error: 701, Severity: 17, State: 123.
There is insufficient system memory in resource pool 'dm' to run this query.
Error: 701, Severity: 17, State: 89.
There is insufficient system memory in resource pool 'default' to run this query.
Error: 701, Severity: 17, State: 123.
There is insufficient system memory in resource pool 'default' to run this query.
Error: 701, Severity: 17, State: 123.
There is insufficient system memory in resource pool 'default' to run this query.
Error: 701, Severity: 17, State: 123.
There is insufficient system memory in resource pool 'dm' to run this query.
Error: 701, Severity: 17, State: 123.


Buffer Pool                                   Value
---------------------------------------- ----------
Database                                    8489253
Simulated                                   1367796
Target                                      9508783
Dirty                                        868368
In IO                                          1744
Latched                                        6720
Page Life Expectancy                             12

Procedure Cache                               Value
---------------------------------------- ----------
TotalProcs                                      435
TotalPages                                    22156
InUsePages                                     9414

Global Memory Objects                         Pages
---------------------------------------- ----------
Resource                                       5696
Locks                                        497346
XDES                                           3161
DirtyPageTracking                                32
SETLS                                            32
SubpDesc Allocators                              68
SE SchemaManager                               2481
SE Column Metadata Cache                       6414
SE Column Metadata Cache Store                    6
SQLCache                                        442
Replication                                       2
ServerGlobal                                     72
XP Global                                         2
SortTables                                        3

Query Memory Objects (internal)               Value
---------------------------------------- ----------
Grants                                            0
Waiting                                           0
Available                                    492067
Current Max                                  492067
Future Max                                   492067
Physical Max                               16549102
Next Request                                      0
Waiting For                                       0
Cost                                              0
Timeout                                           0
Wait Time                                         0

Small Query Memory Objects (internal)         Value
---------------------------------------- ----------
Grants                                            0
Waiting                                           0
Available                                     25898
Current Max                                   25898
Future Max                                    25898

Remote Query Memory Objects (internal)        Value
---------------------------------------- ----------
Grants                                            0
Waiting                                           0
Available                                   8274551
Current Max                                 8274551

Query Memory Objects (default)                Value
---------------------------------------- ----------
Grants                                           22
Waiting                                           2
Available                                         0
Current Max                                14706463
Future Max                                 13657740
Physical Max                               15954870
Next Request                                    482
Waiting For                                     723
Cost                                              6
Timeout                                         157
Wait Time                                       484

Small Query Memory Objects (default)          Value
---------------------------------------- ----------
Grants                                            3
Waiting                                           0
Available                                    122428
Current Max                                  122880
Future Max                                   122880

Remote Query Memory Objects (default)         Value
---------------------------------------- ----------
Grants                                            0
Waiting                                           0
Available                                   7977435
Current Max                                 7977435

Query Memory Objects (fm)           Value
---------------------------------------- ----------
Grants                                            0
Waiting                                           0
Available                                     49206
Current Max                                   49206
Future Max                                    49206
Physical Max                                1654911
Next Request                                      0
Waiting For                                       0
Cost                                              0
Timeout                                           0
Wait Time                                         0

Small Query Memory Objects (fm)      Value
---------------------------------------- ----------
Grants                                            0
Waiting                                           0
Available                                      2589
Current Max                                    2589
Future Max                                     2589

Remote Query Memory Objects (fm)      Value
---------------------------------------- ----------
Grants                                            0
Waiting                                           0
Available                                    827455
Current Max                                  827455

Query Memory Objects (dm)        Value
---------------------------------------- ----------
Grants                                            0
Waiting                                           0
Available                                    477304
Current Max                                  477304
Future Max                                   477304
Physical Max                               16052629
Next Request                                      0
Waiting For                                       0
Cost                                              0
Timeout                                           0
Wait Time                                         0

Small Query Memory Objects (dm)      Value
---------------------------------------- ----------
Grants                                            0
Waiting                                           0
Available                                     25121
Current Max                                   25121
Future Max                                    25121

Remote Query Memory Objects (dm)      Value
---------------------------------------- ----------
Grants                                            0
Waiting                                           0
Available                                   8026314
Current Max                                 8026314

Query Memory Objects (J)                  Value
---------------------------------------- ----------
Grants                                            0
Waiting                                           0
Available                                    477304
Current Max                                  477304
Future Max                                   477304
Physical Max                               16052629
Next Request                                      0
Waiting For                                       0
Cost                                              0
Timeout                                           0
Wait Time                                         0

Small Query Memory Objects (J)            Value
---------------------------------------- ----------
Grants                                            0
Waiting                                           0
Available                                     25121
Current Max                                   25121
Future Max                                    25121

Remote Query Memory Objects (J)           Value
---------------------------------------- ----------
Grants                                            0
Waiting                                           0
Available                                   8026314
Current Max                                 8026314

Query Memory Objects (c)             Value
---------------------------------------- ----------
Grants                                            2
Waiting                                           0
Available                                         0
Current Max                                  303105
Future Max                                   269810
Physical Max                                1643300
Next Request                                      0
Waiting For                                       0
Cost                                              0
Timeout                                           0
Wait Time                                         0

Small Query Memory Objects (c)       Value
---------------------------------------- ----------
Grants                                            0
Waiting                                           0
Available                                     14200
Current Max                                   14200
Future Max                                    14200

Remote Query Memory Objects (c)      Value
---------------------------------------- ----------
Grants                                            0
Waiting                                           0
Available                                    821650
Current Max                                  821650

Query Memory Objects (d8)                   Value
---------------------------------------- ----------
Grants                                            0
Waiting                                           0
Available                                    472388
Current Max                                  472388
Future Max                                   472388
Physical Max                               15887138
Next Request                                      0
Waiting For                                       0
Cost                                              0
Timeout                                           0
Wait Time                                         0

Small Query Memory Objects (d8)             Value
---------------------------------------- ----------
Grants                                            0
Waiting                                           0
Available                                     24862
Current Max                                   24862
Future Max                                    24862

Remote Query Memory Objects (d8)            Value
---------------------------------------- ----------
Grants                                            0
Waiting                                           0
Available                                   7943569
Current Max                                 7943569

Query Memory Objects (d4)                   Value
---------------------------------------- ----------
Grants                                            0
Waiting                                           0
Available                                    472388
Current Max                                  472388
Future Max                                   472388
Physical Max                               15887138
Next Request                                      0
Waiting For                                       0
Cost                                              0
Timeout                                           0
Wait Time                                         0

Small Query Memory Objects (d4)             Value
---------------------------------------- ----------
Grants                                            0
Waiting                                           0
Available                                     24862
Current Max                                   24862
Future Max                                    24862

Remote Query Memory Objects (d4)            Value
---------------------------------------- ----------
Grants                                            0
Waiting                                           0
Available                                   7943569
Current Max                                 7943569

Query Memory Objects (b)                Value
---------------------------------------- ----------
Grants                                            0
Waiting                                           0
Available                                     49206
Current Max                                   49206
Future Max                                    49206
Physical Max                                1654911
Next Request                                      0
Waiting For                                       0
Cost                                              0
Timeout                                           0
Wait Time                                         0

Small Query Memory Objects (b)          Value
---------------------------------------- ----------
Grants                                            0
Waiting                                           0
Available                                      2589
Current Max                                    2589
Future Max                                     2589

Remote Query Memory Objects (b)         Value
---------------------------------------- ----------
Grants                                            0
Waiting                                           0
Available                                    827455
Current Max                                  827455

Optimization Queue (internal)                 Value
---------------------------------------- ----------
Overall Memory                           144834560000
Target Memory                            4526080000
Last Notification                                 0
Timeout                                           6
Early Termination Factor                          5

Small Gateway (internal)                      Value
---------------------------------------- ----------
Configured Units                                128
Available Units                                 128
Acquires                                          0
Waiters                                           0
Threshold Factor                             380000
Threshold                                    380000

Medium Gateway (internal)                     Value
---------------------------------------- ----------
Configured Units                                 32
Available Units                                  32
Acquires                                          0
Waiters                                           0
Threshold Factor                                 12
Threshold                                        -1

Big Gateway (internal)                        Value
---------------------------------------- ----------
Configured Units                                  1
Available Units                                   1
Acquires                                          0
Waiters                                           0
Threshold Factor                                  8
Threshold                                        -1

Optimization Queue (default)                  Value
---------------------------------------- ----------
Overall Memory                           140489523200
Target Memory                            4390297600
Last Notification                                 0
Timeout                                           6
Early Termination Factor                          5

Small Gateway (default)                       Value
---------------------------------------- ----------
Configured Units                                128
Available Units                                 124
Acquires                                          4
Waiters                                           0
Threshold Factor                             380000
Threshold                                    380000

Medium Gateway (default)                      Value
---------------------------------------- ----------
Configured Units                                 32
Available Units                                  32
Acquires                                          0
Waiters                                           0
Threshold Factor                                 12
Threshold                                  91464533

Big Gateway (default)                         Value
---------------------------------------- ----------
Configured Units                                  1
Available Units                                   1
Acquires                                          0
Waiters                                           0
Threshold Factor                                  8
Threshold                                        -1

Optimization Queue (fm)             Value
---------------------------------------- ----------
Overall Memory                           14483456000
Target Memory                             452608000
Last Notification                                 0
Timeout                                           6
Early Termination Factor                          5

Small Gateway (fm)                  Value
---------------------------------------- ----------
Configured Units                                128
Available Units                                 128
Acquires                                          0
Waiters                                           0
Threshold Factor                             380000
Threshold                                    380000

Medium Gateway (fm)                 Value
---------------------------------------- ----------
Configured Units                                 32
Available Units                                  32
Acquires                                          0
Waiters                                           0
Threshold Factor                                 12
Threshold                                        -1

Big Gateway (fm)                    Value
---------------------------------------- ----------
Configured Units                                  1
Available Units                                   1
Acquires                                          0
Waiters                                           0
Threshold Factor                                  8
Threshold                                        -1

Optimization Queue (dm)          Value
---------------------------------------- ----------
Overall Memory                           140489523200
Target Memory                            4390297600
Last Notification                                 0
Timeout                                           6
Early Termination Factor                          5

Small Gateway (dm)               Value
---------------------------------------- ----------
Configured Units                                128
Available Units                                 128
Acquires                                          0
Waiters                                           0
Threshold Factor                             380000
Threshold                                    380000

Medium Gateway (dm)              Value
---------------------------------------- ----------
Configured Units                                 32
Available Units                                  32
Acquires                                          0
Waiters                                           0
Threshold Factor                                 12
Threshold                                        -1

Big Gateway (dm)                 Value
---------------------------------------- ----------
Configured Units                                  1
Available Units                                   1
Acquires                                          0
Waiters                                           0
Threshold Factor                                  8
Threshold                                        -1

Optimization Queue (J)                    Value
---------------------------------------- ----------
Overall Memory                           140489523200
Target Memory                            4390297600
Last Notification                                 0
Timeout                                           6
Early Termination Factor                          5

Small Gateway (J)                         Value
---------------------------------------- ----------
Configured Units                                128
Available Units                                 128
Acquires                                          0
Waiters                                           0
Threshold Factor                             380000
Threshold                                    380000

Medium Gateway (J)                        Value
---------------------------------------- ----------
Configured Units                                 32
Available Units                                  32
Acquires                                          0
Waiters                                           0
Threshold Factor                                 12
Threshold                                        -1

文字制限のため、ここに全文: http://Pastebin.com/WCAtRBdP

James Lester



値は38Gと巨大です。 SQL Serverの操作(ソートおよびハッシュ)が大量のメモリを要求する理由


クエリの実行中に並べ替え操作とハッシュ操作に割り当てられるSQL Serverメモリ。 38 Gがソートとハッシュ操作に必要なものだと本当に思いますか。これが問題です。



REQUEST_MAX_MEMORY_GRANT_PERCENT = 100を見るだけで、これは私には非常に間違った構成のようです。 BOLドキュメント によると

REQUEST_MAX_MEMORY_GRANT_PERCENT = value単一の要求がプールから取得できるメモリの最大量を指定します。このパーセンテージは、MAX_MEMORY_PERCENTで指定されたリソースプールサイズに関連しています





select  total_request_count,blocked_task_count,max_request_grant_memory_kb,requested
 from sys.dm_resource_governor_workload_groups

SELECT mg.granted_memory_kb, mg.session_id, t.text, qp.query_plan 
FROM sys.dm_exec_query_memory_grants AS mg
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(mg.sql_handle) AS t
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_query_plan(mg.plan_handle) AS qp
USE master 

;WITH    cte
  AS ( SELECT   RP.pool_id ,
  RP.Name ,
  RP.min_memory_percent ,
  RP.max_memory_percent ,
  CAST (RP.max_memory_kb / 1024. / 1024. 
    AS NUMERIC(12, 2)) AS max_memory_gb ,
  CAST (RP.used_memory_kb / 1024. / 1024. 
    AS NUMERIC(12, 2)) AS used_memory_gb ,
  CAST (RP.target_memory_kb / 1024. / 1024. 
    AS NUMERIC(12,2)) AS target_memory_gb,
  CAST (SI.committed_target_kb / 1024. / 1024. 
    AS NUMERIC(12, 2)) AS committed_target_kb 
    FROM     sys.dm_resource_governor_resource_pools RP
    CROSS JOIN sys.dm_os_sys_info SI
SELECT  c.pool_id ,
  c.Name ,
  c.min_memory_percent ,
  c.max_memory_percent ,
  c.max_memory_gb ,
  c.used_memory_gb ,
  c.target_memory_gb ,  
  CAST(c.committed_target_kb  *
  CASE WHEN c.committed_target_kb <= 8 THEN 0.7
    WHEN c.committed_target_kb < 16 THEN 0.75
    WHEN c.committed_target_kb < 32 THEN 0.8
    WHEN c.committed_target_kb <= 96 THEN 0.85
    WHEN c.committed_target_kb > 96 THEN 0.9
  END * c.max_memory_percent /100 AS NUMERIC(12,2))
   AS [Max_for_InMemory_Objects_gb]
FROM    cte c



total_request_count  blocked_task_count max_request_grant_memory_kb
-------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------
553                  0                  18000
1633564              0                  19344744
0                    0                  0
89509                0                  23448232
2073                 0                  8032
24999                0                  4485384
861807               0                  3149248
236419               0                  32241240
293                  0                  32241240
1735195              0                  1889544



granted_memory_kb    session_id
-------------------- ----------
19344744             210

セッションID 210には19Gのメモリが付与されています。これは失敗です。このようなクエリが5〜10個実行された場合のシナリオを検討してください。


select pool_id,cache_memory_kb,used_memory_kb,out_of_memory_count,used_memgrant_kb from sys.dm_resource_governor_resource_pools 


James Lester