
TypeScriptでcompose関数を入力する(Flow $ Compose)

フローでは、$Compose関数がサポートされています( 例として再構成 を参照)。しかし、TypeScriptではそのようなメカニズムを見つけることができないようです。 TypeScriptでできる最善の方法は https://github.com/reactjs/redux/blob/master/index.d.ts#L416-L46 のようなもののようです。 Typescriptの$Composeに相当するものは何ですか?


/** Wraps recompose.compose in a type-safe way */
function composeHOCs<OProps, I1, IProps>(
  f1: InferableComponentEnhancerWithProps<I1, OProps>,
  f2: InferableComponentEnhancerWithProps<IProps, I1>,
): ComponentEnhancer<IProps, OProps>
function composeHOCs<OProps, I1, I2, IProps>(
  f1: InferableComponentEnhancerWithProps<I1, OProps>,
  f2: InferableComponentEnhancerWithProps<I2, I1>,
  f3: InferableComponentEnhancerWithProps<IProps, I2>,
): ComponentEnhancer<IProps, OProps>
function composeHOCs<OProps, I1, I2, I3, IProps>(
  f1: InferableComponentEnhancerWithProps<I1, OProps>,
  f2: InferableComponentEnhancerWithProps<I2, I1>,
  f3: InferableComponentEnhancerWithProps<I3, I2>,
  f4: InferableComponentEnhancerWithProps<IProps, I3>,
): ComponentEnhancer<IProps, OProps>
function composeHOCs(
  ...fns: Array<InferableComponentEnhancerWithProps<any, any>>
): ComponentEnhancer<any, any> {
  return compose(...fns)



_function compose(...funs) {
    return function(x) {
        for (var i = funs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            x = funs[i](x);
        return x;

悪いニュースは、この関数を直接入力できないことです。 funs配列が問題です-composeに最も一般的な型を与えるには、funstype-aligned関数のリスト-出力である必要があります各関数のは、次の入力と一致する必要があります。 TS配列は同種の型であり、funsの各要素はまったく同じ型である必要があります。そのため、TypeScriptのリスト全体で型がどのように変化するかを直接表現することはできません。 (上記のJSは、型が消去され、データが均一に表されるため、実行時に機能します。)そのため、Flowの_$Compose_は特別な組み込み型です。


_function compose<T1, T2, T3>(
    f : (x : T2) => T3,
    g : (x : T1) => T2
) : (x : T1) => T3
function compose<T1, T2, T3, T4>(
    f : (x : T3) => T4,
    g : (x : T2) => T3,
    h : (x : T1) => T2
) : (x : T1) => T4
function compose<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5>(
    f : (x : T4) => T5,
    g : (x : T3) => T4,
    h : (x : T2) => T3,
    k : (x : T1) => T2
) : (x : T1) => T5



_function compose<T, U, R>(g : (y : U) => R, f : (x : T) => U) : (x : T) => R {
    return x => f(g(x));


_compose(f, compose(g, compose(h, k)))




_f . g . h . k


_class Comp<T, U> {
    readonly apply : (x : T) => U

    constructor(apply : (x : T) => U) {
        this.apply = apply;

    // note the extra type parameter, and that the intermediate type T is not visible in the output type
    _<V>(f : (x : V) => T) : Comp<V, U> {
        return new Comp(x => this.apply(f(x)))

// example
const comp : (x : T) => R = new Comp(f)._(g)._(h)._(k).apply

それでもcompose(f, g, h, k)ほどきれいではありませんが、それほど恐ろしいものではなく、大量のオーバーロードを書き込むよりも拡張性が高くなります。




/** Helper type for single arg function */
type Func<A, B> = (a: A) => B;

 * Compose 1 to n functions.
 * @param func first function
 * @param funcs additional functions
export function compose<
  F1 extends Func<any, any>,
  FN extends Array<Func<any, any>>,
  R extends
    FN extends [] ? F1 :
    FN extends [Func<infer A, any>] ? (a: A) => ReturnType<F1> :
    FN extends [any, Func<infer A, any>] ? (a: A) => ReturnType<F1> :
    FN extends [any, any, Func<infer A, any>] ? (a: A) => ReturnType<F1> :
    FN extends [any, any, any, Func<infer A, any>] ? (a: A) => ReturnType<F1> :
    FN extends [any, any, any, any, Func<infer A, any>] ? (a: A) => ReturnType<F1> :
    Func<any, ReturnType<F1>> // Doubtful we'd ever want to pipe this many functions, but in the off chance someone does, we can still infer the return type
>(func: F1, ...funcs: FN): R {
  const allFuncs = [func, ...funcs];
  return function composed(raw: any) {
    return allFuncs.reduceRight((memo, func) => func(memo), raw);
  } as R


// compiler is able to derive that input type is a Date from last function
// and that return type is string from the first
const c: Func<Date, string> = compose(
  (a: number) => String(a),
  (a: string) => a.length,
  (a: Date) => String(a)

const result: string = c(new Date());




 * Creates a pipeline of functions.
 * @param func first function
 * @param funcs additional functions
export function pipe<
  F1 extends Func<any, any>,
  FN extends Array<Func<any, any>>,
  R extends
    FN extends [] ? F1 :
    F1 extends Func<infer A1, any> ?
      FN extends [any] ? Func<A1, ReturnType<FN[0]>> :
      FN extends [any, any] ? Func<A1, ReturnType<FN[1]>> :
      FN extends [any, any, any] ? Func<A1, ReturnType<FN[2]>> :
      FN extends [any, any, any, any] ? Func<A1, ReturnType<FN[3]>> :
      FN extends [any, any, any, any, any] ? Func<A1, ReturnType<FN[4]>> :
      Func<A1, any> // Doubtful we'd ever want to pipe this many functions, but in the off chance someone does, we can infer the arg type but not the return type
    : never
>(func: F1, ...funcs: FN): R {
  const allFuncs = [func, ...funcs];
  return function piped(raw: any) {
    return allFuncs.reduce((memo, func) => func(memo), raw);
  } as R


// compile is able to infer arg type of number based on arg type of first function and 
// return type based on return type of last function
const c: Func<number, string> = pipe(
  (a: number) => String(a),
  (a: string) => Number('1' + a),
  (a: number) => String(a)

const result: string = c(4); // yields '14'