Linux Mint 19 "Tara"(Ubuntu Bionic派生物)をインストールしましたが、Krusaderは18.2 "Sonya"(Ubuntu Xenial派生物)のように機能しません。コピー/移動のプログレスバーが表示されず、ターミナルに次のエラーメッセージが表示されます。
_$ krusader
qt5ct: using qt5ct plugin
Invalid Context= "Apps" line for icon theme: "/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/apps/16/"
Invalid Context= "Apps" line for icon theme: "/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/apps/16@2x/"
Invalid Context= "Mimetypes" line for icon theme: "/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/mimetypes/16/"
Invalid Context= "Mimetypes" line for icon theme: "/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/mimetypes/16@2x/"
Invalid Context= "Apps" line for icon theme: "/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/apps/22/"
Invalid Context= "Apps" line for icon theme: "/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/apps/22@2x/"
Invalid Context= "Apps" line for icon theme: "/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/apps/24/"
Invalid Context= "Apps" line for icon theme: "/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/apps/24@2x/"
Invalid Context= "Mimetypes" line for icon theme: "/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/mimetypes/24/"
Invalid Context= "Mimetypes" line for icon theme: "/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/mimetypes/24@2x/"
Invalid Context= "Apps" line for icon theme: "/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/apps/32/"
Invalid Context= "Apps" line for icon theme: "/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/apps/32@2x/"
Invalid Context= "Mimetypes" line for icon theme: "/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/mimetypes/32/"
Invalid Context= "Mimetypes" line for icon theme: "/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/mimetypes/32@2x/"
Invalid Context= "Apps" line for icon theme: "/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/apps/48/"
Invalid Context= "Apps" line for icon theme: "/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/apps/48@2x/"
Invalid Context= "Mimetypes" line for icon theme: "/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/mimetypes/48/"
Invalid Context= "Mimetypes" line for icon theme: "/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/mimetypes/48@2x/"
Invalid Context= "Apps" line for icon theme: "/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/apps/64/"
Invalid Context= "Apps" line for icon theme: "/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/apps/64@2x/"
Invalid Context= "Mimetypes" line for icon theme: "/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/mimetypes/64/"
Invalid Context= "Mimetypes" line for icon theme: "/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/mimetypes/64@2x/"
Invalid Context= "Apps" line for icon theme: "/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/apps/96/"
Invalid Context= "Apps" line for icon theme: "/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/apps/96@2x/"
Invalid Context= "Mimetypes" line for icon theme: "/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/mimetypes/128/"
Invalid Context= "Mimetypes" line for icon theme: "/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/mimetypes/128@2x/"
Invalid Context= "Apps" line for icon theme: "/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/apps/256/"
Invalid Context= "Apps" line for icon theme: "/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/apps/256@2x/"
Invalid Context= "Apps" line for icon theme: "/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/apps/symbolic/"
Invalid Context= "Mimetypes" line for icon theme: "/usr/share/icons/Mint-Y/mimetypes/symbolic/"
Trying to convert empty KLocalizedString to QString.
kf5.kio.core: Refilling KProtocolInfoFactory cache in the hope to find "mtp"
kf5.kio.core: Refilling KProtocolInfoFactory cache in the hope to find "mtp"
kf5.kio.core: Refilling KProtocolInfoFactory cache in the hope to find "mtp"
kf5.kio.core: Refilling KProtocolInfoFactory cache in the hope to find "mtp"
qt5ct: D-Bus system tray: no
qt5ct: D-Bus global menu: no
Couldn't start kuiserver from org.kde.kuiserver.service: QDBusError("org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown", "The name org.kde.kuiserver was not provided by any .service files") KServiceTypeTrader: serviceType "ThumbCreator" not found KServiceTypeTrader: serviceType "ThumbCreator" not found
コピーを開始すると、Couldn't start kuiserver from org.kde.kuiserver.service: QDBusError("org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown", "The name org.kde.kuiserver was not provided by any .service files")
現在インストールされているパッケージをチェックし、kde-runtime Linuxパッケージがインストールされていることを確認することをお勧めします(apt list kde-runtime)。このパッケージには、KDE kuiserverサービス(/ usr/bin/kuiserver)が含まれている必要があります。このパッケージは/ usr/bin/kuiserverファイルをインストールし、org.kde.kuiserver.service {; ^)>と呼ばれる/ usr/share/dbus-1/servicesディレクトリにサービスファイルを作成します。