sfdisk --delete $disk
Ubuntu18.04以降で動作します。 Ubuntu 16.04 LTSの同等のコマンドは何ですか?
wget https://mirrors.Edge.kernel.org/pub/linux/utils/util-linux/v2.35/util-linux-2.35.tar.gz
tar -xvf util-linux-2.35.tar.gz
cd cd util-linux-2.35
make install
/usr/local/bin/sfdisk --delete $disk
ソリューション2:use fdisk
# list disk and partitions
fdisk -l
# open the target disk with fdisk
fdisk /dev/target-disk
# then use the d command option to delete the partition you want to remove
# then use the w command option to save the changes
wipefs -a -f $disk