$this->addFieldMapping('uid', 'uid');
実際にそれができると思いますか、それともノードを移行する前、または一般的にDrupal 6からDrupal 7にアップグレードする前に、ソースを変更してコンテンツ分類法を採用する必要がありますか?
class NodesPageInnovationsMigration extends DrupalNode6Migration {
/* ==============================================================================
* -- Pour limiter l'import aux nodes créés aprés la date indiquée --
* ==============================================================================
//protected function query() {
// $query = parent::query();
// $query->condition('created', strtotime('28-03-2013'), '>');
// return $query;
// }
public function __construct(array $arguments) {
//Le nom machine de la migration de nodes associée comme dépendances
// $this->dependencies[] = 'D2D_RostandNodes_PageInnovations';
//On défini la source et la cible depuis les infos de base
$this->source = new MigrateSourceSQL($this->query(),
$this->sourceFields,NULL, $this->sourceOptions);
// We're replacing the legacy field_published, which was a text field, with a new date field
$this->addFieldMapping('field_publish_date', 'field_published');
//Préservation du NID des nodes importés
$this->addFieldMapping('field_legacy_nid', 'nid')
->description('We have a common field to save the D6 nid');
/* ==============================================================================
* -- Mappage de la taxonomie --
* Assigned terms are represented in Drupal 6 by their vid, migrate to the new term
* reference field, translating the tid from the legacy value.
* ==============================================================================
//$this->addFieldMapping('field_NomduChampCible', 'VidSource')
//La taxonomie via champs custom ou du core (D6)
// The first param is for the D7 field name.
// The second param is for the old site's vocab ID.
$this->addFieldMapping('taxonomy_vocabulary_1', '1')
// ->sourceMigration('Tags') // This is the machine name of the tags migration.
// This tells the migration to match on the term ID instead of the default, which is the term name.
->arguments(array('source_type' => 'tid'));
$this->addFieldMapping('taxonomy_vocabulary_2', '2')
// ->sourceMigration('Tags') // This is the machine name of the tags migration.
// This tells the migration to match on the term ID instead of the default, which is the term name.
->arguments(array('source_type' => 'tid'));
//$this->addFieldMapping('field_taxo_vdl', 'field_taxo_vdl'); inutile car dans D7 taxo est un champ
/* ==============================================================================
* -- Mappage des champs custom CCK --
* $this->sourceFields['NomChampSource'] = t('DescriptionChampSource');
* ==============================================================================
// $this->sourceFields['field_fichier_joint_lycee'] = t('Joindre un fichier');
// $this->sourceFields['field_lien_page_lycee'] = t('Liens utiles');
// $this->sourceFields['field_video_lycee'] = t('Ajout galerie Flickr');
$this->addFieldMapping('field_video_externe', 'field_video_externe');
$this->addFieldMapping('field_fichier_joint_innovation', 'field_fichier_joint_innovation');
$this->addFieldMapping('field_fiche_action_innovation', 'field_fiche_action_innovation');
$this->addFieldMapping('field_date_evenement', 'field_date_evenement');
//Les champs custom pour les contenus VDL
$this->addFieldMapping('field_illus_vdl', 'field_illus_vdl');
$this->addFieldMapping('field_video_vdl', 'field_video_vdl');
$this->addFieldMapping('field_galerie_image_vdl', 'field_galerie_image_vdl');
$this->addFieldMapping('field_choix_galerie_vdl', 'field_choix_galerie_vdl');
$this->addFieldMapping('field_liens_vdl', 'field_liens_vdl');
//Correspondance des utilisateurs
$this->addFieldMapping('uid', 'uid');
//$this->addFieldMapping('tnid', 'tnid'); traduction du terme
/* ==============================================================================
* -- Manipulation et mise en forme des données des champs mappés --
* ==============================================================================
public function prepareRow($row) {
// Always include this snippet, in case our parent class decides to ignore the row
if (parent::prepareRow($row) === FALSE) {
return FALSE;
//ici le code pour formatter les data
このd2d 2.1のコードでそれを達成し、2.6を移行します。
$this->addFieldMapping('taxonomy_vocabulary_1', '1');
// This tells the migration to match on the term ID instead of the default, which is the term name.
migrate d2d handbook にある移行の例をすべて確認してください。
taxonomy term migrations および node migrations に関するドキュメントがあります。
これらを migrate のドキュメントと一緒にまとめます。
また、 migrate 、 migrate extras 、および migrate d2d モジュールにはすべてサンプルモジュールが含まれており、非常に便利なサンプルコードが含まれています。具体的には、migrate_d2dのサンプルモジュールを確認してください。この例が含まれています。
// Each migration being registered takes an array of arguments, some required
// and some optional. Start with the common arguments required by all - the
// source_connection (connection key, set up in settings.php, pointing to
// the Drupal 6 database) and source_version (major version of Drupal).
$common_arguments = array(
'source_connection' => 'legacy', // This is the name of a connection in your settings.php file.
'source_version' => 6, // This is the source drupal version.
// Other migration registration here, like users & files.
// For vocabulary migrations, source_vocabulary and destination_vocabulary are
// required arguments. Note that in Drupal 6 vocabularies did not have machine
// names, so we use the vocabulary ID to uniquely identify them.
$vocabulary_arguments = array(
'description' => t('Migration of Tags terms from Drupal 6'), // Description for this migration
'machine_name' => 'Tags', // Migration machine name
'source_vocabulary' => '5', // Source vocabulary ID
'destination_vocabulary' => 'tags', // Destination vocab machine name.
'description' => t('Migration of Category terms from Drupal 6'), // Description for this migration
'machine_name' => 'Category', // Migration machine name
'source_vocabulary' => '6', // Source vocabulary ID
'destination_vocabulary' => 'category', // Destination vocab machine name.
// More migrations for other vocabs.
// We're using the migrate_d2d class directly for all of the above.
// You can put other common params here.
$common_vocabulary_arguments = $common_arguments + array(
'class_name' => 'DrupalTerm6Migration',
foreach ($vocabulary_arguments as $arguments) {
$arguments += $common_vocabulary_arguments;
// Register the migrations.
Migration::registerMigration($arguments['class_name'], $arguments['machine_name'], $arguments);
// Node migrations.
$node_arguments = array(
'class_name' => 'PageMigrationClassName', // The class name for this migration as we are extending a built in one.
'description' => t('Migration of page nodes from Drupal 6'), // Description for this migration.
'machine_name' => 'Page', // Machine name of this migration.
'source_type' => 'page', // The node type in the old site.
'destination_type' => 'page', // The node type in the new site.
// Dependencies. This means this won't run until after the Tags & Category migrations have run.
'dependencies' => array('Tags', 'Category'),
// Other nnode migrations here.
foreach ($node_arguments as $arguments) {
$arguments += $common_arguments;
// Register the migrations.
Migration::registerMigration($arguments['class_name'], $arguments['machine_name'], $arguments);
class PageMigrationClassName extends DrupalNode6Migration{
public function __construct(array $arguments) {
// Note that we map migrated terms by the vocabulary ID.
// This is for the Tags vocab.
// The first param is for the D7 field name.
// The second param is for the old site's vocab ID.
// This is how it is stored on the row, eg. $row->5
$this->addFieldMapping('field_tags', '5')
->sourceMigration('Tags') // This is the machine name of the tags migration.
// This tells the migration to match on the term ID instead of the default, which is the term name.
->arguments(array('source_type' => 'tid'));
// And for the category vocab.
$this->addFieldMapping('field_category', '6')
->arguments(array('source_type' => 'tid'));
データを新しいシステムに既に存在し、移行モジュールで移行されなかったデータにマッピングする場合は、おそらくそれを行う方法がたくさんあります。 1つの方法は APIメソッドの移行 を使用することです。
public function prepareRow($row) {
// Always include this fragment at the beginning of every prepareRow()
// implementation, so parent classes can ignore rows.
if (parent::prepareRow($row) === FALSE) {
return FALSE;
// The node's terms are in an array under their vocab ID.
if (!empty($row->{5})) {
foreach ($row->{5} as &$tid) {
// Code here to map term IDs from old to new.
// Set $tid to the corresponding new site tid.
// You could call a separate mapping function to do this if you have
// a lot of terms or complex mapping requirements or something.
return TRUE;
または、次のように、$ rowの別の場所に新しいTIDを配置できます。
$row->mapped_tids_tags = array(3, 7, 4, 8, 6);
$this->addFieldMapping('field_tags', 'mapped_tids_tags')
$this->addFieldMapping('field_tags', '5')