最新のforticlient SSL VPN(5.4)をインストールし、VPNにダイヤルすると正常に接続しますが、約1分後にVPNが切断されます。
CoId = {31DF16A3-7AC3-45CF-A5C5-07DF259A42EB}:ユーザーSYSTEMが、終了したfortisslという名前の接続にダイヤルしました。終了時に返される理由コードは829です。
私は複数のForticlientバージョン、2つの異なるラップトップ、さまざまなワイヤレスネットワークなどを試しました-この問題は過去6か月間非常に一貫しています(それ以前は問題がなく、おそらくWindows Updateの問題を示唆しています)。
Social.technet.Microsoft.com Webサイトで説明されているように:
A problem in the network between the modem and the RAS server might have caused the basic dial-up or, in the case of a broadband connection, PPPoE connection, or VPN tunnel to fail.
Check connectivity between the modem and the telephone/cable connection jack. If an external modem is being used, check the physical connectivity between the modem and the computer.
In the case of VPN connections set up over a wireless network, problems in the wireless network might have caused the connection to fail. Check the status of the wireless connection in Network Connections folder.
Some of the causes of problems in the wireless network are:
The wireless access point might have gone down due to loss of power or for other reasons.
The user's computer might be out of the operating range of the wireless network or the RF signal strength might be weak.
The RAS server might have failed or restarted and closed the connection. Check the event logs on the RAS server.
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